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Everything posted by colourwheel

  1. Because this type of legislation is obviously partisan in an undemocratic way to be tilted towards the favor of just one political party. No supreme court would accept legislation in favor of Oligarchy state of power to elect national officials. Especially to elect the president of an entire nation. Honestly you think this type of legislation wouldn't be challenged? and when brought to the supreme court what kind of defence would they try to use to justify it's legitimacy? I honestly don't see this type of thing happening, and if the GOP pushes too much trying to find ways to rig national elections eventually the whole electoral college system will be completely dissolved. This would probably result in the Republican party being a minority party for decades... maybe even indefinite....
  2. Actually, they can. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress... U.S. Constitution, Article 1 If state legislation is challenged by the supreme court it can be just as easily over turned and will be, Just like voter ID laws were this past election. Eventually if the GOP keeps pushing to try to rig the national elections so their party can win They won't be a major party for long.
  3. I was watching msnbc tonight and saw this story surface and noticed it's only being pushed to rig the swing states as of now. If state legislation is able to do this it would totally change the electoral college system in our country. I think this type of thing would eventually be challenged by the supreme court and will then lead to federal legislation where the popular vote will completely dissolve the electoral college system in national elections. The GOP rigging the electoral college system would undermine democracy as we know it and would lead to the Republican party in control of the country indefinite... I would think the GOP would have to realize trying to push this kind of thing would not last long and lead to only damage their parties reputation even more than it already is... National elections should be based on the popular vote anyways.... And the GOP pushing to try to rig national election will only lead the country to get rid of the electoral college all together.... And without the electoral college system the GOP would never stand a chance ever again in national elections without their party changing their Rhetoric and appealing to a wider range of the nation other than just white males... In the long term this would be political suicide for the entire GOP if they unintentionally push the nation to completely get rid of the electoral college for national elections trying to keep finding ways to rig it for their own party...
  4. I have yet to find a community ANYWHERE that everyone agrees on everything..... It just ain't gonna happen. This place is no different. Your post is right on the money. Respecting the community and it's contributers is a little different than agreeing with the content any community has to offer. Being part of any community you still have to maintain a level of respect reguardless if you like things or not. Which is actally what HeyYou is trying to point out as well. I know HeyYou and I dissagree on a lot of things but this is not one of them. :thumbsup:
  5. I don't think it's a moral or amoral issue. It all falls in the hands of the sites rules and community rules. If people who do not respect what a modding site community dictates and upholds regaurdless if one believe or likes what is being accepted as content to be offered, one should respect anything and everything that the site has to offer regaurdless if they do not like something or not. If one is so strongly against what a site has to offer they have a choice to be part of the community or not. For example if bethesda as a software developer had such a problem with what they intended or not to be modded for their games I am sure they would just stop all support for anyone to bebale to modify their products. Agian no one is forcing anyone to download anything for their games. It's a choice. Being part of a community reguardless of approving or liking something one should still respect what the site has to offer and the modders that help to keep the community strong and growing.
  6. Let me just clear the air here... This Modding community does not endorse or support any mods that include Rape or Child pornography. I can understand your personal view on not liking some particular modding adding unrealist or exaggerated themes that are beyond a gaming devolopers intent, but no one is forcing anyone to download anything. lore-friendly or not you should respect the modders as well as the developers. I particularlly do not like certian types of mods either yet I will still respect the creativity that goes behind almost anything. Over sexualized and sexy costume mods is not and has never been a huge problem other than taking up download traffic...
  7. @james234 Sometimes bikini armor can be the best defence ever. Most likely it's a deterrent distraction against men to fight in almost nothing so their eye's are not focused on fighting. :laugh: lol "Oh, you were looking at my breast this whole time?... too bad you're going to die soon since I chopped off both your arms." :tongue:
  8. I agree to a certain degree game ratings can be useless and irrelevant when it comes to regulating children playing games intended for adults, yet the video game content rating system is still very important. For parrents not very knowledgeable or actively aware with what is happening in the gaming culture would be less clueless to the actual content within videogames. Imagine if other media outlets like TV and movies didn't have a rating system. It would be very difficult to make judgement on what you would let your child watch... Rating systems alone won't stop children from playing adult games and I am sure it was not intended on to begin with. But back around 2001 when I worked at a gamexchange and a Game Stop for a year The big hit on the gaming market was GTA "vice city". When this game 1st came out I couldn't sell this game to anyone who was not atleast 18. When a parrent came into the store with their child countless times I would have parrents buying this particular game for their child without any idea of the controversial content the game held. On occasion when a parrent would be waiting to buy the game in line at the register (ussually their mother) would be reading the back and then see "Blood and Gore, Strong Sexual Content, Strong language, Violence, Prostitution, etc..." They would then turn and look at their child and not buy the game for them. The kid would then go into a hissy fit as their parrent drags them out of the store by their arm while screeming and crying "...but all my friends have this game too, it's not fair!!!..." Without a very imformative rating system most parrents who do not play video games would not have the slightest idea or be aware what their children are actually playing.
