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Everything posted by jarmbur

  1. I simply want wild animals/enemies to scavenge on corpses. Can someone make a mod to add this behavior to the wild animals? It breaks the immersion to not see the corpses of fallen enemies being eaten and looted by other enemies. In a wilderness full of wild animals it makes no sense that a body could sit in the open for weeks and not be touched by all of the hungry animals and mutants in the area. It would be cool if the enemies even brought the corpses into their dens with them. Also if the corpses would turn into bones after they have been eaten. How cool would it be if a troll would go around and gather dead corpses to feed to it's baby trolls. This would also clean up all of the dead bodies laying around forever. PLEASE someone make this mod, it drives me crazy that it wasn't originally in the game. THANKS for looking!
  2. I simply want wild animals to scavenge on corpses. Can someone make a mod to add this behavior to the wild animals? It breaks the immersion to not see the corpses of fallen enemies being eaten and looted by other enemies. In a wilderness full of wild animals it makes no sense that a body could sit in the open for weeks and not be touched by all of the hungry animals and mutants in the area. It would be cool if the enemies even brought the corpses into their dens with them. How cool would it be if a deathclaw would go around and gather dead corpses to feed to it's baby deathclaws. Alright, maybe deathclaws aren't scavengers, so they only hunt. PLEASE someone make this mod, it drives me crazy that it wasn't originally in the game. THANKS for looking!
  3. I survived finals, now I can game again!
  4. so is this possible now the creation kit is coming out soon?
  5. I thought of this one time because I went into a room full of charus eggs and I thought it would be really cool if they all started hatching like that scene in the Alien movie.
  6. anyone know how to do something like this?
  7. bump, great idea! I wish I could do it.
  8. Does anyone else think the eggs you've collected should eventually hatch? I find it unrealistic that the spider eggs and charus eggs don't pop out little baby creepy crawlies. Maybe the bug would be nice and help you as a pet or maybe it would attack and try to eat you... depending on luck I guess. I don't know if it would be possible to script a countdown timer that eventually removes a egg from the inventory and spawns the hatched creature next to the player. I hope this wouldn't be to hard to do because I would really enjoy it and I think other people would too. Thanks!
  9. A new race. The Falconar! A bird beast race would be a nice complement to the already existing argonians and khajit. They could be formidable archers or mages because of their abilitys to jump very high and glide for short distances. They would have weakness to fire but strength against frost because of their downy feathers. Bonuses to archery, speech, and illusion/alteration would seem appropriate. Their advantage flying could be offset by a large use of stamina for the jump/glide move. I hope you like it. I've been hoping to see a bird race ever since I drew this picture years ago. Thanks for the offer to model it. I hope ur not to busy to do this one.
  10. I would endorse this mod! I had the same question in my mind, why can't I reactivate the broken dwemer robots and command them. Like the mod where you could create robots in fallout nv. Having a posse of dwemer centurions would be so sweet!
  11. thanks, I have trouble with the search engine in nexus a lot.
  12. Chillen, wish I could Mod!
  13. Could someone please do a quick mod to make it possible to equip 10 rings at once? I'd even settle for 5 rings, it's just a pain to have to constantly switch amulets and rings in different situations. Thanks!!
  14. The game should have some songbirds and robins flying around, ducks, maybe geese
  15. Skyrim's weather is harsh and dangerous, yet wandering around naked for hours leaves the character no worse for the weather. Coupled with the fact that characters are able to swim in icy water, and run on ice without slipping is absolutely game breaking immersion-wise. Easy things to add: Hypothermia disease (Caused by swimming in ice water, or being in cold for too long, and frostbite venom) Slippery Ice (The friction could be adjusted so you will slip and slide on the ice, with a chance of falling) Thin Ice (Walking on Ice would have a chance of breaking and falling through into the water below) Being cold (If a character is cold, lock picking would be much more difficult, movement would also be slower) Being wet should influence magic's effect on you. (EX: Being wet would give character +50% fire resistance, -25% frost & shock resistance. Characters would have to wait a few hours but risk hypothermia or sit by a fire, casting fire cloak, being attacked with fire magic, or changing clothes) Wandering around in Skyrim's wilderness & Tundra should do 2-3 frost damage per second unless the character is protected with warm clothing or armor/ or magic protection It would make players think twice about jumping into an ice cold pool of water or fighting horkers on slippery ice. Of course ice gripping boots could be an enchantment or forgeable feature. Now, if I was able to make this mod, I would do it in a second. But, I don't have any idea where to start. I would love some advice on how to implement these changes, or help doing it. I think it would have mass appeal because it would make the game much more realistic and challenging in new ways. Thanks for looking.
  16. A bird person race that could glide from the mountains would be awesome. I think they'd be right at home in Skyrim. Would it even be possible to create a bird race?
