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Posts posted by Rasana

  1. my computer picked up the links as a Trojan virus so i'm not gonna install it.


    Ugh....I hate anti-virus scanners that give false positives. Some are pretty righteous pieces of junk. Your anti-virus program is the problem. It doesn't recognize an unsigned executable, so instead of using proper heuristics, it just defaults to flagging it as a virus. This is not a virus. Check into a better AV. Let me guess....hmmm.....Avast or AVG Free edition is what you are using? They tend to give quite a bit of false positives....I stopped using both of them after trying them out. AVG "paid for" version is pretty good though, and I might suggest Kaspersky, Nod32, and Bitdefender as well. As much as it pains me to admit, the only free antivirus/malware scanner I've seen that passes the mustard in the slightest on tests like VB100 and others is Microsoft Security Essentials. *sighs* Microsoft finally did something very well, for free....

  2. "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."


    I assume this is because I didn't install the whole SDK. But why provide an executable if it only works with the dependencies of the SDK, and not provide them as well?

    the bat file worked for me with xWMAEncode.exe which i downloaded and put in de soundsfolder.

    i didn't download or install the SDK, so i guess the missing MSVCR100.dll must refer to something else.

    according to this link it's a C runtime library which you can download from the same place. you should place it in your C:\Windows\System32 folder.

    hope this helps for you.


    I second this. I didn't install the SDK either, but do have C++ runtime updates installed. His bat files and .exe worked just fine for me.

  3. Please note that this user got himself banned, so no further support in this thread is necessary.

    I am however leaving this thread open, in case it might help somebody who has similar problems.



    Well then I'll add the answer, but its not my answer. See this thread....




    A combo of the answers here (99% here) and elsewhere, allowed me to port custom hairs, hats, and jewelry meshes from FO3 into NV. It all comes down to creating new .egm files along with FNVEdit.

  4. I'm rather perturbed by the state of bugfix modding for New Vegas - it's patchy and uncontrolled, and doesn't scale well for the future. I'm going to use a comparison with Oblivion; I know Oblivion has been out for a long time now, isn't getting patches anymore, and has had a lot of time to produce a bugfix mod to fix as many bugs as it can, but I'm not expecting a mod that fixes every bug in New Vegas; just that the lessons from Oblivion's modding history be remembered and taken into account.


    Oblivion has a single extremely detailed and comprehensive mod called the Unofficial Oblivion Patch which includes an extremely detailed set of notes which explain precisely what bugs are fixed. By comparison, New Vegas has a flurry of mods each of which fixes exactly one bug in an entirely ad-hoc manner. The closest thing to a compilation "fixes" things that aren't bugs - there's a reason the stuff in Doc Mitchell's house isn't tagged as owned; doesn't fix things which are more likely to be bugs - Easy Pete's belongings not being tagged are more likely to be accidental; includes an overhaul mod (FOOK); and looks to be obsessed with crediting everyone who ever wrote a mod to fix a single bug simply because they happened to get to it first (as if that counts as any sort of prize or is worthy of special mention).


    Is it too late to have someone produce a single Unofficial New Vegas Patch ESP which fixes many bugs and doesn't obsess with crediting whoever first wrote a mod to fix bug #9235 of 59363? Again, I'm not looking for completionism - just for a good foundation to expand on as more bugs come to light.



    You are jumping the gun a bit, and also drawing the wrong conclusions for the wrong reasons in some instances.


    First, the UOP, didn't come out in the first month of the release of Oblivion. It took a few months - around 4 months before the initial release. We are barely past the first 30 days of NV. So chill. There is already a "community patch" fixing bugs that the official one hasn't.


    Second, we already got an official patch in the first few weeks fixing many errors. Rendering some fixes in the "community patch", obsolete.


    Third, it sounds like we are getting another official big bugfix patch here in the next couple weeks if not sooner.


    Fourth, many "bug fix" patches are waiting to see what the next official patch does, so they don't waste time modding something that is going to be fixed soon anyway.