  9. This is the huge problem about videos games these days since almost every nation has different Video game content rating system standards. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_content_rating_system If you look over this you can see some Videogames can be marketed in one nation to be "T" for Teen and yet in another would restricted to an older audience unless accompanied by an adult for the same game. Entertainment Software Rating Board has very mild standards for western societies in my opinion because You can own an xbox 360 and play an online shooter game that would be rated "M" for mature and endup some how finding yourself in a random game lobby playing with some 10 year old kid that has a problem cursing every other world that comes out of their mouth. I kinda agree with Bben here... Video gaming in western societies has evolved to a more adult audience, just like other media outlets have in the past... Parrents these days have a big responsibility to monitor thier children playing games just like a parrent would to restrict them from watching certain TV shows or movies. If you have a child that you let play games like "Oblivion" or "skyrim" etc... You should ask yourself do you let them freely watch adult TV and Pornography in your living room?
  10. Japan has always had a liberated and open minded cultural view on sexuality. As time has gone by, Japans culture has accelerated sexually as well as to some degree perverse in their media outlets compaired to other cultures. Once before the internet, It might have seemed very taboo and in bad taste in the perception of western society to see cartoonish media displaying school girls occasionally flashing thier panties and innuendos suggesting something one would think only a pervert would do, yet this is just how Japan has been culturally. Yes over time some Japanese Anime has evolved in exagerated ways where there are "girls in dresses so short you can see their undies". But to a culture that has grown up with this kind of stuff it's not even thought as being anything really shocking. Being an American some cultures think it's very weird we eat corn, because to some cultures it's only used to feed dog or animals. Just imagine how absurd one might think seeing someone eat corn in front of them would be when one is raised on the idea corn is just dog food. In Japan Their "female porn stars" are called and concider "idols" and are not viewed as being something trashy. Even Japans public television will allow anime programs to be broadcasted and viewed by teenagers and children where some of the anime girls will be briefly nude or naked showing off just their boobs. Yet for a liberated and open minded cultural on sexuality they have strange censorship laws where any depiction of a penis or vagina has to be pixelated and any form of media or entertainment has be censored that displays any type of sexual intercourse or sexual penetration in any means. Which you ask me one thing I find very silly about japans censorship laws is that in japanese erotica a womans vagina will be completely pixelated yet it's some how ok for their butthole to be completely uncencered... But these Laws only apply to anything produced or made in the actual country that is intended for distribution or sale.
  11. I'am not talking about a virtual naked shoulder, i'am talking about rape mods. Check this japanizesed stuff out, it screams in your face : PEDOPHILE I checked out a few profiles who did translations for just sex mods and the first thing i saw on their profil was manga schoolgirls all over the place. Are you kidding me? Everyone who can rub two brain cells together knows whats going on in such a mind. I really don't think JoeOGrant was advocating any kind of erotic or sexual mods in specific. Yet i will agree some video game mods are very disturbing to me. But I still fail see your arguement here... yet going back to the original point why you even began to try to argue about insinuating that "sex" doesn't sell to begin with... If you look at things in an animalistic point of view our only real drive and purpose is to reproduce and create offspring. But Humans have evolved socially where it's more of a sexual drive in a senual manor of pleasure reguardless of the intent to reproduce. Yet we still have the instinct to spread our genes reguardless...
