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Everything posted by colourwheel

  1. Just wondering what exactly you think will get done? I mean this can not just be pushed to a later date. The Fiscal cliff is pretty much set in stone. If they do not pass any legislation addressing all these "deep, automatic cuts" everyones taxes will go up and funding to almost every government funded organization as well as the military and programs that a majority of americans rely on will be purged. This won't just effect american either this will have a dramatic impact on the world economy too. The only thing that most likely can be settled as of now is the bush tax cuts being extended for 98% of americans and the top 2% go back to paying the taxes when clinton was in office.. The republican party will not agree to do this though unless there is entitlement reform which would probably be very unpopular for both Republican and democratic voters. When john boehner was asked what entitlements would need to be reformed he would never give any specifics. It's just typical to me that the republican party is just trying to protect the the rich from paying more taxes at the expence of 98% of the american people suffering the most. I truely hope the next election the democratic party gains control of congress again. So far this last two years congress has been the worst congress in american history abstructing legislation to protect the interest of the wealthy 2%. Democrates asked The republicans what entitlement programs they wish to reform. They won't even give specifics on programs that could substantially help because it would be political suicide for them be mentioning popular programs that people would get upset about if they laid it on the line to do so. Also Dan3345 I agree... The irony about all this is no one really cares about our debt. Yet the republican party always tries to bring it up like it's something so seriously important. The average american doesn't wakes up the next day with the 1st thing on their mind "OMG I am so scared about the debt!" and the the deficit can be reduced over time always... The republican party got us into this mess trying to obstruct legislation to make Obama look bad in office in hopes he would not be re-elected. Yet now that he is the president for the next 4 years I just don't see why Republicans are so hard headed about trying to help fix the economy now. I can understand the republican party is funded mostly by the richest americans yet it's the american people who elected them into office. This is probably why it's so hard to be an elected republican official. They tend to need to seem like they care about the people who elected them into office without out pissing off the rich people who mainly fund them. It seems like the democratic party doesn't have much of this problem.
  2. For most Americans this means that the average tax payer will be paying around $2,000 more in taxes and a bunch of entitlement programs that 100's of millions of americans rely on just to get by will most likely be hurt or dismantled. It might seem like the worst idea ever that the House of congress has ever put together because the end of the year is closing and congress is getting nothing done about it. So far The only thing that has been agreed on by both republican and democratic parties is to extend the bush tax rates for everyone making below $250,000 a year which is around 98% of all americans. The only reason why The Republicans will not budge in my opinion is because they won't pass the proposal unless there is entitlement reforms which i think the real reason is just to hold the middle class hostage yet again to give the top 2% the tax breaks they don't even need. But I was wonding how other feels about this, so let the debate go on...
  3. @Syco21 I guess the point i was trying to make is any major capitalstic country that has a better economy than the next would have a huge surge of immigrants over populating the work feild and over populating the nation. As ideal as a country could be to have a balanced mixture of ethnic diversity, it would be any countries undoing to have no actual immigration control.
  4. I think immigration control is important to any nation. I support the dream act yet illegal immigration can eventually become a big problem if not controlled right. Living in the U.S. We are a nation of immigrants yet if immigration was not controlled in this age you would eventually over time have the population taken over by illegal immigrants taking too many american jobs in all private sectors across the nation. Not just low paying jobs that no one else would work for but eventually jobs in the private sector that most middle income to low income americans rely on while going to school for higher education. The thing is a majority of americans think that most illegal immigrants are just under educated and only can do low paying jobs that no one else wants to do. Which is not the truth. illegal Immigrants are just as intellectual as any american citizen just typically illegal immigrants ussually have higher working moral and tend to work harder than most citizens. Even illegal immigrants who don't speak english tend to learn very fast living in america within a short time period. Without immigration control the U.S.A. would eventually have all private jobs taken over by illegal immigrants hired by corperations being paid slave salaries on multi levels of pay brackets. Without some government immigration control any capitalistic country would eventually fail. This is why it is important for government control for a process for immigrants to be legal in any nation. Eventually it would be great to see America to become diversely balanced in all ethnicities. Then America would be the truely diverse nation in the world.