    Fifth, we are getting official patches for bugs, so far, much faster than we did for Oblivion or FO3.


    Sixth, you can do something like what I do, and just gather the fixes yourself in one mod, as many of the fixes are quite simplistic in their nature.

  5. I dunno. I think its a really subjective topic.


    When I think about it, I believe I have laughed out loud just as equally among all Bethseda games.


    New Vegas, there were a few recent instances that I remember.


    How I took out Benny....with Black Widow, being a female, and a high speech.....


    Some of the conversation choices with both Veronica and ESPECIALLY, Cass, are really funny. Cass, its due to her crass comments...one was so vile that I couldn't believe what I heard and is very unique.


    New Vegas actually had performing comedians to listen to - not really funny, but amusing, and something that hasn't been seen in previous games from Bethseda. From there, the usual amusing quips from various characters.


    There is plenty of "dark humor", much like FO3 and Oblivion.

  6. currently, i am trying to get to lucius so i can learn the unarmed move, but verytime i go into their camp without armor, i get attacked. If i wear armor, I still get attacked by a few legionaries. When i go into caesar's tent, EVERYONE attacks me. Im neutral with them. please help. I also want to do their quests.


    Load up an older save, and don't take Boone with you. Boone has already told you that he will kill Legion whether you like it or not.....so that's why this is happening.

  7. I hate the rusty look of the jail cell bars, and would like a clean version of them please.



    Its a really specific request, and very "unique" one. Meaning, there are plenty of modders, like me, who like the way they look, who have no desire to change them.


    You might have to change this one on your own. Through a free tool like GIMP and a .bsa extractor, its a pretty easy thing to do. I've changed road signs, the color of Dinky, and coloration's of different armors, for instance, just through textures, because it was a personal preference. But I don't release this stuff - its a personal preference, after all, that I don't believe would be a widely desired thing among the populace.

  8. I've always been a big fan of the melee/pacifist character, and I love how in NV they added some extra moves for both the unarmed and melee attacks. The only problem is that all of the attacks seem to have pretty unimaginative effects. Extra damage, knockdown, etc. Changing the effects for melee weapons in the GECK is pretty easy, but the unarmed attacks I can't even find mention of in the GECK. It would be awesome to be able to add a repetoire of unarmed moves and melee moves to choose from, and with varied effects like knock outs/fatigue damage, disarming an opponent, disabling limbs, etc.


    Think about it; how cool would it be to be fighting three guys, one with a gun, and two others with melee weapons, go into VATS, attack and disarm the guy with the gun, attack the closest melee fighter and knock him out, then turn the recently liberated gun on the thirds kneecaps and watch as he limps away in terror.


    Another thing that would be great is if people stayed out for longer and you could loot unconscious bodies. That's one thing I loved about the first 2 fallouts; Knocking people out with a good crit to the head, and taking all of their stuff. It's irritating in NV when you knock someone out, continue on to dispatch his buddies, then have him wake up 10 seconds later with all of his gear, shooting you in the back. You can adjust the minimum fatigue values in the game settings to allow for long knockouts, but then of course you still have to inflict that much fatigue damage on someone to keep them out for any period of time. Thats the tricky part.


    Lastly, and probably one of the more ambitious things, is being able to add some scripting that allows you to rob and loot stuff from people who are fleeing. The way I see it, they lost the will to fight and will most likely happily part with some of their belongings in order to convince you to leave them alone. It's also another way to render someone mostly harmless without killing them outright.


    Does this sound good to anyone but me? I've been playing/modding FO3 for the last year, hoping some decent unarmed and pacifist mods would make an appearance, and there are a few, but they definitely don't seem too popular as far as I can tell. Maybe I'm just weird <shrug>. I usually don't even play a purely pacifist character; it's just nice to have the option, I guess. I'm trying to find a way to do this, but the more I get into it, the bigger an undertaking it appears to be. I'm not a very good scripter or modder, though I'll continue to try it out. If anybody did do something like this, or even had any ideas or advice to add, it would be awesome.




