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  1. Anyone know how the khajits or Argonians speak? oblivion or morrowind style? Saw one Khajit saying something along the lines "Khajit has wares if you have gold" So my guess is that the cats speak like they did on Morrowind, almost completely Yoda :P
  2. Anyone heard of spoiler warnings? :wallbash:
  3. ^^ does that mean we can`t duel wield the fireball spell? My best guess would be something along the lines of multiplayer related stuff (co-op) :tongue:
  4. First time i`ve seen the female undies. good that they aren`t all Tarzan this time around :dance:
  5. I just think he`s hairy :tongue:
  6. If crossbows are in they either are high end weapons or they were not included in the demo, because we haven`t heard an interviewer/demoer talk about them yet ;)
  7. now that I can confirm is not in .. they said there is no way to change your character after the start Actually they confirmed that you wouldnt be able to alter hair, face or race after start... they dont say anything about possibly getting a tattoo when you join the rebels, the legion or that third faction (I forget its name) that would make it visibly clear that you are a member and would prevent services from the others, I think it`s safe to say that we can`t though :confused: Time will tell :happy:
  8. Besides tes? Fable 2, period maybe even Sims 3 :dance:
  9. Would be awesome seeing as how some of the armors we have seen are without arms =) Maybe visit a tattooist in-game ? like changing your face with that old man in fallout 3 :tongue:
  10. Ok, we`ve all seen the epic face tattoos and i`m wondering if you can add body tattoos? like a tribal tattoo on your shoulder or something?
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