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Everything posted by CookieDynamics

  1. Ever since this post I discovered a program that allows you to create esp dependency ( It's called TESVSnip, for anyone that might be interested) However, after I make my changes to the esp and save it through CK the dependency is forgotten so the problem stated in the opening post remains. I would really appreciate any kind of support, I imagine this is something most modders know well how to do.
  2. Including followers from mods: Selene Kate Counting only unmodded vanila: Barbas
  3. Interesting, so the shield at the back was really a thing? I assumed that was pure fantasy... like sheathing/unsheathing 2-handed swords at the back easily. Nice info there, thank you! The same about the bow case. Now I actually wish there was a mod with this. It's a lot better than having the bow somehow superglued to the back hahah
  4. OH GOD! Now that you said it, I can't believe I haven't thought of that. You're right, it makes sense that wearing the bow like a bag (with the string appearing at your front while the base is at your back) would be a good way to carry the bow around. Thanks!
  5. So, today I was playing Skyrim when I suddenly realized something. Isn't it weird that the character somehow fixes his bow at his back whenever he doesn't need it? I started thinking... Is there some type of "bow scabbard" in real life? Like maybe a few leather strips at the back in which you knot the bow behind? But then, if that's the case, the archer would need someone to untie / tie the bow to his back, sounds incredibly unpractical. I then started thinking if I ever saw medieval-themed movies with archers running with bows at their back, but I honestly can't remember. I always see them having to run with their bows at hand at all times. So I decided to ask here, since I'm sure there must be people who understand this topic a lot more than me. Is the "bow in the back" really a thing? Or is this just one more "fantasy world" trend that got popular? PS: The same applies to "Shield in the back" . Sounds INCREDIBLY not practical to have a shield at your back hoping to get a grip on it if a combat suddenly start. (But just to be clear, I'm not saying any of those things annoy me.... Hell... I actually play with Dual-sheath installed just to have the shield on the back hahah)
  6. I realize the main theme here is talk about "Trainwiz", which I haven't met so I won't comment on that. I think it's pretty hard to comment on "who I consider to be the greatest skyrim modder" .... that's like asking what's my favorite food or what's my favorite band.... I don't have A favorite modder, or A favorite food. There are several Modders I deeply admire. From the top of my head comes Chesko, Gulogulo, isoku, Orgerboss and Hothtrooper. I say that because anyone can tell from light years away these people put a ton of work into their mods.... and if these 5 people weren't providing their mods to the community I would have stopped playing Skyrim long ago. But I can't say "Chesko is better than Hothtrooper" they are in completely different fields... it's impossible to compare.
  7. Hi there, I'm a complete amateur with modding and I would really appreciate if someone could help me understand what I'm doing wrong. I want to add new recipes to my game. Asky is an incredible dog-companion mod and I love it. However, the recipes for "dog food" use only vanila meats. So, for example, 1 piece of Venison can create 2 units of "dog food"... but since I'm playing with Hunterborn, when I hunt an Elk I get "Venison (Elk)" which can't be used for dog food. With that said, I tried creating my own compatibility patch. I did the following: 1) Opened creation kit 2) Selected "Hunterborn.esp" , "xgfThedog.esp" (That's Asky's) , Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. **Creation kit commented I had no active esp.... I assumed that was ok, because I want to create a new esp instead of overwriting Asky's . 3) On Items -> Constructible Object appear several " xgfTheDogRecipe** " (** = 01,02,03,04,05,...) 4) I duplicated xgfTheDogRecipe01 5) The recipe had the following parameters: *** ID: xgfTheDogRecipeDUPLICATE002 (I changed to "xgfTheDogRecipeM01") (M for mine , lol) *** Created Object: "xgfTheDogFeedMeat" (I didn't change it) *** Created Object Count: 2 (I didn't change it) *** Workbench Keyword: CraftingCookingPot (I didn't change it) *** Required Item List: 1 FoodGoatMeat (I changed to "_DS_RawElk") *** Match Conditions: S ; GetGlobalValue ; Global: 'xbfTheDogInit' ; Comp: ==; Value: 1.0 ; AND ; (I didn't change it) Then I pressed save and saved it as "askyHunterbornPatch.esp" I activated the esp and ran the game... Alas, the recipe didn't appear. So I closed the game and re-opened creation kit... Then I noticed several problems. 1) Even though I used "Hunterborn.esp" and "xgfThedog.esp" to create mine, CK says my esp has one 2 master files (Skyrim.esm and Update.esm) 2) Upon looking at my recipe, the values are: *** ID: xgfTheDogRecipeM01 *** Created Object: None *** Created Object Count: 2 *** Workbench Keyword: CraftingCookingPot *** Required Item List: (List is empty) *** Match Conditions: S ; GetGlobalValue ; INVALID ; Comp: ==; Value: 1.0 ; AND ; What should I do?! Please help, and thank you in advance.
