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  1. zero understanding. usability on the nexus goes further down the drain every few months. preaching security while simultaneously suggesting the users compromise theirs. great answer. just because tracking and javascript (which btw can go die in a fire, it's an awful language) became more standard doesn't mean it's a good thing. third party scripts are blocked, cookies are being deleted each time the browser is closed. ads are blocked via hardware firewall/filter at the router. if a website can't handle that, i'm not gonna use it.
  2. as a temporary workaround for all of you who just want to download mods without having to log in, i've thrown together a powershell script that does exactly that. i'll resort to using that until we get a more pleasant login experience. sadly only works if you have a premium account, that's a desired limitation of the nexusmods API.
  3. basically, title. I approved of the fallback captcha when it was introduced, which presented a sufficient workaround for all of us majorly incapacitated by gRecaptcha v3. Sadly, it seems this fallback solution disappeared. Please bring back the fallback captcha or make use of another provider (dunno if the latter is possible, seeing that you now make use of cloudflare, another usability nightmare). I have a static IP that seems flagged by google, which results in at least five *successful* captchas to bypass, which can in turn take up to 15 min. For the time being, let's just say I'm not going to spend another 15 mins on trying to login again any time soon. If no solution is presented, i seem forced to retire the account and acquire mods from *other sites* not requiring draconic login measures. arrr! and if anybody versed in the nexusmods api is reading - feel free to pm me a possibility of downloading mods w/o the website - i have an API key, maybe i can cobble together a CLI downloader? all that said, here's a more constructive suggestion: disable captchas for all accounts who have 2FA setup, just as the infamous, adult-themed site we don't talk about, already has done for years. hopefully not my last post on the nexus, cheers,
  4. Appreciate the response, thanks. It's quite an on-and-off thing it seems, sometimes it's fine (like, now), sometimes I can just go make a coffee and other times I'm greeted by Cloudflare's 522 error page.
  5. Good evening, just wanted to check if it's my end only or if somebody else encountered this forum here as well as images on the mod pages taking remarkably long to load for the past ... week or so? Basically since the "Files are disabled for this game" issue. Haven't encountered this on any other site on the Interwebz, my 120 Mbit connection is actually delivering a little more then I pay for and I'm on CAT6 cables, so it's not my LAN or ISP infrastructure.
  6. +1 from here, too. I'm not always logged in and autoplaying videos are the reason an ad blocker is the first thing i install along with a browser.
  7. makes me wonder - how is nexusmods related to cur§e.com? last time i saw curse was back when i downloaded ui mods for wow :sweat:and the most current expansion was wotlk
  8. This. I mean, basic phpBB and vBulletin forum software implement this - why not go that route? That said, thank you for implementing securimage as a fallback solution - worked here 2nd try.
  9. with all due respect - we don't need `a place to vent` but a solution to a usability problem
  10. yeah done my fair share of research as well - found it quite nice how researchers fooled the captcha with google's own audio recognition api. for me, the moment i press the `audio challenge` button i get instantly ip banned for a few hours. figures. what i did gather, though, that i can somehow prevent new squares from appearing when i use my mobile internet. it's inconsistent, though, so no idea whether it's a user agent check or some kind of a speed test in the background triggering this behaviour.
  11. thanks for clarification. imho that would've deserved a `news` announcement. kinda sucks to hear, though. Might I ask why you went with recaptcha v2? there are other captcha providers out there that don't take multiple minutes to solve. was it the most effective / the easiest to implement / ...? i have literally never encountered a recaptcha_v2 where a click would have sufficed. i have to loop through at least three slideshows each captcha i have encountered. having a static ip address is certainly not helping either. guess google doesn't like me. anyone got a hint how to skip those faster? i.e. a custom browser user agent string or the like? not erasing cookies after closing the browser is not a viable solution for me. EDIT: had to host a hotspot from my mobile to log in - glad my mainboard has a wifi chip. no vpn, no potentially compromised devices in my network. windows was reinstalled less than two weeks ago. being barred from access feels great /s
  12. Is this and the introduction of donation points somehow related to the captcha on login i keep seeing?
  13. Since when did this become a thing? Not only i cannot longer dl mods without logging in - which doesn't bother me too much since it's for the greater good of donation points - but a captcha on login? really? do i really have to click myself through twenty slides of store fronts only to have the algorithm tell me it's supposedly smarter than a human with a brain and am free to start again, with cars or busses this time? no, wait, try again - how you like street signs? it literally took me two minutes to login to type this comment cause recaptcha v2 sucks flaccid cock >.> what's the rationale behind the nexus implementing this? tbh, for me, having to go through this process is so repulsing that i indeed concidered not to login and not to download the mod i was after.
  14. In response to post #57249476. #57250746, #57251226, #57252851, #57253371, #57254491 are all replies on the same post. So no space wasted after all - feelsgoodman.gif
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