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Everything posted by MeguRyel

  1. Yes I do, I made another hair model that fits under most hats and made an .egm file from the .nif in the oblivion-version. That's how I made the one for the no-hat version, so the .egm file should be a proper one...
  2. I started re-making some of my hairstyles and a slightly changed head shape for my race, before even reading and remembering the ArchiveInvalidation-thing FO3 caused troubles with. Funny thing is, it doesn't cause any trouble at all, texture shows up like it should and the hair fits the head just fine. Only thing is, it doesn't seem to accept the .egm file, if the name is not exactly the same as the .nif, so if I name the hair like this: HairIfalna.nif HairIfalnahat.egm HairIfalnanohat.egm the hair shows, but doesn't change when the headshape is changed. So, I tried naming the files like: HairIfalna.nig HairIfalna.egm and it works. Problem is, the hat-hair doesn't bother showing up. So I started searching the forums for other people having the same issues, but I couldn't find anything. I tried putting the files into a .bsa, but I must be doing something wrong because when I exchange the meshes-file with the meshes.bsa, none of my meshes seem to be working. Last thing I tried was the ArchiveInvalidation like I found a tutorial in one of the FONV-Articles and here in the forum, but it didn't change anything. I'm terribly sorry for my confusing explanation, but I really have no idea where the problem started. This is so frustrating, I'd rather spend my time making new hair meshes... *sigh* Can anybody help me or give me a hint where to look at?
  3. Hi! I want to make a set-body mod, that shall allow to change your bodytype in-game. I'm doing the meshes and textures, and I found someone who would possibly help me with scripting, still I'd like to know if it's possible and if the idea I have now is realizeable. (sorry if I use funny english) The Player goes to a Doctor, let's say Pinkerton, and you can have your bodysize changed the way you want it (by now 3 types, S, M and L). If you have your body made, you equip the new bodymesh when you unequip all armors. That would mean you can look different when naked, but that's not all I want. Armor meshes that show much skin or are tight to the body will be altered, and if you are a S-sized character, you can't wear size M and L. Some baggy armors like Brahmin skin outfit or the Power Armors will stay as they are and marked as "onesized", so everyone can equip. The idea is an invisible token attached to the Player and NPC I guess, that is checked on equipping and unequipping for the body size. Sadly, I'm very untalented with scripting, but Storm Raven sent me here to get at least an answer if it is or is not possible to script something like this. Thank you very much!
  4. The problem is you can't change the skeleton for female without changing it for males, they use the same. So if you change the shoulders of the skeleton, the males will look odd. But I'm trying myself on a mod to make the body replaceable ingame; can't promise to get it to work too soon, I'm searching for someone to help me with the scripting. Here are some first impressions of the bodytypes I have made so far, based on the exnem body replacer. If I find someone who finds a way to accomplish this task, there will be more variants to choose from. That will be affecting only the nude body however, not all outfits until conversion.
  5. I made a couple of hair that look good with some hats: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8097 Problem is the fitting under a hat without pushing the mesh into the head is really tideous so I simply pushed into the heads. Makes the hair look weird with the party hat for example, that leaves most of the head visible. I assume the stealthboy is defined as a hat, so you would have to change that; maybe put it on a slot for amulet or glasses. It may appear on the head without changing the hairstyle to the hat-version then. But isn't the stealthboy covering most of the head?
  6. That's not a too big problem. the diffuse map is the actual texture. I recommend to make it in some gray tones, because the character editor will change the colour later anyway, and with a gray-toned (but not grayscale! it needs to be RGB colour) you can make the notmal map quite easy. So, paint a texture as you think it looks good; here's a VERY good photoshop tutorial for that http://www.poopinmymouth.com/process/hair_...ial/hair_01.htm The normalmap looks like a weird blue pic with some pink and green structure. It gives the hair more structure by telling the light how to reflect, and you simply need the nvidia normal map filter for that. You can get it here: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photosh...ds_plugins.html Now, you take your diffuse map, run the levels and give it some more contrast. I make my hair textures so the background is near to black after that. Run the Nvidia filter; I didn't experiment with this too much, but it will provide you with a useable normalmap. Save the file with the same name and _n behind it. Don't close this, because you'll make the Highlightmap with that right after. For that, you reverse the normal map filter and turn on levels again. The contrast should be high enough to make some parts of the hair disappear in the black background. Copy everything, go to the alpha channel and paste. Then again, turn on levels and make it a little bit darker again. Save it as xxx_hl.dds, and make sure you assign all textures in the nif. Done!
