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Posts posted by Shanzyboo

  1. Unfortunately I'm going to have to opt out of the Beta testing for health reasons, living life on the road driving 8-10 hours a day doesn't leave much room for gaming and I've also been not very pro active in life..among other health related things and it's caught up to me, barely have the energy or focus to just enjoy playing let alone testing. Sorry Antistar 😞 sorry guys.
  2. @antistar the strength based carry weight bonus system of yours most definitely makes more sense, I've been considering that pack brahmin mod as a result, robots don't have pockets and while some of them have storage compartments I'm sure most of that is for their own stuff.


    RE4 is definitely in my top 10 for games..not the best Resident Evil to me..but I do like how they introduced a new aspect of new pathogen, smarter foes, new horrifying monsters and maintained its survival horror roots. The remake kinda added to that with new enemies and a breakable freaking knife, and other stuff.


    I'm finding it quite a reasonable challenge and am enjoying it so far, even if I haven't gotten as far in the game as I'd like to.


    I like that you can clean/repair weapons at the weapon workbench which after going through vault 111, sanctuary, red rocket, those blood bugs on the way to concord and the raiders just outside the museum of freedom my Walther ppk was..a little banged up and found myself a little worried. Don't exactly have the ability to make weapon cleaning/repair kits yet..or the resources, let alone factories.


    The pocket system really makes you think more on which underarmor you should viably use simply because not all of em have access to large pockets, the vaultsuits..while being minutely protective offer nothing for carry weight.

    That's cool! I've recently played RE4 Remake and all the item managing was pretty fun! One of the reasons, imho, that will make WARS and PEACE explode in popularity, we've been kind of orphan in relation to RPG mechanics in FO4, I'm actually excited to see what improvements people will develop on top of WARS, I believe that, once the mod is out, It's going to be one of "those" mods that completely change the modding landscape and becomes a "must have" in every load order.

    I played the original RE4 in my youth (it's so weird getting to actually say that) and I mean played like completed everything! The item managing is nothing new but it is definitely a bit more elaborate with getting to make ammunition and etc. Gunpowder and resources take space. I'm really impressed with the RE4 remake. The hard-core difficulty description "for those who played the original Resident Evil 4" is a nice touch and is making me feel like I know nothing lol.


    You are right FO4 was definitely a pull away from roots which were still in FO3 and FNV, too streamlined. It'll definitely find itself in the load order of RPers who played the previous games and want that return to roots over the streamlined simpleton mechanics that Bethesda left us with, naturally for lots of weapon, armor, clothing etc. mods I'd anticipate lots of patches to integrate into PEACE and WARS. There's half a dozen weapon mods I'd like to see integrated with wars alone, the Winchester 1892 cowboy repeater, Winchester 1887 lever action shotgun, single action army, giat famas, you name it.

  4. I'm finding it quite a reasonable challenge and am enjoying it so far, even if I haven't gotten as far in the game as I'd like to.


    I like that you can clean/repair weapons at the weapon workbench which after going through vault 111, sanctuary, red rocket, those blood bugs on the way to concord and the raiders just outside the museum of freedom my Walther ppk was..a little banged up and found myself a little worried. Don't exactly have the ability to make weapon cleaning/repair kits yet..or the resources, let alone factories.


    The pocket system really makes you think more on which underarmor you should viably use simply because not all of em have access to large pockets, the vaultsuits..while being minutely protective offer nothing for carry weight.

  5. I've been considering switching to that for the very same reasons you mentioned, part of the reason I went with its predecessor is because it allows me to arrange the orientation of the widgets in more ways than the more recent one does. I have those basic primary needs widgets going across the top of the screen in a single line, a lot less obstructive that way. Since its just widgets for what's already in the game I wouldn't imagine it having much conflict with PEACE but than again that's like running on thoughts and prayers. I think it did revert names of individual states of hunger, thirst and sleep back to their originals though.


    Remember reading that going through the whole PEACE readme. In that you mentioned special attention to high profile NPCs like companions and that is in particular what I'm interested in knowing, I have mods which change the appearance of Curie (synth,) Macready, Piper and Preston to be a bit more unique..without going into ridiculous f*#@ery. I'd like to integrate those plug-ins in with both PEACE and WARS.

  6. Changing it to list view still doesn't allow me to see the full file names..maybe because it's on my phone...no matter, you've already specified patch updates replace the old patches.


    I actually use the predecessor of that one which is just Survival Stats Widget and it does have a plugin (made by the same author,) basically what happened is when its loaded before PEACE the widgets become locked in a 'famished, dehydrated and overtired' state even though you're actually fed, hydrated and rested. Was quite comical.


    Right there's a mod support tutorial for PEACE, probably start off small and simple first with basic clothing (not intended for combat) I'd imagine that be a bit simpler than going straight to things like Private Military Company. For NPCs doesn't PEACE also make changes for things like strength, carry weight etc?

  7. Good to know especially for the WAR and PEACE patches being replaced, couldn't exactly see the version number in the name on Google drive on account of it being so long.


    Maybe should say this for other testers that are running a survival widget mod (like me) you might need to have said mod load after PEACE for your widget gauges to function properly (I use DEF survival widget and had to do this.)


    Some questions I figured I'd ask (given there are most definitely mods I'd like to integrate into PEACE and WARS) is there documentation for integrating third party armor and clothing? And is there maybe a fallout4edit script that integrate third party NPC plug-ins?

  8. I was just going to pester Cricket until she has an AR-15..or decides she's had enough and fills me with so much plasma my face lights up lol. I'd imagine since the junk nodachi is lighter and requires less strength it's also faster to strike with too.


