Hey! I'm making a player home and NPCs wont stop using their torches indoors even though the light level is above 70 in most areas. The funny thing is if they enter the cell without a torch they wont take it out, but if they enter using a torch they don't put it away. After running about Skyrim checking light levels with player.getlightlevel I can see that light level doesn't really seem to govern when an NPC uses their torch at all So what's the deal? It's a real pain when my followers whip out a torch destroying my beautiful lighting work in an instant. :D Any ideas would be much appreciated. It's frustrating as hell! :smile: [EDIT] Ok, it really seems to have zero to do with lighting in any way. I just took the Heartwood Mill cell and ripped all the lighting out of it, then turned the ambient down to almost zero. My followers still put their torches away when we entered. Soooooo, what defines when an NPC uses a torch in a certain cell? Answers on a postcard.