  7. Well, I'm not sure if I understood everything but I'll give it a try. You tinkered around in geck on the caucasian copy and changed the texture. Are you sure you have changed the face texture with the right one? Are you sure the texture have the right format? Usually the textures are 512x512 or 1024x1024 if you want it big. Hm, well a screenshot might help here... What I don't understand is, why did you export it as obj in to 3ds max? What you should know is: the facegen modulators make no changes to the headmesh itself, it modifies it only with the parameters that were previously set inside the .tri file. If you want to make a custom headmesh, you don't need to tinker in geck first, just get the niftools for 3ds max and import from nif. obj is nice but I screw every time I try with that, seems to change the size or something. But why exporting as obj if you can import from nif directly? The 3ds max importer will mirror the texture upside down, so first thing to do is adding the Unwrap UV-modifier and edit the UV map. Just mirror vertically. Then you can change the shape slightly, but don't you add any vertices - you would have to make a new .egm and .tri and .egt file for that and as far as I know there is no tool around to do that. Well there is for hair, but it doesn't work for heads, I already tried. But if you don't add vertices and make not too big changes, you can use the vanilla egm file. Oh, and don't change the neck or it won't fit the body anymore. When you are done modelling the mesh, export as .nif for fallout 3. Be sure you don't stripify the mesh. Open the vanilla headmesh in nifscope and replace the NiTriShape data. now if the head shows up about a bodylength above the original, you will have to change the translation values; look for the translation (in x-y-z-axis) in the block information of the NiTriShape. See the values? Make a note of them, then flip plus and minus (hope you know what I mean, I don't know what it would be in english), then rightclick the NiTriShape->transform->apply. Might throw up a warning, ignore. The mesh sould be were the feet are now. go to transformation again, type in the values as they were before. Save as myhead.nif. Copy the humanhead.tri, egm and egt and rename with myhead.tri etc. Now you have to move all of them into the right file, data->meshes->characters->head. So much for the mesh. Now, apply the texture in nifscope and see if it looks ok. if not, you'll have to adjust the texture. You have to have a normalmap and a _sk.dds (don't exactly know what this is) too with the same name. Assign the texture, save and now open geck again and your custom caucasian-copy-race. Choose myhead.nif as your new headmesh and the texture. Hope it was understandable, it's too complicated stuff for me to explain with my poor english ^.^°
  8. I don't know how to get it ingame, but you will dafinately have to make the animation for that first. Earthquake could be simulated by shanking the camera maybe, and you need the sound of heavy breathing. I think this is already lots of work, especially if you don't have experiences with animation etc, and sadly I don't either so I can't halp you with that...
