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Everything posted by ssddsquare

  1. I want to perform a fresh installation of Fallout 4. Already using Vortex. What is the best way to reapply all the mods installed? Or Vortex would takes care of itself after main game installation? Previously, NMM has a folder that keeps all the compressed mods in a folder, but not Vortex. Instead there is a staging folder that keeps all the mods uncompressed.
  2. I want to make her wear an Army Helmet instead. Anyway to do that?
  3. I see it everywhere I look, when I'm on the dashboard I see, thanks.
  4. I like this new manager very much. Seems much smoother and easier to use. I can't seems to find to mods counter like in NMM. How do I keep track of the amount of mods install/activated?
  5. Can we have a container for used keys.
  6. I was trying to migrate to Vortex and reinstall F4 and F4se. I don't have any mod installed yet. It is not very essential, but is there anyone encountering the same? By the way, specs are 4770, 8GB xmp, GTX1080, SSD.
  7. It doesn't happen all the time, but frequently. Wherever I am near radiation or being radiated, quick save, auto save or manual save would take 1 to 2 minutes. Starting a new game still same. Hell in radsea. Also when I start a new game, the intro movie would not starts until I press E. Takes me awhile to figure that out. Not sure if it is related.
  8. Do I have to set up all my mods from scratch? I have 200 mods and it is not something I like to go through, something sure will be wrong or changed. It takes like forever just to choose and arrange these 200 mods working together.
  9. Sorry to nerco this, I just went to Fort Strong. The Vertibird I was riding in was cricling the large super mutant indenfinately until I shoot it down. Maybe we can change the press E button to insert the super mutant or it's script for the vertibird to circle around it?
  10. Any bad side effect? Would it cause Valentine quest not completing?
  11. Fallout 4 is hardly a must buy for me without mods. With this CC debacle, guess Fallout 5 might be the first ever Fallout that I'll pass.
  12. Guess I'll put Steam on Offline indefinately until this debacle is over.
  13. Update from previous post, I tried disable random mods and it updates the quest normally. Don't know which one is the cause. Then I tried those mods one by one and concluded DeepDown.esp is the cause.
  14. Didn't kill Struges, tried disable and enable Sturges and resurrect also no changes. Tried wait 10 seconds before looting also same. How long we suppose to wait before looting the body? The quest already update to loot the body at that point. Below is my mod list. GameMode=Fallout4Fallout4.esm=1 DLCRobot.esm=1 DLCworkshop01.esm=1 DLCCoast.esm=1 DLCworkshop02.esm=1 DLCworkshop03.esm=1 DLCNukaWorld.esm=1 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1 Arbitration - Resources.esm=1 Damage Threshold.esm=1 ArmorKeywords.esm=1 Homemaker.esm=1 Worsin's Garage.esm=1 JamaicaPlainPathing.esm=1 EthreonMasterPlan.esp=1 HN66-SiriusArmor.esp=1 EferasShoulderBag.esp=1 EferasShoulderBag-YatzTailored.esp=1 Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp=1 Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons - Auto Raise from Cover.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - BrutalNoHeadshots.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - LiebermodeNoHeadshots.