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  1. In response to post #24687944. #24694624, #24722859, #24734084 are all replies on the same post. "Cryengine has one advantage, in that so long as you never charge for the game, you never pay either, unless you continue your subscription." I see the same in the FAQ for the Unreal Engine. Consider the restrictions they impose carefully. As this whole controversy over Skyrim mods shows, when the pool of value gets large enough, those who can will try to monetise it and they won't care about who or what gets trashed in the process. The only way to avoid this is set restrictions which prevent anyone from monetising the pool of value. There are ways to do this, but it needs to be done early to be effective or there will be constant fighting to gain advantage for future gain instead of constant creation of value.
  2. In response to post #24687944. #24694624 is also a reply to the same post. I too have been thinking about pursuing this path as a means of escaping Bethesda's increasingly crappy offerings. It's been made very clear by Bethesda since Oblivion that they are most interested in and happiest with developing mediocre games for nine year olds on the game consoles and as far as they (Bethesda) are concerned, the PC gamers can go diddle as a good cash cow should. What galls me the very most about this situation concerning game mods is that the vast majority of mods I've installed into my Skyrim are meant to fix or otherwise ameliorate flaws and poor design decisions made originally by Bethesda themselves, and now they want to profit on the fixing of their own crap as well? A pox on the lot of them. Please let me know what engine you choose and why you chose that one. I'm interested.
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