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  1. I still want to see it modded back in, a full suit of ghostly looking armor would look sick. The better choice would have been to keep the feature but find a good way to differentiate it's function from the alteration spells. Actually the need for skill in that type of armor already sets the spells apart from alteration, and then you could have a perk branch in conjuration to add "enchantments" to the armor. Keeping cool features isn't really bethesda's thang these days though. Simpler to just chop them.
  2. Villains need a story, sometimes more so than the protagonist. Even the devil has his motivations, evil for a the sake of evil works in a comical sort of way but it's not really believable. A villain needs style and presence, they have to be amusing just by being on screen since they get less attention than the main character. Even if they are amount to an ugly blob appearance wise, a villain should be cool in some way shape or form.
  3. Bethesda games always seem to have the beginnings of something amazing. I kind of imagine the devs having all these lofty awesome ideas in the works until the bosses step in and are like 11/11/11 hurr hurr hurr.... :wallbash:
  4. Changing the way my character looks via the console. 1: Make good looking face. 2: Come back later... er maybe not as good as I thought. 3: Edit face 4: Repeat 1-3 several times 5: Load earlier save just to see, realize it looked better than it does now in a weird way :rolleyes: 6: Start new character, process begins again.....
  5. I find that stamina is pretty unimportant in it's current implementation... You only need 1 stamina to do a dual wield power attack, its kind of broken. So while I might not be able to spam power attacks I can still do them once every couple of seconds and I have mad health. I like to try to play through with no restoration and limited potion use (I really only use what I find) and I don't tend to focus on leveling my armor skills. I juke around and kill fast so I just don't level it fast enough unless I pay the trainer anyway.
  6. Did I miss something? This isn't a mod request, I'm not against the idea of a more lizard like lizard people. The way they are however was no mistake or oversight on bethesda's part, it was intended and backed by the lore in game if you care to read. I don't expect or care if everyone thinks/feels the same as I do, I'm merely pointing out that it does make sense in the way it is presented. If that is a problem then post a mod request in the appropriate forum, I'll be sure to keep my speculations out of it.
  7. At the end of the day they are still half man half lizard. In the lore they stem from a branch of elves do they not? This means they have mammal like qualities I guess. I've seen no references towards Argonians laying eggs rather than giving live birth as well. They are people with lizard faces and skin, I dunno why that's so hard to wrap your minds around.
  8. I for one think blackmarsh or valenwood would be amazing. Hammerfell sounds boring to me as does high rock and summerset. Elsweyre would probably feel like the first assassin's creed to me but with cats... If I remember anything about blackmarsh and valenwood though it would suck with their current engine. A whole bunch of living and moving scenery seems hard to do in the current engine. Basically I'd prefer to see an exotic locale in the next game but not if they are gonna do it poorly. Blackmarsh with undead argonians leaping out of the swamps at you, now there's a game.
  9. You must realize that being annoyed by it helps to keep it alive right? ....Oh you didn't? Well now you do. I used to steal sweetrolls, then I took an arrow to the knee. Problem?
  10. What's wrong someone stole your sweetroll?
  11. I bet all the people experiencing that save game size bug on PS3 wish they pirated it for the pc instead. We as PC users might play with lower res textures as a result of console ports, but modders love to fix that for us anyway. Some people shelled out 60 bucks for a console game only to find it unplayable or severely crippled. That kind of thing really kills the enjoyment and is deserving of harsh criticism. It's not just that bethesda expects the modding community to fix their product for them, they also like many companies now expect to be able to release an untested, inferior product and then let you download a patch later after you paid them to be a tester. I fully understand and find it reasonable that a huge project like skyrim would have bugs, but you would expect them to be more subtle than what we've gotten this time around. What incentive is there to pay for a legitimate copy of skyrim when you look at what support the company is offering for their paying customers to begin with. Piracy is an issue, but it's ironic when a pirated copy runs better than the one you paid for.
  12. A half man half dragon would be sick. I've been missing the breath of fire series lately...
  13. A mod that puts all the stuff in the game that should have been there to begin with. Parry with dual wield, Acrobatics ressurected complete with perks including dodge rolls, Spell Crafting, cast spells while equipped with a bow, etc etc etc... and yes that counts as one thing imo.
  14. True we can't use the voice files from the old game, but I think there are plenty of people willing to record their best impressions of the old stuff.
  15. I almost never do any enchanting in the elder scrolls games unless I'm just goofing around. It has a tendency to ruin any challenge the game can offer...
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