  5. Believe me I wonder the same thing... but the nation as a whole is divided on this for some reason when you concider most third party libertarians factor in the equation. most libertarians lean more to the right without the right-wing ideology. The Rebulican party for some reason is know for being against anything other than being heterosexual and christian faith. It's really stupid honestly because as a political party it alienates anyone who isn't heterosexual and christian faith. A theory that only people who don't look at the evidence. Just try to explain to the people in the east coast or the south coast of north america that it's only a theory who don't have homes anymore. Climate change is more real to people who live in the areas it is hitting annually every year and getting worst every time it hits them. The arctic glaciers are melting which use to reflect the suns rays away and instead shooting into the dark sea accelerating the rate of violent weather conditions every year because of man made co2 emissions. global warming is only real to those it is actually effecting who use to be non believers... reguardless if you believe if it exist or not just look at the history of weather conditions.... If you look closely enough selective regions of the world are effected each year by more violent storms and weather conditions that are larger and more consistant every year as time goes by. Hurricane sandy was 1000 miles in diameter. Next year it is projected another storm to hit that will be larger than 1000 miles in diameter in the east. Even if you just think it's a theory why is there more and more people suffering from violent weather storms every year? Is it just a consistant violent act of god that gets worst every year? Either way you think about it, it is a problem man made or not. The democratic party seems to have more ideas on the table to address this issue that makes sense than the republican party which just tries to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist or its not an issue at all. Regaurdless, isn't it better to be safe than sorry? When so many scientologist are saying that man is accelerating the rate of the world climate is changing you would think that most people would atleast think otherwise beyond personal beliefs. It's like people who don't take care of their body. They tend to have very serious health issues later on or even die early from obesity or high cholesterol having constant strokes. People need to learn to take care of the planet just like people worry about taking care of their bodies. I just hope if i do ever have children they won't have to worry about a world constantly at war against violent weather conditions. some scientologist predict that the whole arctic circle could melt this century if the world doesn't cut down on co2 emissions in a major way.
  6. The Republican party needs to accept climate change as a reality. Climate change mostly is contributed to man accelerating it's existing conditions. When you have a political party that rejects Global warming when the evidence is majorly effecting the south and east coast almost annually in a dramatic way and continuing to get worst every year, it's hard to argue that it isn't a problem or it doesn't exist. The Republican party needs to accept that religion in america isn't exclusive to being just christian or a religious belief within the christian faith. If a political party that exist in a country where there is freedom of religion, to reject any other religious beliefs will be their undoing over the next few decades. To reject evolution and science is rejecting progress and growth of technology advances. I am not saying those who believe in creation should just stop believing yet to reject anyone who doesn't is automatically rejecting over a majority of the population of america. The Republican party needs to embrace different sexual orientations. With changing demographics to exclude anyone who is anything other than being heterosexual is just excluding people from the party who is bisexual, lesbian, or gay. The Republican party needs to appeal more to women of america and womens issues. Example: when you are a political party that wishes to limit government yet give government control over a womens body it's dirrectly a contradiction to the main platform it represents. The republican party needs to desperately remove itself from right-wing media and Foxnews. Example: Foxnews has damaged it's reputation as a credible sorces of accurate and informative reporting where it has gotten their own political party in trouble. When you have politicians that only watches Foxnews for their info they tend to get stuck in embarrassing situations and put their whole political party in a spot light. Also extreme Right-wing media indirrectly influences their political base in sexist and racial manner that damages the republican party's reputation as a whole. The Republican party desperately needs to change and repair the reputation the party has. I honestly believe the republican party can survive if they reform because there are a lot of people in america who do think small government could work yet to have ideology the party clearly represents limits people identifying with it to grow and political third parties don't stand a chance yet with the government controlled by republicans and democrats. This is just my opinion after watching and reading on how the party needs to reform yet like anything there is so much reform the party needs to do to fix their reputation i honestly don't see it being fixed over night or anytime soon. But if they think that to fix their party is to just get new token black man or someone who is latino to represent them, that would be a hollow attempt to appear like the party has reformed when it's clear the party only wants to move farther to the right. One thing that could help if they think their party wishes to survive using the "token" person to represent their party is to get a black, female, lesbian, muslim to run for president. Which I honestly don't see happening for the republican party anytime soon, even as a hollow attempt. lol
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lame_duck_(politics) lame duck: 1.An official (esp. the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor. 2.An ineffectual or unsuccessful person or thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLQ-OKa6OZQ&feature=player_embedded YLQ-OKa6OZQ lame duck my butt... :tongue: But that is ok if you feel that way....
  8. I hardly see how Obama is blameworthy for the fiscal cliff. If anyone is to blame, blame Ben Bernanke. Generalizations can be used quite easy when trying to put into perspective of how severe something actually is. Yet giving you the benefit of the doubt the word was poorly chosen the point is you can't run a canidate in any election and expect to win if your party doesn't seriously reform with those statistics.