  12. *facepalm* Totaly miss the point, there isn't anything to sell. I think you are missing the point. I have studied in political science, Marketing, psychology, electronics engineering, 3d graphics and animation, ect.... Sex sells period. I have uploaded over 100 mods for video games publically and privately that i have created. And through my experience the most popular of mods that I have shared are of an erotic nature or mods with sex appeal with atleast 100,000 downloads or more... I have helped designed costumes for video game character for SE which in all likelihood would be very appealing to the human eye for either male or female in a sexual nature... I have helped design animation that add a sensual appeal in game play.... ect.... In my experience as well as other research done by numerous institutions and universities the data will show "sex" sells. For example there was a "rolling stones" magazine cover with a very provocative woman on the cover which sold over twice as many copies as the alternative cover of the same magazine sold in other nations which would not allow the provocative cover. Even if you are not actaully selling anything given you are advocating something of a sexual nature it will cause more attention than something that is not... It would be hard to make an arguement that "sex" doesn't sell with so much empirical data that exist that would suggest so. Maybe you as a person might not think so but a larger majority of the world populous does buy into this... I would think arguing that "sex" doesn't sell or trying to make a point that shifts beyond the topic is kinda be pointless... but since I am open minded to your rebuttal it would be interesting to see how you argue this... But beyond the point anything in excess can become boring or something of less desire. For JoeOGrant I see it as he has experienced something that he has just moved beyond, concidering the fact JoeOGrant has admitted to using such mods before, going back to the point "sex" does sell... It's really nothing to be ashamed about for being attracted to mods of an erotic or senual nature, Its just human nature. As beings we have an instinct to spread our genes in the form of sexuality even if it's construed to evolved sociality through media outlets. Anything in an attractive sexual nature will overwhelme any induvidual, yet a majority of people might try to deny this publiclly. To a certain degree we have become evolved human beings that still can not be desensitised easily to sexual drives in any form.
  13. Over all "sex" sells in any market. Although sometimes people do out grow of using mods that have an erotic theme or nature, the demographics for mods that add a sex appeal to gaming will always be high because of the existing Video game content rating system. Since mods do not have to uphold any rating standards the obvious and most popular modding would probably be the modding one could not normally experience within the standard Video game content rating system by defualt for any gender. Normally mainstream software devolopers will stay from adding any sexual themed content at all in fear of the game rating becoming too high reducing the Demographic age chart they can actually market the game too. Ussually gaming with strong sexual and graphic material will get an automatic Adult Rating reguardless how chessy or unrealistic or even being sexually arousing at all. With this in mind software devolopers tend to stay away from anything higher than Mature rating so thier product can be marketed to a wider range of gamers.
  14. Yes the republican party won't run out of money yet by shrinking their political funding vastly from the New Egland area will have a dramatic effect on how the party tries to evenly distribute where they will try to invest in. Sheldon Adelson isn't dumb and wouldn't spend every dime he has just to get polititian's in office just for one cycle. Even with Super-PACs and other funding a majority of the nations wealth actually comes from the New Englad area. When political contributers are not funding one party they vastly shift to fund the other party or use it for another agenda. I am a little more optimistic that the Democrates will control the house, senate, as well as the White house next cycle reguardless of gerrymandering districts. When the most popular person in your party is Chris Christie for several reasons as well as Republican party already being divided internally, I don't see the Republicans very organized even when 2014 comes around. You have to think despite any plans the Republicans might have to still maintain control of the house they have wasted and still are wasting time arguing amongst their own party, the democratics have had plenty of time organizing and planning since the 2012 elections ended. Recently if you have analyzed how the past elections have unfolded, Most campaigns start the moment after the elections end. Politics have changed in a big way since Super-PACs were allowed. And looking at the current state in American politics the Democrates have already had a 2 month head start without any of them doing anything politically damaging unlike the republicans currently in office are doing...
  15. But you see my point why our country needs government regulations monitoring corperate enterprise. As for the Republicans using the Debt Ceiling as some kind of bargaining chip and seems willing to actually purposely take the country into defualt as well as ruin the US economy, It might damage Obamas Presidential legacy but at the cost of damaging our country and making the people suffer for it. As well If the Republicans do decide to takes us into default it would ruin the republican party for decades. We are about to see Democratic rule in a majority of levels of government soon. After what 67 Congressional Republicans did voting down disaster relief for hurricane sandy, a huge majority of political campaign contributors in the north east will not be supporting Republicans next cycle and over a majority of campaign money is found by both political parties in the North East region. Reguardless If these congressmen fear being primaried next cycle doing something their caucus would reject, over all making such a political move has damaged the chance for any congressional republicans to get campaign funds from the richest part of our nation the North East New England area. Republicans are not only internally divided but externally alienating their entire party from supporters and contributers for campaigns for years to come. Ever since the Election in November Seems the Republican party has only been shrinking thier base and support. Every move and decisions made since by republicans has so far done nothing but hurt their party brand.
  16. @Maharg67 The commercial was just an edit of AIG recent commerical called "Thankyou America" There was no actual profanity in the original commercial they just *bleeped* the "thank" out of "thankyou" lol The point it was tyring to make was AIG was bailed out with tax payer money by the Federal Government which AIG accepted Otherwise they would have gone into bankruptcy and crash the economy at the same time. No one forced AIG to accept the deal. But their shareHolders thought the deal was unfair regaurdless it was the companies choice to take it up. So Instead of saying "Thankyou America for the Bailout." the spoof of the video I posted was trying to imply how AIG really feels by suddenly concidering to sue the Federal government for a bad deal to their shareholders... AIG shareholders should actaully be sueing the AIG board if anything. If they thought they got a bad deal, it was the AIG board who accepted the deal given to help them out.
