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Nexus Mods Profile

About mike9k1

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    United States
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    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
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  1. This is the biggest issue i'm having right now. I used to use the "tracked content updates" tab to quickly view any new comments on my mods (I have like 150 or so). I'm no longer able to find this (if this functionality still exists at all). I'm sure you guys are getting bombarded with a lot of feedback right now, and I don't want to pile onto that. I do wish there was a longer "beta" period for this redesign - I thought the last 2 weeks the site looked pretty good, but suddenly i'm seeing the whole "beta" design rolled out today and i'm not sure it's quite where it ought to be. Like a lot of others stated here, I feel like the new UI design is very overwhelming and doesn't seem to make good use of screen real estate - spacing things out way too much and pushing more things further from the center/focus of the screen. The bigger tiles that display mods are nice, but now you see far fewer mods meaning that many don't even get seen or discovered by the people who need them. I get that you have to roll it out at one point or another, but I wish there was a slower rollout / longer feedback period, and I hope that we can get back the functionality that's currently missing.
  2. Nice! Is it possible that this method could work for other games as well? Or is this a feature only for these select few games? We've been having the same issue with Gamepass users on Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition being unable to install any mods for some time.
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