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About DarkKnightGamer0912

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4: G.O.T.Y.
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Mass Effect 3.
  1. I agree, that's stupid. FB has gone WAY too politically correct. But, it's situational. In your example, that's just idiotic. (on FB's part.) Yeah. I know what you mean. They're doing this censorship crap on here too. I posted a Skyrim SE meme with my character and a picture of Anita Sarkeesian and not even 10 minutes later, my post gets flagged and removed by two Nexus admins. This censorship crap is bullshit. What happened to free speech you ask? Well good Dark Knight sir, here on this century it doesn't exist anymore. ....Mmmmmhmmmm...... :mad:
  2. So far I've had no issues with the exception that I cannot upload any images just like everyone else can't. Hopefully the Nexus team will fix this bug soon. I have more TES V: Skyrim images I want to upload to my Nexus page. I'm one of the genuine community members on this fine website.
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