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  1. I know I sound hopeful, but I've been wanting to request an armor mod of Chaos Warriors from Warhammer Fantasy. (And one thing I noticed is why nobody ever making one) Someone needs to make a mod for this in Skyrim. They fit in with the grey/dark environment and all that snow. And they're the Nords of Warhammer Fantasy, just one more reason they'll blend well in the game. Photo links: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/4/41/War_in_the_North.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20141206071421 http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Archaon2.jpg http://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/600x620/99810201003_ArchaontheEverchosenNEW01.jpg http://img15.deviantart.net/8090/i/2012/105/c/3/warriors_of_chaos_by_ariandurel-d4waizp.jpg http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammeronline/images/8/89/Chosen_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080329145654 http://orig00.deviantart.net/138d/f/2012/003/0/5/chaos_warrior_by_kamikazuh-d4l5ovn.jpg
  2. But wouldn't the start of the questline be a result of what you are in the game? You are Dragonborn, you are the "Last Son of Akatosh". Wouldn't that make the Dragonborn realize of what he can really do? I think the journey itself would be that rise to power kind of quest, but on the other hand, you're right about the Dragon Age: Inquisition part, but the good thing about Skyrim is the element of roleplaying, and with this mod, it's like for those people who want to have a closure in the game.
  3. Yeah, the working part really is tedious. This idea has been circling inside my head for days because of Bethesda not doing what Obsidian did in New Vegas. They should have realized that being Dragonborn also means that taking Skyrim would mean creating a new Empire.
  4. So I have this idea (which also is a common idea a lot of people talked about) about taking over Skyrim for yourself. And by taking over Skyrim, I mean kick the Imperials out, Put down the Stormcloaks, choose any Jarl for the taken hold, execute or imprison anyone who opposes you, and rule Skyrim as High King (and no, not Become High King of Skyrim mod). One thing I would like to add as well is also the option to customize your army in Skyrim and every choice you make would be worth the roleplay (like taking letting one army of your hold capital wear Daedric Armor, or the other hold to wear Elven Armor). So to summarize my ideas, here's what my mind has in store: Once you finish slaying Alduin, you'll have to go to someone (like Yes Man in New Vegas) and tell him that you want to rule Skyrim. Ideas for the conquest...quest: - Take over Skyrim and become its ruler - Choose your own Jarl for each Hold - Have the option to occupy, enslave or exterminate the populace of a city - Build your customizable capital settlement or capture one (e.g. A castle in the cold north, Castle Volkihar, High Hrothgar, Sky Haven Temple, or a Palace in the mountains) - Have your own customizable army of your choosing (humans and elves, dremora, undead, or maybe even Falmer) - Have the dragons at your side - For Dawnguard, if you sided with the vampires, you could either put Harkon into submission or kill him, but an added choice would be to sacrifice Serana and fulfill the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy. - Have an option to give the Reach to the Forsworn - This mod will also be compatible to some quest mods like Destroy the Thieves Guild - For Dragonborn, you could find a way to severe your ties with Hermaeus Mora and tell him by getting another champion, or trick him (by shutting him away from Mundus forever) - Have the option of deciding the fate of everyone (sacrifice them for worship rituals, make them your slave, or a vampire cattle, or put them in prison) - Re-establish the Dragon Cult - for roleplaying purposes as well, you can proclaim you are Talos to your people and your enemies (and watch the Thalmor squirm at your presence) With all those ideas above, is it possible that this mod could be a good idea, or would it be a hassle because of how game breaking it is? What I also mean is that if New Vegas had the option of letting the player take Nevada for himself/herself, why can't you do that in Skyrim?
  5. I purchased a horse in Whiterun and did some dragon slaying and it was lost. I fast traveled to Whiterun's Stables & I talked to Skulvar and he said I already bought the horse. I fast traveled almost everywhere on the map and the horse from Whiterun isn't even following me. I need help. Oh and my version is PC so it is possible you can help me through giving console commands.
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