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About a1racer

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  1. while I'm kind of excited to play another round of Witcher 3 1 i hope the mod authors got something for this it's cool they integrated some stuff though. 2 really hope this doesn't turn into a Skyrim situation where the community is split in half over versioning. basically, breaking a ton of stuff 3 i just hope it works out of the box.
  2. Just ran into this today funny using Elwood workbench and Skyrim 2020 parallax mod seems they don’t get along unless Skyrim 2020 overwrites elsopas mod thanks for the heads up on the meshes and sorry for bumping this super old thread.
  3. i know this is an old post but its right enb light i was having the same issue when i went to enchanting table i would get a solid 30 fps drop. turning off the complex fire lights solved it. only real fix would be going into creation kit and removing like half the candle lights on the enchanting tables. that or turn off complex fire lights but that also turns it off for everything else thats a bumnmer.
  4. slow here also speeds topping out around 400kb so trying to download any large mods is a no go from the site right now been like this for the last few weeks to not just today or recently
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