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp=1 K9TacticalHarness.esp=1 slootyVaultSuit.esp=1 CompactCrafting.esp=1 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp=1 More Where That Came From - Classic.esp=1 MsRae_Curtains.esp=1 ImmersiveVendors.esp=1 fountain.esp=1 el_precursorsuit.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp=1 mso_sms.esp=1 DD_All_the_COncrete.esp=1 DarkerNights.esp=1 NoVanillaRadiantDLCLocations.esp=1 ARESAppleseed.esp=1 Eli_Sleeveless Outfits.esp=1 Jetpacks FAO.esp=1 rfortaleza2.esp=1 rfortaleza2-mk1.esp=1 rfortaleza2-mk2.esp=1 rfortaleza2-mk3.esp=1 rfortaleza2-mk4.esp=1 rfortaleza2-mk5.esp=1 rfortaleza2-mk6.esp=1 rfortaleza2-pauldron.esp=1 rfortaleza2-wetsuit1.esp=1 NoNegativeAffinity.esp=1 NoAffinityCooldown.esp=1 Zipsuit.esp=1 BetterJetpack.esp=1 UNLIMITED JETPACK.esp=1 DX_Overboss_Outfit.esp=1 DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp=1 DLC ammo.esp=1 AmmunitionPlantPatch.esp=1 Passthrough.esp=1 Covscript.esp=1 3DNPC_FO4.esp=1 StoriesFromDiamondCityIG.esp=1 EveryonesWar.esp=1 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp=1 Kellyhousehold.esp=1 bridgefix.esp=1 ARWCSM - 2 - Full - Vanilla Weights.esp=1 X13_ScrapOTron.esp=1 Doubled Junk Components - Ultimate.esp=1 Ground_Vanilla.esp=1 Armorsmith Extended.esp=1 EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp=1 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CFA.esp=1 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_ChromeSynths.esp=1 Army Helmet Upgrades.esp=1 Armormsith All DLCs Patch.esp=1 NukaWorldBallisticWeaveSupport.esp=1 NukaWorldBallisticWeavePackHelmets.esp=1 marineleotard.esp=1 AkaWaterWorld.esp=1 AtomicRadio.esp=1 EAMR.esp=1 Tougher Vertibirds.esp=1 Impervious Power Armour.esp=1 Impervious Power Armour - Automatron.esp=1 Better Armour & Weapon Naming - All DLC.esp=1 Better Armour & Weapon Naming - Far Harbour.esp=1 Better Armour & Weapon Naming - Automatron.esp=1 Better Armour & Weapon Naming.esp=1 No more monochrome - Color setting for the Pipboy!.esp=1 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_VaultSuitDLC_AE.esp=1 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp=1 SettlementLimitSlashedFarHarbor.esp=1 StockMoreBallisticFiber.esp=1 MoreVaultRooms.esp=1 VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp=1 More Loot in Boss Chest.esp=1 More Loot in Containers.esp=1 BallisticFiber.esp=1 AirportWorkBench.esp=1 CWSS Redux.esp=1 Sanctuary Player House Post War Shower and Toilet removed.esp=1 realpowerarmorv2base.esp=1 Overencumbered Out.esp=1 ImmersiveLoversEmbrace.esp=1 UnlockedTrailersProject[uTP].esp=1 BallisticWetSuit_ByJoanna.esp=1 MyTweaks_ByJoanna.esp=1 No Aggro Impact Landing.esp=1 Lever Action Reload Fix.esp=1 ChineseStealthSuit.esp=1 VerticalConduits.esp=1 Better Artillery Flares (zero weight + fast cooldown version).esp=1 Better Homing Beacon.esp=1 NoMoreExcessiveDangerClose.esp=1 Tufix.esp=1 WeightlessASG.esp=1 Weightless Vertibird Flare.esp=1 MinigunVertipter.esp=1 walkers.esp=1 WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 1 (Easy).esp=1 WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 2 (Easy).esp=1 WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 3 (Easy).esp=1 WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 4 (Easy).esp=1 WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 5 (Easy).esp=1 WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 6 (Easy).esp=1 WIPAG - Decal Station.esp=1 Eli_ArmourCollection.esp=1 TurretStands.esp=1 Molerat_Disease_Immunity_PA_Hazmat.esp=1 UniquePAFrames.esp=1 Skibs-WHMk22Redux.esp=1 Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp=1 Interview.esp=1 Wasteland Survival Guide - All DLC.esp=1 Cleaner