  9. Hey that's somewhat near to what I'm working on! I have already succeeded to make 3-version-playable races, that use different bodies. That's not the hard part I think, well if you don't have to make the body meshes. But the makers of roberts male body replacer for fallout generously allow the free use of their work if you give them credit, so that's ok. Take one of the Raider-races for example, dublicate and look for the body information. There you can assign bodypart meshes. Could be I'm using the wrong names for that, I haven't opened it right now. There should be a button for editing the upper bodymesh and texture. Replace both with what you want to use. Done. Sounds easy, right? Problem is, when clothes are put on, the whole body is replaced. That's good for we have no clipping issues with body replacers, but also means if a fat guy puts on a normal raider armor, he looks just like the other raider. If you strip him of the clothes, he's fat again. So this means you don't have to replace the body only but have to make fat-man-raider-armor to make him look fat when he's got clothes on. That means a lot of work. for roberts bodies for example you can't just change the raider-armor to look a bit different, you would have to replace the bodyparts where there is skin, because the textures won't fit. Aw, it's a bit complicated and it's very hard for me to explain in english.... If you should have understood some of my babbling and are interested in working together maybe, pm me and I'll try my best to explain what I know. This way I don't have to bother other forum users with my confusion. Here is the link to my file, like I told I made three bodytype playable races, maybe it could help you looking into how I did it: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8097
  10. That will be a problem with the texture I guess. You have the texture with the alpha map (transparencies) of the nohat-hair, and the game uses the same for the hat-hairmesh. For the UV-Maps are made for another texture, it has weired transparencies. You can look this up in nifscope with right-clicking on the hat-mesh ->texture -> edit UV. With the texture you have assigned you should see the template like a flat net on a picture but it doesn't fit on it. I made a shot of one of my hairs with a wrong texture below. Now to fix this, you could either edit the UVmap so it fits somehow so it hasn't transparencies on wrong spots, but what you can't do is using another texture. Some hair mods have textures hat include the hairbun-texture in a corner and fit the UVmap to this, I have made custom hat-hairmeshes that aren't too different to the no-hat hair and fit the UV map. Either way you will need to put in some time into this ^.^° UV-mapping isn't exactly the easiest thing...
  11. @ jackpack hey thanks for the offer! I'd love to use this if it's really ok. I'll give you credits for that of cause ;)
  12. Upload successful! Please download and test it! http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8097 I decided to use the male bodies from robert and colourize, who are both so generous to allow use of their works. So the next version will have male bodies too and clothes. I want to make the whole thing more a general fan-stuff-mod with FF-stuff because I like it so much, but if there are suggestions or wishes, I have an open ear. There is another modeller who will work with me, doing the anorganic modelling (I'm better with organic and character-stuff). We could use help of a spripter later, so if someone is interested, pm me. Well I'll sort my ideas and thoughts and list them here, by tomorrow maybe. Anyway, GET MY MOD AND PLEASE TEST!!! It works so fine for me, I really hope it work for everyone else, too ...
  13. The error is "no file submitted". It's thrown up after the uploading, like 15 minutes or so...
  14. I've been trying to upload a new file and it gave me the uh-oh, we hit a snag-message when the upload was completed and didn't add the file - has this something to do with the server moving? Thanks alot for all your efforts, I'm enjoying the nexus very much!
  15. Oh. No good, seems like the new server doesn't like my upload, failed twice now. I'll try again later.
  16. I DID IT! I have re-named all files and added .egms for everything that could need one, and now the hair is actually working with hats, too. Take a look: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1249639481.jpg http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1249639481.jpg http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1249639481.jpg I'll upload more pics as soon as I have some more pretty ones. This time, it should work for all races, I made versions for the human heads too. It's really much more work than I thought it would be. At this point, I want to thank all people who ever made efforts to bring new things to games, especially Fallout and Oblivion that I enjoy so much. I don't know if there still are issues with other race mods. The body replacer shouldn't be affected since it makes no geck-changed and only replaces the bodymesh; I'm currently working on the next step and have no time to test that one out, so maybe someone else could report if he still experiences crashes when using other race-changing mods. Next steps are clothings right now. When I found my pipeline for that, I'll return to the hair and make new textures maybe; because laffindude is right, the texturespace isn't used efficiently. My computer has no problems with big textures (2048x2048) so I didn't care when I started, and then I found out each texture was about 20MB, so 60 for one head :blink: That's no good I thought and resampled it, and now it looks a little low-res. Well, I'll find something, but I want to make some clothings and male bodies first. Ah yes, the new version contains childraces so you can start the game normally. I only made one child hair for them. It's simply too much work for half an hour playtime to make every hair for childs. And some other plans are optional skins with tattoos and make-up. I put many efforts into the body UV-map so I can place big tattoos allover the back and to the sides of the legs, even to the ankles. I'm making some versions right now, so if anybody has wishes for tattoos, this would be the right time to shout.