  8. That's a really good idea Kurzusseus. Honestly... I think there should be a chance for low ranked nord bandits to run in fear after you use any shout, to be honest. Hell... they just found out they provoked the freaking dragonborn.... "You start running so I can stab you in the back"? No no.... "Oh God... what have I DONE?!?!" is more like it. --------------------------- I play with Requiem, I've noticed that Bandits get scared a lot easier with the mod. I love it... it makes sense. I don't know the exact criteria they use. But for example, I already saw 3 or 4 regular bandits start panicking shortly after I killed the bandit leader. I don't know if that was a coincidence, or if the mod authors implemented a morale system that brought them to despair after seeing their boss being killed. I pictured the scene somewhat like they thinking: "Holy Sh**! He killed Bob like he was nothing! We don't stand a chance!" Makes sense to m. Bandits, in my opinion, should represent what former-civilians that decided to steal to survive would be able to do. Soldiers, some-hardcore bandits, Thalmor, Body guards, .... , these guys shouldn't feel fear easily.... but regular bandits should.
  9. Oh definitely! I hope my first comment didn't sound like I was taking away merit from the Mod Author of "Animations". His mod is amazing and is definitely something very complex to create.
  10. You guys know when you find that awesome Robe Mod here in Nexus? Let's call it "x robe". Well.. your in-game character is currently wearing the vanilla's "Master robes of destruction" and does not know how to enchant items. But you would love to have the looks of the the "x robe". Well... if a "Transfer Enchantments" mod existed. You could place the non-enchanted "x robe" in a chest.... The "Master Robes of destruction" on another chest.... pull a lever ... and then... Get your "x robe" with the exact same enchantments the "Master Robes of Destruction" had. Gameplay remains untouched... but the looks of your character will be exact as you wanted. If someone can figure a way to create such a mod... please consider creating it. Thank you in advance
  11. Hey! Good catch! I only started getting these messages after Hunterborn as well... Interesting. I'm also with you on that, Hunterborn is too good to let it go. It's definitely worth the sacrifice. Though one thing that doesn't make sense to me is that I already got the "script processing running slowly" when I was inside the college of Winterhold using an alchemy table. (Literally not a single animal in miles, definitely not a single one in the entire cell)... which would make me think hunterborn isn't responsible for this.
  12. My game is fairly stable, but I've noticed that lately I've been having an occasional Frostfall warning saying that "the script processing is running too slow therefore frostfall won't calculate your exposure for a while" (not literal quote) . I have mostly taken care of the issue through Chesko's Troubleshooting section (which is really well written, if a internet pages had an Endorse button, I would press it there hahah). But still... I'm noticing at least once every (real life) day I play skyrim I end up getting this message (even after the .ini tweaks suggested at the troubleshooting). I wonder if it's possible to strainer down the culprit. Can anybody offer me suggestions? How can one find out which mods are being script heavy? Thanks in advance. PS: Even though this isn't really the main point of the thread, here's my load order in case someone might be able to guess which mod is filling my processing.
  13. "Crashing before the first menu" usually means that at least one mod isn't finding another mod it requires to run. The best (or at least fastest) way to solve this issue is by doing this: 1) Download Loot: http://loot.github.io/ (This program will attempt to optimize your load order. It isn't 100% fail proof... but it has never failed me) Run it, see what it has to say. Then try running your game again. If you want to further investigate what's happening. 2) Download TES5Edit. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? Run it. It will say exactly what mod is causing the crash.
  14. Sounds like you downloaded a version that was meant to use fomod installer. As in, a specific installation window the mod author created to guide you through the installation. (And yeah, xp32 definitely has a personalized installer window, I remember that) Now, why the personalized installer window hasn't appeared once you clicked to install is something I don't know. What happens if instead of "Manual" you click on "OK"?
  15. I do get a drop at Markath ... I'm not sure if that would count in the top 5... but it's certainly a heavy city, specially if you have water mods installed.
  16. Good question... But the picking flowers, opening chest/doors mod you're using is simply making use of the animations that were in the vanilla game all along. I'm not a modder, but I assume creating animations is a really tough job. I mean, I have seen very very little mods that insert actual new animations into the game. Since Fishing was never really implemented in the vanilla game and only so many people play with "Fishing in Skyrim" mod installed, I guess animators haven't had the interest on taking this job. PS: I would like to have an animation for fishing as well.