Diamond City Indoor and Outdoor.esp=1 Diamond City Enhanced.esp=1 AnyModAnyWeapon2.esp=1 LegendaryModification.esp=1 LegendaryModificationMisc.esp=1 LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp=1 NoGuardtest.esp=1 [bug fix] enable placing objects on floor - All in one (English).esp=1 Decal Stain Remover REDUX - All DLC.esp=1 Snappy_HouseK.esp=1 Snappy_DecoKit.esp=1 Penske Fertilizer Fix.esp=1 peeper-fix.esp=1 Lucy'sMelons.esp=1 ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp=1 MoreStuffLarge.esp=1 BlockadeRemoval.esp=1 VTEC Care Package.esp=1 DCGlory.esp=1 Sneaky Kills.esp=1 PackBrahminsToEyebots_ALL.esp=1 SCAR-L.esp=1 Crazy_Animations_Gun.esp=1 NPCUseRailings.esp=1 NIS - Hunted.esp=1 PolymerShelves.esp=1 Eisenwolfs Legacy.esm=1 SymbioticSettlements.esp=1 Thematic and Practical.esp=1 Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp=1 BoxHouses.esp=1 llamaCompanionHeather.esp=1 America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp=1 RU556.esp=1 MiscHairstyle.esp=1 KSHairdos.esp=1 Wasteland Heroines Replacer3_1.0.0.esp=1 ClassicSniper.esp=1 InstitutePowerArmor.esp=1 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Institute.esp=1 rpampas.esp=1 GITS_suit_by_OniNigma.esp=1 CROSS_Cybernetics.esp=1 CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp=1 OldGuns-ResetPatch.esp=1 CastleWallOldNorthBridgeFix.esp=1 FO4Hotkeys.esp=1 OutfitSwitcher.esp=1 library.esp=1 FaceMaxson.esp=1 SaveAcadiaFromBoS.esp=1 CombatZoneRestored.esp=1 DPAssaultCarbine.esp=1 DPAssaultCarbineNukaWorld.esp=1 AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp=1 vault_door_fixed.esp=1 VaultTecStory.esp=1 Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp=1 JC-Shirt and Jeans.esp=1 Better Adhesive.esp=1 Eli_NukaStuff.esp=1 Submarine Base Echo.esp=1 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp=1 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp=1 useless_mod.esp=1 useless_mod_dlc.esp=1 Idiot s!@£.esp=1 Clean Water - Tropical.esp=1 SubmersiblePowerArmorRedux.esp=1 Tier4VendorsProtected.esp=1 diamond city surplus.esp=1 PreWarCodsworth.esp=1 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp=1 ScrapUpdate - Ultimate.esp=1 Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp=1 ThicketSettlement.esp=1 Jumpsuit.esp=1 P90.esp=1 P90NPC.esp=1 AllSetsExtended.esp=1 ASEFarHarbor.esp=1 CBBE.esp=1 CBBE Furry Undergarments Fix.esp=1 Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp=1 Home Plate Workbench - Mechanists Lair Workbench.esp=1 AA 50 Ways To Die.esp=1 LooksMenu.esp=1 Sierra117.esp=1 Hellfirenew.esp=1 DKNHAlleyPatch.esp=1 Cyrolator Weapon Rework - Mav's Marvelous Mods.esp=1 UltraInteriorLighting.esp=1 UltraInteriorLighting_Automatron.esp=1 SE-UIL brute patch.esp=1 ASVektor.esp=1 strong_PA.esp=1 strong_PA - AWKCR.esp=1 bugfix_maglocks_terminal_delay.esp=1 Egret's Secret.esp=1 ZombieNation2.esp=1 radioactivestories.esp=1 FamilyProblems.esp=1 DeepDown.esp=1 TheExperiment.esp=1 nvvault1080.esp=1 Cammy Tactical Suit.esp=1 Stingwing barb is Junk.esp=1 wasterArmor.esp=1
  15. I'm running 125++ currently. It would rarely and randomly ctd, but very rare now. I was having frequent ctd as well. After disabling mods one by one. I found out that Dynavision and Skyrim UI's depth perception is the cause of my frequent ctd. Hope it helps.
  16. I hate the magnet sword. I think if there is a shoulder strap that you can wear could solve it. Like the bandolier mod, but the shoulder pad is too large and clip with most armor. Any suggestion?
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