Welcome all, this is the official Nexus thread for the MMORPG game that is currently being developed by us here at Moya Games; Omuni Online. F.A.Qs (Frequently asked questions) Come and visit us at the official Youtube channel, and look at out current progress. What is Omuni Online? Omuni Online is a free roam MMORPG, will a classless skillst, allowing you to define your character how you choose, a wide range of weapons and magic, consisting of up to 12 unique weapon types, including Battle bows, arm blades and a range of guns. Omuni is being developed with a next generation game design engine, which will insure stability and graphics performance to the games activity. Within the game you'll be able to explore a vast frontier of beauty and imagination, as you set out to define yourself and fight. for your world. Partake in a world where life has been reduced to medieval living, but still clings to its once high-tech and thriving sci-fi aspect. For example, use a bow, or use a laser rifle, ride a mighty steed, or fly accross the lands of a hover board. Its your choice. Is this another advert implying a vast, intricate 3D MMORPG that could compete with other best selling games? Or is it another great sounding flash game, designed in a week? Omuni Online is a game, being designed, developed and evolved in a fully 3 dimensional Engine, we plan to get the best possible quality of game we can from this engine and not cut corners with the graphics or storylines. Can I help with the development of Omuni Online? Yes! Infact, you can. We are currently looking for people to texture the models that we make so if you are an artist/Texture..er? of some sort and you are willing to work hard, we are waiting to hear from you, Don't keep yourself hidden! Let your imagination flourish! and also scripters (preferred languages: C#, Javascript, Java, C++). Even if you have no knowledge of games design, you can still help the development of Omuni; by spreading the word, tell your friends about our game, the more support we get, the better the gaming comunity will become! Thankyou greatly for your time! -Demonman562 Screenshots of Omuni Online ALL ALPHA PROTOBAL BETA TEST OMG NINJA FROG DORITO OMEGA DRAGHT1 OF THE GAME so please, understand these are not the final graphics.. thanks for understanding... if you managed to.. o_O: http://omunionline.webstarts.com/uploads/1.png http://omunionline.webstarts.com/uploads/2.png http://omunionline.webstarts.com/uploads/3.png http://omunionline.webstarts.com/uploads/4.png http://omunionline.webstarts.com/uploads/5.png http://omunionline.webstarts.com/uploads/6.png http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ywz80aiZ8ls