  17. sounds awesome. werewolves should be souped up as well. I like this idea
  18. sounds awesome. werewolves should be souped up as well. I like this idea
  19. sounds awesome. werewolves should be souped up as well. I like this idea
  20. Mod Ideas 4 Skyrim - I came up with these while I was playing. Just some things I feel would make the game better. - Gameplay Changes: > Jog using stamina while over encumbered - This is one of my favorite ideas. I have no idea how to make it, but if it was possible to use your "sprint" button while over-encumbered to go faster. (obviously not full sprint speed, but maybe normal jogging speed would be good) > Fix equipping glitch (left hand right hand) - anyone else been frustrated by trying to equip spells or weapons in 1 or 2 hands? I wish the menu would assign left hand to left hand and right to right like it should. > Add hotkeys in addition to quicklist - the quicklist is nice but it would be more immersive to switch on the fly w/o having to pause and search through the quicklist. I miss the crappy old hotkeys from Oblivion. > Really Ride Cart - It would be kinda neat to be able to see your journey on the cart and maybe have to fend off some bandit raids or wolf packs. > Retrain perks - obvious, undo mistakes or rebuild ur character > Unarmored / hand to hand skills - poison claws? options for a monk/martial arts character would be epic > Bows hit from longer distance - ever shot at someone with no effect b/c they were beyond the range even though you SAW your arrow hit them?! > Multiple companions - how dumb is it you can only have one person in your party...multiple Teammate NPCs pLEASE! > Companions loot corpses - why don't the mercs and teammates loot corpses? thats one of the funnest parts of adventuring > Companions heal you - self explanatory > Hit and run enemies – enemies attack then flee & repeat > Sneaky enemies - I've been sneak attacked by Falmer but not much else, this is a cool feature, I'd like to see more assassins trying to kill me without me knowing. > Regrowing ingredients – harvesting ingredients gives seeds which can be equipped and planted to grow new plants (gardening style) > Magic grow lights - have some "magic" grow lights to grow your garden > More stuff underwater - some underwater seamonsters would be awesome > Animated hands & potions & food - see yourself grabbing stuff and interacting from 1st person would be nice > Reanimate same corpse multiple times - why do zombies turn into dust after being reanimated once? Stupid, make it so u can reanimate them repeatedly. > Drunk effects from drinking lots of potions or ale - blurred vision, messed up controls, hangovers, there should be consequences for alcohol abuse people! > Potions and Poisons separated in 2 different menu categories > Sortable menu - Metamorphisis: > Transform into dragon, troll, bear, wolf – with special potions from shaman - this would probably be difficult to implement, but I was heartbroken when I discovered I wouldn't be able to be a dragon... -Magic Mushrooms : anyone else curious why you can walk around and eat glowing mushrooms you find in a cave growing on a troll corpse and NOT start trippin? > Make all mushrooms have more unique effects when eaten > Flashes of color, melty & shifty, textures change, hallucinations, faerys, imps, > Quests, talking bunnies, talking trees, friendly dryads -Add more Creatures: > Birds – bluebirds, robins, owls, eagles, hawks, songbirds (I hear birds, see eggs, nests, but never see any birdies!) > bats - more! > Bunnies - MORE!! > Bugs – crickets, beetles, cicadas, etc > Slaughter fish & More fish (I've only ever seen 2 slaughterfish) > Larger wolf packs (what kind of sorry ass wolves travel it packs of 2-3?) How about 10-20 wolves at once > Imps - I miss these little guys from Oblivion > Bear cubs - no baby bears? Come on, give the mama a reason to fight me! > Larger giants – families w/ small ones, make friends w/ child giant (I think it would be cool to have a giant friend) > Larger mammoth packs – w/ babies, (baby mammoths would be so cute!) > Add giant sloth, giant armadillo, banthas (lots of Ice age creatures could enhance the tundra of Skyrim) > Werewolfs, Draugr Wolfs (more werewolves, some draugr wolves/hounds would be tight, zombie stylee) > Whisps, Wraiths - Ice wraiths are the coolest monsters, I wanna fight more of them! > Goblins, Ghouls - where's all the goblins!? > Seabeasts > Grendel, Yeti/abominable snowman – unique giant white troll -Pets: > Pet mammoth > Pet wolf > Pet Sabercat > Rideable sabercat & mammoth o Pet eagle w/ eagle vision/ eagle scout o Pet spider o Pet charus -Dwemer machines: o Build robots – based on enchanting and smithing skill o Build dwemer automatons & Spheres -Add More dialog: o More companion interaction / situational dialog o Add dialog to more enemies, giants, dragons, Draugr o Be able to brag about your accomplishments If you think you know how to do any of these mods, or you think one of them already exists, please let me know! Thanks everyone!
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