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  1. So the problem is in the pirated version? Please write more details One step after the other. Buy the game, and THEN you get help.
  2. You are doing all kinds of mistakes. But most of all: you are using an illegal (pirate) version of Skyrim.
  3. NMM IS an older mod manager. It might be MAINTAINED by enthusiastic diehards, but that doesn't mean it is a state-of-the-art MM. And the user HAS installed Oldrim versions of FNIS Creatures and FNIS Spells. How come? He downloaded it manually. Like I always did with NMM. In those old days I always wanted to SEE and control what was installed. So we don't even need to talk about Sexlab to show how wrong you are with "you CAN NOT". And Vortex IS intelligent. You must not have worked very much with Vortex to say that. "Tool Intelligence" you will often hardly notice. I had several in my very first hours of using Vortex. And the most astonishing: Vortex has setup FNIS properly without me ever installing FNIS through Vortex (as I will never overwrite my FNIS development environment with a downloaded FNIS versIon). Now THAT IS what I call intelligent. Can NMM do that?
  4. Cannot? You bet. I'm not aware if Vortex makes checks when you say "Download with manager" because I would never load incompatible mods. But noobs do. But especially older managers like NMM, and ESPECIALLY when you go to download from from sites like Loverslab (as he does) then there is no way even an intelligent mod manager like Vortex can check that. Inside a downloaded file there is NO INFORMATION WHATSOEVER which allows to distinguish between Skyrim and Skyrim SE. What Vortex sees is nothing but a zip file with files BELOW "Skyrim" or "Skyrim Special Edition". And inside that the file structure is completely identical.
  5. You have Skyrim SE. But all the mods that you have downloaded, and that get flagged are for Skyrim, not for Skyrim SE. You need to be really careful about it.
  6. You are confusing different things in different areas: - You cannot use Skyrim (Oldrim) mods for Skyrim SE - PCEA and FNIS PCEA2 are different things - Patches can be harmful if you don't have the corresponding mods
  7. Any errors or warnings in the FNIS output. Post it
  8. You might "have" FNIS (as in "have installed"). But have you installed FNIS the way it is required in MO2? And most of all: have you "run" FNIS? FNIS is a tool, not a mod. But there are plenty of videos describing how FNIS is used under MO2. E.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=sYEAnTdZb-s And btw I recommend using Vortex when it comes to FNIS integration.
  9. I am having the same issue here.... All creatures T-posed after running the latest FNIS XXL. Anyway... I quazi fixed this by "De-installing creatures" and just giving up on any creature animations... bummer yes but hey at least you can still have Character animations... If anyone has a better solution please chime in. You don't need to give up. Just don't uninstall creature mods any more dmid-game. Like you shouldn't uninstall any scripted mods mid game anyway. But when can't do any better than uninstall such mods you have to follow the FNIS uninstall instructions: - "De-Install Creatures" - Re-Install FNIS Creature Pack - Run FNIS
  10. FNIS tells you. But that wasn't the real cause for his t-pose. He hat taken one adult mod from a "re-pack", and that had totally wrong format. If you have something like that you can simply uninstall all "outdated" mods. But usually "outdated" mods are not the cause of t-pose. Other warnings are. Any of those? Fix them.
  11. When you have t-pose for certain animations only (and not for the player and all NPCs) then there is always ONE reason: the missing animations have been added to the game by FNIS, but have then been removed by the user in some way. And now the game can't find them any more. HOW this can happen? There are many possible ways how a user can mess this up, and it is impossible to tell with the given information. YOU have to figure out based on the animations that fail, and from what mod they come from. For example, if you use Sexy Move, and have issues with the walk forward, then you should try to set another walk type in the SM MCM. One frequent reason of user mistakes: you write that you run FNIS from "NMO". You talk about MO, not NMM, is suspect? Then there is a chance that you have "bad data" in you MO overwrites. Always start by removing all overwrites before running FNIS.
  12. This "Warning to Users!" is absolute nonsense. And I have responded in the XPMSSE thread appropriately. FNIS does NOTHING but provide space in the behavior files for the bones that are part of the skeleton. And it has NEVER been a problem in the past to use more space than actually needed. In fact, if you go back to FNIS 7.5 then you also have space created for too many bones. But then it is only 3 too many, and not 30 too many. I'm neither talking the blame for that, nor do I want to spent time for this update adventure. Each release of FNIS costs at least a couple of hours. And for what? Because a small minority of users has the urgent need for belly and anus bones?
  13. You shouldn't even ask that. Vortex is doing that for you. If you start thinking such things as a beginner you will CERTAINLY mess up.
  14. The circumstances are almosat always the same: not properly installing FNIS. There are plenty of instructions and videos about doing it properly. You just need to use them.
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