  9. Yes, Democrats retain control of the Senate, Republicans retain control of the House, and we still have the same President. As I said, for all intents and purposes, the election rendered our government stagnant. Our government being stagnant compaired to 2 years ago is not really the point. The Democrats gained seats in both house and the senate as well as taking a larger control in the senate. The democrats have the upper hand this cycle. Yes, and he's also been a lame duck during the last two years. If people blame the President, they may use their votes to help elect a Republican candidate in the next presidential election. In other words, if President Obama chooses not to compromise - which is certainly his prerogative - it won't affect him, but might affect Vice President Biden's chances in 2016. He was not a lame duck the last two years. You might think he was a lame duck, but it isn't true. Also If he was such a lame duck then why did he get re-elected? Also compromise goes both ways though and Congress dug the hole they call the fiscal cliff. Also assuming Biden is going to run for president in 4 years is a premature assumption. I wasn't assuming anything and never put words in your mouth. I was just trying to point out the data of how the voting popluation broken down in percentage is totally against the republican party. Even if you break down just the female vote alone is a serious problem the Republican party faces. They face problems dealing with multiple levels of the voting population. All I have to say is employers like this are so greedy.... I would not work for anyone who would do this. An employer on average pockets more than 400% income than their average employee pockets. They wish to have policies that take the working class back to the way the 1950's use to be when back then the average employer only made at most about 150% more in pocket income than their employees they should go back to the percentage of income they made back then too. That is good. Sometimes voting for a specific person people tend to indirectly support the ideology the person stands for when you endup voting someone in political office that tries to turn their religious beliefs into policy.
  10. A Senate supermajority is 60 seats; currently the Democrats have 53, including both of the Independents. you are right about supermajority but... Doesn't matter they still gained seats and closer to a super majority. Democrats reguardless control the senate. Not everyone; some will blame both Congress and the President for their collective hard-headedness, some will blame solely the Congressional Republicans, some the Democrats, and some the President alone, depending upon who's willing to make compromises and who remains obstinate. The president is a lame duck now. Even if people blame the president not much people can do to take it out on him. So people will blame congress and vote out those who they blame. That's been said about both parties depending upon which one lost the most seats in a given election year. Our country's population is aging (source); the exit poll numbers you've posted also reflect votes according to age. There are unreasonable extremists on both sides of the aisle, and extremists alienate more voters than centrists do. Those who cross demographic lines cannot be discounted; I'm not the only one, of course, who chooses candidates based upon criteria besides age, race, and gender. I don't see the voting elder of america growing at an exponential rate to compete with the constantly diversely growing voting populus alone. Also you are assuming that all elders vote which just doesn't add up because what matter is the amount of actual population growth of voters. The easiest way to recuit new voters is college students over population who do not normally vote. it can be argued that a majority of americans are conservative by nature yet a majority of new voters do not identify with the current republican party. I'm wondering how that figure was reached. According to this calculator, the two most expensive methods of birth control have a lifetime cost of approximately $87,403 each (without insurance, assuming from age 12 to menopause, or about 51 according to the source), including a "[d]octor's visit and an annual supply ... every year". Dividing $87,403 by 39 years yields $2,241 per year. you are right. I mis-read the data thinking they meant yearly. Reguardless letting employers freedom or not to have their healthcare benifits provide birthcontrol for their employees shouldn't be their decision to begin with. Who should be giving advise for health issues their employer or their doctor? Atleast you Ithildin if you are a republican you seem much smarter than the majority of right-wing wing nuts you see and read in hate media and bias new networks. Maybe you could help influence the republican party to reform their core beliefs because they sure don't listen to people like me. lol
  11. Congressional Democrats and the President are as much to blame for obstructing legislation as the Republicans. For instance, the Senate voted unanimously against the President's 2012 budget (97 to 0) in May last year, and did it again (99 to 0) six months ago with his budget for 2013. I will give you the benefit of the doubt but congress can't afford to get nothing done economically with an 8% approval rating. This years election the Republicans lost seats in both the senate and the house. The democrates didn't take control over the House this year but now they have a super majority in the senate. I would say the Democrats have an upper hand this year. If John Boehner doesn't budge on raising taxes on the rich Obama is just going to let the bush tax cuts expire and the wealthly billonaires interests John Boehner is trying to protect is going to be hit the hardest anyways. Everyone will blame congress this time if nothing gets done. This year is different. Look at the demographics of voters this year... http://www.cnn.com/election/2012/results/race/president#exit-polls http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b291/princesstb/main-qimg-2217fd56a86572b3d67016bf822dc642.jpg For example this year the asian voter is actually a solid demographic and currently growing the fastest every year and the latino voter will just keep growing at an exponential rate too. America is just changing and the republican party just can't keep up anymore as it is. The growing voter population is against the republican establishment by default concidering the ideology the republican party holds so dear. Without major reform to their core beliefs it's actually very possible and very realistic the republican party will die. The evidence shows in the numbers. Just imagine how 2016 presidential election would be with such a diverse population when it is estimated the white voter will be reduced to around 68% or even less...
