In response to post #8175082. #8176281 is also a reply to the same post. i hope's about a hour that i try to download some files and all i get is errors/download interruptions... if i'm lucky i can get 60/70 kbs...And this happens almost every day :( I love Nexus, i am here since the my first Oblivion day, but it can't go on like that.I don't want to be rude, i say, I LOVE NEXUS, but if i pay for a service i want that service.I can understand there should be problems, but its not today, it's not a week ago, it's long time that download rate is low. When it's over 500kbs i feel lucky, but i got 60/70/100kbs most of the time...But it's not what i'm paying for.Sorry to say that, but that's true.LallinaP.s. sorry for my English :(