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  1. Thank you for the links! I meant the weight slider when referring to body types, yes. I thought they might have had two different textures, one for the most weight and one for the least weight, considering how they've dealt with weight when it comes to armor. I don't use any other body meshes than the vanilla ones, so I don't need to worry about that, at least. I haven't used TES5Edit before, I'm very new at using BOSS, and I have never written a line of code in my life (unless basic HTML counts) so there is much to learn. In the tutorial, it says that I need to make new hairstyles, eyebrows and such. Can I copy the existing Argonian ones for my CustomArgonians, since the only real change is the texture of their skin? Would it work if I simply manually copied SkyRe's normal Argonian racial bonus for the CustomArgonians, or would that cause a conflict with the racial plugin? Since the racial plugin doesn't actually cover any custom races if I'm understanding this correctly, this might be the easiest way to go about it. Again, thank you for your response, it certainly clarified things.
  2. Could you link me to a tutorial, please? The one on the CK wiki is not very in-depth and doesn't cover what to do if you use completely new textures instead of altering already existing ones. I would very much like your help, thank you for offering! It sounds like a better idea to create a new race instead of trying to make it work as a body paint or something. How does the CK handle the textures for different body types, though? Potential complications could be that I have SkyRe installed, with the module that changes the heights and abilities of each race. Will this affect the making of this new race negatively, making it more difficult? I am very grateful for your response! Sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker.
  3. A new skin texture, with new scale patters and everything. It's odd that I have to make an entirely new race to get it to work, I thought I could make it add to the sliders like how hair mods seem to work? I have a mod that adds freckles as a dirtmap option, for instance, and thought skin would work in a similar manner.
  4. Thank you for this advice. However, I didn't find anything on the Creation Kit wiki on how to specifically create skin textures, nor how to make them show up on the race menu in-game. Does anyone know how the game handles skin textures and body types, how can I make the texture I'd like to make compatible with all body types (smallest to largest/buffest)?
  5. Hi everyone! I am a complete noob at this. I would like to know how one goes about making a skin texture, specifically one for Argonians. I haven't used the Creation Kit nor modded anything else before. Does anyone have, say, links to tutorials or something that might help? I would like the texture to be an addition to the normal Argonian skintones and not a replacement for any of them, if that is possible. Thank you for reading, I'm sorry for being such a complete noob at everything, I hope you have a fine day.
  6. My current character is a young Argonian named Walks-In-Mist. He travelled to Skyrim to get a change of enviroment from Cyrodiil and to perhaps learn the art of jewelrymaking. Unfortunately he didn't know about the currents events and was not happy when he got mixed up with a bunch of Stormcloaks and then almost executed. He's trying to survive as best he can, but generally tries to be a good guy and not steal or things like that. He wields a two-handed sword and wears heavy armour since he likes to be able to take enemies down with few hits. He's also, perhaps unexpectedly, good at alchemy, which has proved to be both quite lucrative as well as very useful in fights. He cannot use the bow because he's myopic, but this doesn't bother him too much since the two-handed sword works well for him. He's fiercely against racial injustice, and was very sad when he found out the poor living conditions of the Argonians in Windhelm, but he doesn't know enough about the civil war conflict to feel comfortable taking sides yet. He is kind of soft-hearted and feels sad whenever he has to kill an Argonian in battle, it saddens him that so many seek out a life of banditry instead of making a honest living and being good people. He enjoys exploring new places, his name reflects this tendency that was strong even when he was but a small hatchling. He started off as fairly skinny and weak since he hadn't done a lot of hard labour in Cyrodiil, being essentially a teenager back then, but now he's starting to become stronger and a fairly good warrior. He has no real affinity for magic, he doesn't much care for it either way; alchemy is more tangible and easier to understand. His current companion is Kharjo the Khajiit, because Walks-In-Mist thinks that beast races should stick together after seeing how they're both mistrusted in Skyrim.
  7. My first ever Skyrim playthrough was as an Orc. Then I got into the lore for real (helps playing on a computer and not on a xbox with a crappy old tv you can hardly see a thing on) and decided it would be fun to play as a Nord. I got a bit sick of him so now I play as an Argonian because I like lizards and find their culture really fascinating.
  8. I still insist that it's a big design flaw that you cannot marry Gwilin (the happy elf in Ivarstead). He's so friendly and seems like he'd be fun to be around. If memory serves right, you can marry one of the stronghold male orcs, the guy you can recruit as a follower. You can also marry the female orc who's about to get married. With Farkas, I suppose people find him handsome and/or like the way he fights, and enjoy his personality. I never cared much about the Companions personally. Can't really comment on the woman thing as I have no idea and am a guy.
  9. I would also like some kind of realistic young-looking male face mod, perhaps a new complexion with less wrinkles? I'm roleplaying a character who is a young man (20 years old or similar) and it gets a little weird with his older-looking face.
  10. I'd like to try it for a while, but I don't really like MMOs that much (I am the kind of person who signed up for a text-only hardcore roleplaying MUD game where you had to wait for another player to become pregnant so that your character could be born). Plus I am poor so can't afford the monthly fees. It would be really cool if, in some magical paradise universe where hardware is irrelevant and the sky's the limit, you could play an online version of an Elder Scrolls game (maybe a maximum of 6 players, or something, but all sharing the same world). That way, you could have the fun of a group of friends playing together, minus the annoying griefers, immersion-breaking "wait in line to kill the boss" gameplay, and similar things that tend to come with MMOs.
  11. They only had 20 voice actors for all NPCs. In a way, you have a voice in that the little grunts and such you hear in battle are different depending on gender and race. I am fine with the Dragonborn having no "official" voice, since I can imagine how my character would sound saying this dialogue in my head. It would ruin the immersion for me if they had done voice acting and it just didn't fit the type of character I was playing (what if the female voices are all very cutesy and I want to play a cold-hearted badass woman? what if the male voices don't fit my character? etc).
  12. I'm 19, my first computer that was my own was my dad's old custom-built PC with Windows 2000 on it (otherwise I'd borrow my dad's or mom's computer). The first game I played was SimAnt when I was in preschool (3 or 4 years old), I was scared of the close-ups of the spider eating the ant. I also remember using Windows 95 at some point, and I remember when Google was a new search engine.
  13. For me, it was when I travelled in some kind of cold cave with Marcurio and he said "Is it foolish to start a fire and rest for a while? ...I suppose it is." in this dejected tone. Since I have Frostfall installed, I obliged him and lit a fire. It was somehow touching that he would say such a thing. Another heartwarming moment was when I adopted Lucia. It sounds so cheesy and stupid but seeing her happy put a big smile on my face.
  14. I tend to make the menfolk wear the Hide or Studded armour, as it reveals rather a lot (well, when not in battle and when I feel like showing off a bit). I wish there were sexy tavern... guys instead of only sexy tavern wenches, and that the men of the game were more attractive. I wonder, what would an appealing skimpy-yet-plausibly-so male tavern wench outfit look like? And what would the male word for a tavern wench be? I am from Sweden, and thusly I really enjoy playing with Frostfall installed. Right in the opening cutscene, I get a slight tinge of immersion breaking when I see the guy in bare-torso armour and it's still snow on the ground. It would be too cold for that. Then again, I suppose I have a bit more personal connection to a game set in a Scandinavian-inspired land. I know that you can kill dragons and resurrect the dead and whatnot, but I still like my made-up pixel people to be warm and comfy in the snow.
  15. I'm hoping for Elseweyr, as it would be very different from the previous games and fun to see Khajit culture.
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