    I'm a modder, and a recent fan of melee (decided to take it up with NV, while FO3 I never bothered), and some of what you ask for is already in game to a point. However, to be exact of what you are asking for requires custom animations and scripts. That's the big catch.


    I can count on one hand the number of modders who are working on FO3 and NV mods who have the ability or resources to do custom animations. Scripts, its quite a few .....but animations to boot? Yea....single digits. Its a lot of work. They would really have to be dedicated to the project of redoing melee and unarmed to go this route.


    Not to discourage you, but the modders I know of who do custom animations don't have melee animations on their radar. The 3 guys I knew of who did really popular custom melee mods in Oblivion (1 with around 20,000 downloads, the other two with around 60,000), aren't modding for FO3 or NV.


    It makes sense - both games, FO3 and NV, are heavily gun/energy weapon based. Good luck, however, I'm a new fan of melee weapons in NV, so I'd be eager to see some new changes here as its beyond my abilities.

  9. I have been trying to get sexy female power armor since way back in FO3, it never happened.


    I am here once again to try and get sexy female power armor.


    Now what I mean by sexy is, something that is curvy and streamlined, not Power Armor with boob holes cut out, that is tacky and looks like crap. think like the Iron Man suit from Iron Man 2 but curvy to show off the female shape. Now there doesn't even have to be metal armor covering the entire body, but there should at least be spandex (obviously it is actually some extra strong form fitting kevlar junk and not spandex) covering her body. Hell the female Shepard's armor from Mass Effect is a good example, curvacious (sp?) covering but not bulky and encumbering.


    Anyways I thank you for your time.


    P.S. I'll try to get some good pics to post of what I have in mind.



    So something more than this mod from FO3, I take? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5212


    Seems to do the job, and its just meshes, so its easy to implement for New Vegas. Works just fine for me. Yet you seem to have something else in mind....

  10. Okay, I'm not up with any current drama on these boards (nor do I wish to be involved with any as a future note), but I'm guessing that because it reads as a user groups of "banned" under his name that this is a banned member?


    Forgive my ignorance on such things, but after reading his post, I was quite bewildered. What is he talking about? Has he taken too many meds or drugs and is totally off his rocker? Does this poster need psychiatric help? (I can help him on that).


    Then I saw the "user group" of "banned". So I figure, that might explain everything in a nutshell. Its too bad....he had some wonderful ideas, but when he went off on paranoid/psychotic episodes like this, he just didn't make any sense.

  11. make a plugin that flags it as playable and places it inworld.


    Like these?


    Cass Outfit

    Playable Cass outfit



    Yes, her original outfit is unique to her, and unwearable by you.


    However, like Dante is suggesting, you can download mods to make her outfit playable to yourself....or her.


    You can also, through the resources of those mods, add them to her inventory, while removing her default clothing, to make it her default clothing. Meaning, if you want the mod "Cass Outfit", to be her original default clothing, its an easy modification to do so....so she is wearing that clothing when you first meet her.

  12. hey, I want to have the Reagan character, but one of its requirements is the "Rikais beatuy Pack"




    (go down a bit and copy + paste the url)


    you will see the problem. what can I do against it? use another mod??



    Err...just use this:




    Has the same hairstyle in it, the mod isn't in question, and the most you might have to do is point the hairstyle in the mod you wish to this master. You might not even have to do that if the .nif mesh files are the same from each mod.

  13. Hmmm, I have no trouble with ED-E in The Thorn.

    Did you attack the Greasers in the sewer?

    That seemed to set everyone all the New Vegas Residents residing in the sewers.



    Its a common bug with ED-E, and not at all predictable. Its why not even a modder has come out with a fix for this common problem.