  17. Sorry for bringing this thread up to the top, but I'm honestly curious. Why request a ban? I mean... why not simply create the new account and let the old one fade out of history?
  18. I'm the one that needs to apologize here. hahah I bet it was an incredibly simple thing to do .... but I have a special talent for failing at the most basic tasks. I have bad news though... It didn't work. I'm still running slowly, but the script is definitely running. I get the following message on the upper left corner when I sprint. "Current Speed: 30.874977" I think I'll have to give up on that save. Oh well.... Next time, as soon as I notice anything slightly weird, I'll reload to a safer save. You know.... we live and learn. Sorry for taking up your time, I appreciate your support very much, really, thank you. Specially because you took your time to even upload the script for me. That was really nice of you.
  19. After I fill the blanks (Name and Extends) at the "Add new script window" I keep getting this error message. "Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "SpeedAdjustmentQuestScript"...<unknown>(0,0): unable to locate script SpeedAdjustmentQuestScriptNo output generated for SpeedAdjustmentQuestScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on SpeedAdjustmentQuestScript" And if I try creating the script again it tells me it can't because there's already a script named "SpeedAdjustmentQuestScript" (or whatever name I decided to put on the first time) But in the "Add script to 00TerraQ (which is the referenceID for the quest)" window there's no "SpeedAdjustmentQuestScript" ....
  20. Oh god hahah, I can't believe I didn't notice the second "Add" button there. Thanks Terra!
  21. You know... now that you pointed that out... thinking back.... I think this problem first started happening when I got knocked unconscious by a Sabertooth Cat ( Death Alternative: your money/life) while I was freezing to death... I wouldn't be surprised if I were drunk too... (I often rely on booze to reduce the exposure level hahah). I guess a combination of those situations caused the glitch. I recreated the scenario by waiting hours naked, hungry, tired and thirsty outside then drinking a ton of alto wine and spawning a frost troll in my face.... but sadly it didn't fix things back after I recovered. I tried this but it didn't work (I think I messed up when I created the plugin on CK)... When I reached the part where you talked about script. I clicked on "Add" , a window appeared with "Name" "Extends" and "Documentation" input rectangles. I pasted "ForceMovementSpeedToNormalOnEquip" in Name "ReferenceAlias" in Extends" and the entire script on "Documentation" It then said that a script with that name already existed. So then I tried again but without the heading that said the name and extends (since I'm already saying the name in the input rectangle up top.) ... but the same error happened. Then I tried putting any name on the rectangle, and the full text on the documentation. it supposely worked but nothing appeared on "Papyrus scripts". I clicked "add" again and filtered for "ForcedMove"... but there were no scripts with those texts on the name. I decided to try the plugin anyway ... but yeah, I definitely messed it up, it didn't work. However, from what I understand, your script would fix the movement issue every time I equipped a chest piece, correct? If that's the case, it wouldn't really solve the problem. In my current state, if I change the armor, I already get the speed back to normal, until I dash again. But just to be clear, I am really grateful you wrote a script to help me. I sincerely appreciate it.
  22. Hi there, Sadly it didn't work. I mean... it did make me faster, but then the problem was simply mirrored because now I'm changing from "ok" to "super fast" if I remove and re-equip gear.... then back to "ok" again when I sprint. mmmm I'm honestly not sure what mod could be causing this... From my load order I can only think of 2 mods that would change run speed... 1) Requiem 2) Frostfall. I tried disabling Frostfall, but the problem persisted. I can't disable Requiem to see if it would fix this, since Requiem is the very foundation of the entire save.
  23. ==== Video showing the glitch ==== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk_IcL9A7IQ =========================== Please help, I don't know what to do to fix this. Any kind of help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated. I have recorded the problem and I'll upload a video as soon as possible. (done) ============================= Description of the problem ============================= Considering the game offers us 3 different movement speeds "walking, jogging and sprinting"... If I jog everywhere my movement speed stays normal... However, if I sprint, my movement speed goes down a lot and instantly ... not only that, it also reduces the walking and jogging speeds. Walking becomes ridiculous..... (Continental Plates move faster than my character walking). If I remove any piece of apparel (boots, gloves, chest) and re-equip them.... my walking and jogging speeds come back to normal. But as soon as I sprint again, my movement goes down again. ============================= Maybe relevant information ============================= - I play with Frostfall (with W.E.A.R enabled), iNeed and Requiem. - I also play with Death Alternative: Your money or your life. - I made sure my character was well fed, rested and quenched. - I made sure my character wasn't cold. - I made sure my character had no diseases. ============================= Load order ============================= If any other kind of information is necessary, I'll be glad to offer. Thanks in advance.
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