  17. Oh that's great information!!! Would mean I don't have to make two layers hair, right? Man that would really spare me some work... I think I'll take a little break for I've worked on this for the last few weeks without doing anything else, but thanks, really! Most people seem to experience great problems with my mod, and I dunno why; it works great for me. Well ok, the new body is causing some texture problems with clothes that show skin right now, I'll have to fix that bit by bit.
  18. @johnny Thanks, I don't have any training but I liked drawing since I was little so I did a lot ;) I have some of my works uploaded on deviantart, if you want to take a look: http://engelryel.deviantart.com/gallery/ Always wanted to work somewhere in game design; maybe will sometime. But modding is a great hobby too. laffin: Yah I think I will rename the files; it's not so easy to repack the UVs for I draw them by hand. Having them packed on so little space makes that really difficult and I did not want to invest time in re-making all textures in this state. Maybe later, but I'll check on Yuffies hair. Thanks for the tip with vertex-colours. Do you possibly know why the alpha doesn't work sometimes and makes the head peek out? I haven't found a system behind that. Oh and the head-mesh: I admit the changes are minor, but they were not possible with the facegen. I wanted the lips to be more defined, and the exes to have a eyelid crease. Eyeform isn't changeable as much as I did want, some little things not everyone might notice but I just coudn't play a character I find ugly. That's why. I'll speak with my team about this project, for I like modelling and texturing but adding the whole thing to the game and without conflicts with other mods is kinda hell to me. If I can get some help with that, I could concentrate on modelling, that would be much more fun to me. Thanks for testing, anyway ;)
  19. So, I'm done with all modelling and texturing and am now testing the whole plugin; I started a new game, everythng works fine but then, all of a sudden the gene projector display turns black. Somewhere later there's a funny-coloured rectangle when the pipboy is opened. What could be my problem?? Happens sometimes, not always, still I'd like that issue corrected before releasing, but here is a first test version. I would appreciate any help fixing the bugs. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8097
  20. I have asked around but couldn't get the permission to use any other body yet - so I'll start up new I guess.
  21. Don't you worry. If you take a closer look, you will see that the NPC has another race, it just shows up under your custom race. It's a bit confusing but won't have any effect on any NPC unless you change their race setting to your custom.
  22. So now, Reno is done; one more hair until release. Still can't upload the image, so you'll have to download the mod when done to see Reno and Vincent ;) I'll definately make weapons, but I'll start with swords most likely (looks easier to me). If I wanted a Barret-gun, I would have to make it big enough to cover the hand, right? I think I can figure it out. But first, I will dig my way through a bunch of tutorials I found and make a bodies and clothing; my idea was to make three body types (like S, M, L) and different clothings - some will be onesize like powerarmor or brahminskin outfit, stuff that's not made to make you look elegant, you know... and others, those that show skin or are closer to the body like normal clothing will be avaiable in three sizes. So you make a char in size S for example, then you can wear clothes that are S or onesize, no M- or L-wear. Will make it little harder to find fitting clothes, but it allowes NPCs to have different bodytypes. Ah by the way, is it possible to change the bodymesh/race after character-generation? Like: If you don't eat enough, you become slim. Anyway, my plan is to make three Races out of one, so you can choose between Caucasian - S, M, L etc. and tweek the NPCs a little so that some of them have different bodies. But that's part two, I'm finishing the last hair tomorrow and the ugly male face.
  23. Beautiful! I'm looking forward to explore it by myself. How about a grandfather clock that rings to the full hours? Could be openable too, to hide a secret door key or a note...
  24. You use one of the niftools to import it into the program of your choice; I think there are plugins for most modelling programs.
  25. http://engelryel.deviantart.com/art/Male-h...tyles-130966132 http://engelryel.deviantart.com/art/Female...tyles-130965870 Here you go.
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