    I've had ED-E open fire on Primm folks. I've had ED-E not open fire and be fine with the folks in the Thorn, for instance, but yet like the OP is saying, he did. I've had ED-E, while resting in the Lucky 38, decide to open fire on a fellow companion, Cass, who was also just resting. I've had other instances, but don't remember exactly the areas, but one thing I can say: It doesn't matter what your reputation is.


    Its gotten annoying enough with me, that while I'm extremely busy for the next few weeks, I'm really tempted to scour his scripting in the GECK to find out what the heck he is doing. In the meantime, when I want to walk into an indoors "faction area", I usually tell him to wait outside because of his homicidal attitude.

  14. Idk if its just me but for some reason i dont stand more than 3 hits against these guys. and im at lvl 12 to 13 and they just kick my butt. :wallbash:


    so idk if its just me being a moron.. ( probably) but if anyone else is having this problem let me know cuz its DUMB



    Well the deal is, in FO3, once you got a certain level, Yao Gi's and Deathclaws just became an annoyance, right? That's what you got used to.


    Now in NVegas, its a whole new ballgame.


    These Deathclaws, especially if you are a wearer of light armos, are DEADLY. Hooray beer! (oh wait....that's another subject).


    Yes, they will kick your butt, rip your head off your shoulders, stomp on your intestines, and throw all your bits to the wind like tiddlywinks. That's intentional. They are Deathclaws. You must deal with that.


    For me being a light armor wearer, they were very deadly to me all the way to 30. I had to be smart about how I approached and engaged them, especially with a quest that required me to hunt them.

  15. I can't continue the main quest, because mr. house doesn't give back me the platinum chip, and i can't do anything!!!

    i'm very very but very angry...s***, but these BUGs are serious!!!

    have you also had any problems in the game?


    Hrm...I've been through House on 4 different paths now and he has always given back the Chip to me. You are either going to have to be more specific on the path quests you have taken among ALL factions, including his, or attribute this to a conflict with a mod you are running.


    I run about 30 mods myself (that are using .esp/.esm).

  16. In my opinion, yes, I believe it is very immoral to execute human beings based on their actions. Many countries, if not the majority, do issue death penalties, but is there really any point in doing this? Not matter how much you try to cover it up- with painless posion or whatever method they do - it's still killing a living, breathing entity that has loved, cried, and suffered itself. A human is still a human, so why kill one that has done the same injustice (or something just as bad) and just lock them up like everyone else? Why be considered a crimminal yourself when life in prison or a long sentence can equal the deed, and as a result, apply IMO, the real, appropiate punishment?



    An eye for eye, and tooth for a tooth, has always what I lived with. If I can forgive what has been done, then I forgive, and forget about the former.


    However, there are some things, so heinous, so abominable, so evil, that your whole, "love everyone because they are human" clause just doesn't wash with me.


    So that guy that chopped people up, froze them in his freezer, and cooked them up on weekends, should be forgiven because he is an "entity that has loved, cried, and suffered itself". He should continue to live?


    So the guy that recently went through Iowa last week (where I live), and randomly stopped at gas stations, demanded money, and when they fully complied, shot them dead anyway for giggles, should be forgiven? Even after he was lead into court laughing and giggling, and when asked what he was laughing about, and why he did it, he responded with, "because I can. Because you all are funny." So you are saying such a evil person should be allowed to live on our taxpayer dollars? Meaning, the very families he ruined (one of the people he killed was a mother of eight), are paying for his well being?? You think this is right? You think your family would like to be paying for your killer's well being?


    I will not get into religious arguments here. But I'm very well assured and safe in my own thoughts that evil needs to be wiped from this earth. Yes, I would volunteer to end it. While some things can be argued and debated over what is evil, there are some instances which have no room for debate.

  17. Dark0ne, I applaud your efforts at making the site better and the ideas being tossed around. After reading all that (yes, I read all of it, :P), however, I did not see what is going to change the modder's or the rater's mentalities of "1" for suck, or "10" for good, and no rating in between is acceptable.