    I used Crafting Mastery to make vanilla ammunition, probably a lot less elaborate than WARS is.

  9. Mmm in that maybe better to test with both to be on the safe side when it comes to the potential of bugs, knowing you've been playing already for a couple of months I wouldn't anticipate bugs by themselves I do see PEACE and Agony (and by extention Agony Extended) conflicting with each other since they both touch the medical mechanics of the game, especially for survival mode.


    I am curious to ask, looking at things face value would you anticipate conflicts between PEACE/WARS and Flipdeazys Smokeable Cigars Cigarettes and Joints? I use that on survival to save my game..and wind up addicted to nicotine.


    Hahahahaa! It's ironic how that went right, albeit quite a few of those years was also waiting for AmmoTweaks V2 and that didn't quite pan out.


    It's understandable, you put A LOT of time and effort and love into this project. I'm anticipating it's going to be different than how I'm used to playing and there's going to be adjusting to that, especially making ammo. Admittedly I'm excited to get my hands on that AR15 and the Junk Blade lol.

  10. Inconvenient may not be the right word for my particular instance, so long as my hard drive doesn't crater I can beta test. I may want to transfer my game, vortex and mods to my solid state before beginning though...and disable any non essential mods which should be easy through vortex.


    Some quick questions, were you intending for WARS and Peace to be beta tested together or can they be beta tested separately? And will there be downloadable documentation I can brush up on? With the amount of times I've been forced logged out of nexusforums and lost track of the topic pages here I may have missed things here and there.


    Also I imagine after all these years you must be excited that things are finally at the testing stage.

  11. Thanks for the explanation! Also, oof, only one item as an output? That's quite a limitation, why did they do that? I doubt it was because of time constraints, like you explained before at the start of this thread, I believe they were mostly inspired by arcade shooters and not other RPG's.

    Bethesda was likely also just being a bit lazy and coming up with excuses to be douche canoes too, apparently Dogmeat was supposed to be a constant consistent follower but one of the programmers intentionally left that disabled..with a rather nasty and childish message in the programming.


    Oh right the Aim Model Min and Max Angle uses solid non decimal numbers..oops lol..but yeah 3 and 6 respectively.


    To make sure I'm understanding things right with that particular barrel OMOD with a MinConeDegrees and MaxConeDegrees of -0.5 bringing the Min Angle and Max Angle from 12 to 6, adding another OMOD with a MinConeDegrees value of -0.5 should bring the Min Angle from 6 to 3 right?

    My understanding is that MUL+ADD always acts on the base value - it doesn't take other MUL+ADD operations into account - so using two of them with -0.5 would actually reduce it to zero.


    So in this case you'd probably want to use -0.25 instead.

    I see, it's a good thing I sought your insight before doing than, could've been disastrous results lol. Luckily enough it seems (especially for my preferred modifications) that only the barrels effect MinConeDegrees and MaxConeDegrees, aside from some semi automatic receivers (I scoped out the OMODs to make sure.)


    I'll be working on that one tomorrow I think..albeit come to think of it I've never successfully created an ammo type category for weapons before.


    You created new models and textures for FRAG-12 from scratch instead?! Can't wait to see how those turned out.

  13. 0.3 and 0.6 sounds way too low - unless you mean 3 and 6? That seems like it would work.

    Oh right the Aim Model Min and Max Angle uses solid non decimal numbers..oops lol..but yeah 3 and 6 respectively.


    To make sure I'm understanding things right with that particular barrel OMOD with a MinConeDegrees and MaxConeDegrees of -0.5 bringing the Min Angle and Max Angle from 12 to 6, adding another OMOD with a MinConeDegrees value of -0.5 should bring the Min Angle from 6 to 3 right?

  14. The AA12s default base iron sight multiplier is 0.9 so like you said the vanilla default value for any shotgun.


    So I'm thinking for FRAG 12 explosive rounds I could use MinConeDegrees and MaxConeDegrees to get the Min Angle and Max Angle to 0.3 and 0.6 along with getting the iron sight multiplier to 0.4, sounds pretty balanced.

  15. I'm guessing that depends on the default of such things for the base weapon itself in conjunction with what the OMOD/s adds/subtracts, if negative recoil has the muzzle jumping down each shot I don't think I want to see what negative spread does.


    I'm also questioning though if there would be any point in further reducing the spread, the default aim model for the vanilla "assault rifle" is 4 and 8 respectively while the AA12 with this barrel would be at 6 and 6, I could use the MinConeDegrees to drop the Min Angle down an extra two points but would it actually matter and serve any purpose in doing so?


    So does a SET value of a property take priority over an ADD/MUL+ADD value on the same property?

  16. Sorry for chiming up like that Antistar, I find such behaviour and the people who practice it to be such a nuisance, rude, obnoxious, unappreciative and ungrateful..and completely lacking in any kind of humility.


    Who knows maybe during testing or after the release Isathar might actually finish TweaksFramework.


    On a side note I got around to looking at the AA12 in FO4Edit and to my surprise some of the parts..such as one of the barrels already has an fAimModelMaxConeDegrees and MinConeDegrees with a 50% reduction on it, aim models Max Angle and Min Angle is 12, so I'm not sure if I can apply such properties and values onto another OMOD without effecting the weapons balance, it comes pretty close to the values the vanilla assault rifle already has by default, unless applying such properties and values onto an ammo OMOD works differently. Thinking what I should actually be looking at might be projectile records.

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