  17. lol It is probably because of stuff like this getting around... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PoMU0Br2u8&feature=player_embedded 4PoMU0Br2u8
  18. Talk about biting the hand that "FED" you... Did you hear AIG and their share holders are considering to sue the government for unfair bailout deal. lol. This is exactly why any country needs to regulate corperations and buisnesses because giving the opertunity of not being properly regulated they will do anything and everything in their power just to try to make an extra buck even if it is at the cost of screwing over the general population . For AIG they basically gambled away money they didn't even own and at the cost of the american people and the economy who end up suffering because it. Tax payer money had to bailout AIG in order for the economy not to completely crash because there was so much deregulation during Bush's administration where companies became way too big to not bailout (corperations this big need to be broken down in the future or they could crash the economy again someday through too much deregulation). There is too much historical evidence that deregulation of corperate buisness will abuse the people, the country, the environment, etc... in the name of greed and profit. Even if the deal was unfair AIG didn't have to take the bailout but they did regaurdless if they didn't it would have still crashed our economy.
  19. Actually you kinda answered the question yourself. The Interestes of the people. We elect politicians in office to make laws and govern the country on behalf of the people. You can debate if the the people who we elect into office will actually end up doing this or not but this is the sole purpose of our government. Lobbyism isn't the problem. Lobbyism in general may not be a problem yet lobbyist effecting political decision for our government goes completely against the interestes of the people of the nation. Yet corporations and organizations are a collection of a few people, Corporations and organizations are not people and should not be treated to be thought as the interest of the people of an entire nation but rather just the interest of a few... Not sure where you get this idea from but this is what Thomas Jefferson ment... The principle that government must maintain an attitude of neutrality toward religion. Many view separation of church and state as required by the First Amendment. The First Amendment not only allows citizens the freedom to practice any religion of their choice, but also prevents the government from officially recognizing or favoring any religion. Has nothing to do about protection from anything other than reinforcing the 1st amendment rights. This is a very cynical way to view our political system as a whole. Congress might be very dysfunctional right now but hardly view people holding political office as a whole being thieves and thugs. People who participate in the political system do so as a public service. Whether they endup doing good or bad for the country is a different story once in office.
  20. -edit nvm... I agree mostly to what HeyYou said... :tongue:
  21. Please continue exposing yourself. Now you are getting personal and creepy. Not going to give you my phone number if that is what you are getting at. :teehee: just simply stating the video you posted was just a man yelling at another man aftering being very calm without even being antagonized in any way simply just flipped out and started screaming at the host.... classic example of someone who is bipolar... :psyduck:
  22. just a fictional character.... :whistling: Joining this "debate" with such an odd question what are you trying to get at by asking this question besides maybe derailing the topic? No, John Galt is the insight that collectivism always leads into bondage. Government Debt and this Fiskal cliff circus are the result of collectivism, that the american government has become more and more democratic and socialist. The biggest coorperations already left america or have found ways to pay nearly no taxes and this is awesome. This is whats desiccate these swamps, governments, where all those "i wan't and i demand" mosquitos are breeding. Wanna hear the truth why the US and every other government on the planet faces bankruptcy? Redistribution of wealth, theft in the name of the higher good, robbery, violence. This is what leads to defaulting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Galt Honestly this is an interseting theory, very insightful, and well thought out yet were is your proof? on a higher note what are you still trying to argue if anything...
  23. Seems like this person need to just get laid or be put on prozac. Talk about mental health issues, I would just say gun control should be the least of this persons worries.... 2nd thought he is probably a wife beater, scratch that laid part... :facepalm: classic example of a person who suffers from being bipolar...
  24. just a fictional character.... :whistling: Joining this "debate" with such an odd question what are you trying to get at by asking this question besides maybe derailing the topic?
  25. Sure some democrates might have voted for them if any at all but hardly enough to account for the entire Democratic party or yet even a 3rd of the Democrates holding seats on capital hill. Where this kind of arguement fails is they were "not Democratic policies" too... It only proves Democrates can actaully compromise with Republicans given the chance even when they control the house and the senate. Also this was before the rise of the right-wing tea-party movement (The party of "Hell No" even if they are policies that were originally conservative). Also The Republican Party kept control of both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate until 2007. Bush administartion had pretty much 6 years to swiftly pass damaging legislation to the economy... :rolleyes: You didn't see Democrates threaten to shut down the government or purposely put the economy into a recession or try to default on the debt just to get their way....
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