    Limiting the amount of subscribers who are allowed to post ratings is a step in the right direction on getting "mature" raters, but I didn't read anything in your post that would do the same for getting "mature" Modders.


    How are you going to get the modders themselves, who you admit you had many issues with, to accept anything less than a 10 in the ratings...and daresay they get 5 or 6's? Won't it just go back to the same old problem before Endorsements came around?


    I dunno...just some thoughts. I guess you really won't know if you can change a culture/mentality until you try our a new idea to facilitate that change.

  18. Thanks for the solutions here. I was banging my head on the desk in frustration trying to get jewelry imported into New Vegas and couldn't understand why things looked good in the Geck, but not in game. Adding the "Head" value into the Biped Model sections with NVEdit was the key. Everything is working perfectly now.
  19. Which is better? I just finished Head of State on my new Small Guns character and I was wondering weather to sell Lincoln's Repeater and use Ol' Painless or do the opposite.


    Lincoln's Repeater, without a doubt or a mod affecting it. Packs a whallop and it is extremely accurate. Only "downside" is that its uses .44 caliber ammo. Totally vanilla game, it might be an issue until you get to the Pitt. If you run the Gunslinger or Regulator mods, it isn't that much of an issue - an expensive issue, but at least not an issue where you cannot find the ammo.


    Its totally worth the caps though. Its worth the trouble.

  20. On my first playthrough on fallout 3 I came across a small compound. Curious I went to investigate. It turns out that it is a dictatorship with only a few citizens and most of them are family. Now being the power hungery man I am I wondered why can't I join this group? I had a plan to slowely gain Daves trust and then kill him and control the republic and steer it in a direction I choose. However the limited dialouge options prevented me from doing this. :mad:. So I thought a little more on the topic and thought why weren't factions implemented in Fallout 3? In vanilla Oblivion there was so much to do for guilds and or factions. In fallout 3 you are just a man and you can't become part of any faction. Sorry got a little carried away it just seems like a waste to have something appear to be detailed and mallable and then suddenly realize that a place like the republic could do with some improvments.



    And that's why there is a modding community for Fallout 3. Even now, if you do a search, there are people expanding on the Republic of Dave through mods. Perhaps you would want to help them? There is no reason to voice a complaint....there is only a reason to voice a mod idea.


    Why do you think the Oblivion modding community is still going strong? Its because of the modding community itself feeding off one another and expanding what the game can do because of ideas among themselves. If someone looked at my Oblivion game today, they wouldn't recognize it from the Oblivion of the original release.

  21. I'm new to Fallout - I'm in love with Fallout 3, can't wait for New Vegas, and - best of all - JB HI-FI is selling a pack of Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics for just AU$20!!!


    Anyway, I don't know the FULL plot. Did the apocalypse only occur in the US? Becuase I haven't heard about any Vaults Vault-Tec built OUTSIDE of the US. Then again, I don't hear about people evacuating the US.


    Read the last post from Keanumoreira.


    It explains your question in great detail. The only thing I have to add to it, is that the bombs falling from the Chinese were a great surprise to the American public. Only those on the east coast had any "large" amount of forewarning at all. The West Coast got hit first, with the East Coast following.


    When the bombs launched, it went worldwide, with nuclear armed allies of both factions joining in, for a world-wide holocaust.


    This is all in Fallout 3 in-game data and holotapes.

  22. I like! I was hoping these changes would come around sometime, and here they are!


    I suppose I am in the minority here, when I say, I like the 3 hr limitation. I know of certain modders who have people just creating accounts to rate, and that strikes me as odd. They aren't earning money...is it really that important? Seems like a lot of trouble for just a "ego boost".


    With the 3hr limitation in place, the feedback you get is some honest and true feedback instead of someone just looking at the description and screenshots....or worse (see above).


    This is spot on with the way I envisioned the changes, and gave feedback on, when you asked our opinions on the rating changes.


    Well done! :)

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