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About Sishke

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  1. Hi all. i was wondering is there some tutorials about creating armor and weapons mods for skyrim for comlete noobs like me. i have lots of free times and i wanted to give it a try. I would need basicly all where to start and what software to use and some starting points how to it. Hope some1 still read this and can answer me. Tnx
  2. Lol im so blind found it tnx again :D
  3. Can u please link me cant seam to find it. Tnx
  4. Hi all not sure if this topic should be here, sory if i missplaced it. Im wondering is there any tutorials fo moding skyrim like armors and maybe weapons, im comnlete noob on that subject but i have some cool ideas i wanna try and dont know where to start. I hope same1 can point me in some direction. TNX
  5. That solved the problem i also intalled Giagntic FPS boost and now i have 20+ fps in cities and 25+ in wild. Tnx
  6. No i heavent,i will im close to unistall the game. Also i cant make Borderles Window mode to get to run.
  7. Well i figured out even if i dont start any mod i have same frame rate so its not mods. Not sure else can be.
  8. Hi all. So i decided to play Skyrim again after playing beta of ESO. I intsalled it again same as before, same mods some i repleaced, i have 15 mods total. My problem is that i have FPS drop no matter the settings and last time a had steady FPS of 20-25, i know its low but for my laptop is ok and last time i had 2 gb of ram and now 4 gb DDR3 i have Intel HD 4000 and B820 Dual Core 1.7ghz. My question is are mods heavy on the resourses and can they make FPS drop, i also have few mods for performance i use HiAlgo boost and some remover for fog and shadows but still i have 15 fps best.
  9. I was wondering is there a mod that can replace female helmet so that u can see hair beneth helmet not just to be invisible or some similiar mod couldnt find any Tnx
  10. I figured out didnt use rights mod for right armor tnx
  11. I have Saven Base body mod whic i want to use for the armor mod i have intstalled UNP blessed body mod like in instruction and later skeleton mod but every time i take armor off it crashes, not sure what the problem is maybe wrond unp mod, WHICH ONE TO USE. Tnx
  12. It doesnt sas anything bout conflicts, the game runs great but after some times that happens i found a way to fix it but i have to do every time it happens. tnx
  13. I was wondering does some female body mods can be installed with some other body mod at the same time. I did cuz i need one mod for armors to work and other mod for other armor mods to work and 2nd time now after some time, not right away all female npc and my char are short as kids. Tnx
  14. Tnx a lot look cool now :ohmy:
  15. Hi all i was wondering can some1 tell which mods to use for female body there are so many and i intalled some one over another and now all female npc are shore i cant chose which to install. I was thinking if some1 can tell me which to for full body change hair and body and which armor mods goes whit it. Tnx in advance
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