  12. John Boehner is already starting obstruction in congress. He gave a speech about working together with the president yet today he came out saying he will not budge on taxes being raised for the rich... he basically went on repeating about almost the same idea Romney ran on.... He is in no position to try to even put in place the same idea of closing loopholes and reducing taxes. Congress dug the hole for the fiscal cliff. If they don't do what the american people voted for instead of trying to uphold the billionaires interests that wasted their money to begin with on trying to buy this years election for the republican party, The people will get mad. John Boehner has no position to even think about obstructing the countries progress anymore. If he fears for his life by the billionaires pressuring him he should go into hiding instead of worring about a few billonaires coming after him if he doesn't do what they want. Because a few outraged billonaires is nothing compaired to the whole country outraged... John Boehner better work with Obama's agenda, the majority of america voted for it. I wouldn't be suprised if congress tries to delay the whole thing. People then might actaully come after John Boehner at his home and knock down his doors in rage. The republicans will be completely wiped out of congress next election cycle for failing to accomplish anything for the next two years.
  13. Even Rush Limbaugh is coming to reality... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Bpnz46QvY&feature=player_embedded e5Bpnz46QvY Maybe the left-wing media is starting sink in and opening up even the mind of Rush Limbaugh... :teehee:
  14. Tidus44 explain it better than i did. :thumbsup: Also if Lincoln was alive today he would probably be a Democrat. One thing i find funny is Foxnews seems to be in denial of the reality thier political party faces sometimes. As a good distraction Foxnews bring back Benghazi again. Msnbc seems to be covering more the way the republican party can solve their internal problems they face than their own bias media network. It just fascinates me how Foxnews operates going back to Benghazi when there is bigger current problems to worry about like the fiscal cliff and their own political party. When Foxnews commentators talks about how to fix their problem on the changing demographics they try to debate on how to make better immigration policies and how to appeal to foreign college students. I don't think their problem can be solved with policies that better relate to new immigrants in america since the reality is the people they actully need to recruit have always been american citizens. And i have yet to hear anyone in conservative media even suggesting any type of reform to their core beliefs other than moving farther to the right. lol It's more comical than sad how polarized the conservative movement still currently is. But hey it's ok with me if they don't wish to really take a hard look why their party needs reform. I am more liberal than conservative and the way things look if the fiscal cliff doesn't get solved soon the Bush tax cuts expire and the republicans in the house will probably fall down on their knees and the next election cycle the house will be taken back in control by the democrats. edit: Classic example of conservative denial... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TwuR0jCavk&feature=player_embedded 9TwuR0jCavk "As anyone watching the election coverage on Fox News when they called Ohio for Barack Obama knows, the Republican contributor pretty much made a fool of himself by not only outright denying that it was true, but sending anchor Megyn Kelly to interrogate the WORKING election analysts on their accuracy!" "And frankly, just sad to see that while so many are coming to embrace progress and change, there are still folks considered POLITICAL EXPERTS in positions like this who are so desperate to cling to their outdated ideologies and belief systems that they are capable of outright rejection of reality!"
  15. lol :laugh: Here is another joke.... (How to know your political party has to seriously reform) Two friends are talking and one guy asks, "So did the guy who made that horrible comment about Rape win or loose this election cycle?" His friend responds, "Which Rape comment guy?"
  16. 1. Want to hear something shocking? Everybody in politics is run by their personal and/or religious beliefs when they're not lying and kissing babies. That's why political parties exist in the first place. It's also why people vote for someone, in the first place. 2. I can make a case for Democrat elitism, too. Most notably at the college I went to. Disagreeing with Obamacare got people labeled as "selfish". A preacher spoke in the campus "Free Speech Zone" and got condoms (among other things) dumped on or thrown at him. I even got personally got called a hater for trying to defend said preacher! 3. How much more to the center do you want!? John McCain, called "The Maverick", whom Rush Limbaugh has made no bones about disliking for not being conservative, was not center enough? Mitt Romney, a Republican in Massachusetts (John Stewart refers to such as a democrat everywhere else), who signed a law in which Barack Obama called the basis of Obamacare, is not center enough? Oh, and exactly how close to the center were the Republicans in 2010 when they took the House by force and gained 6 seats in the Senate? That shift in power was not negated in this year's election. 4. Refer again to 2010. I have heard year after year after year how the Republicans are almost done. Yet Bush got elected to 2 terms, Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's old seat, and they took back the House of Representatives. You're going to have to do a lot more convincing than that to make me believe they going away anytime soon. 1. Republican party cant afford to push policies based on their personal and/or religious beliefs anymore (the majority of america is no longer on their side. "demographics") 2. Democrats do have elitism too yet republican can't afford to keep the elitist mentality. ( they no longer represent a majority of the american populus "demographics") 3. the reason why the republican party is dying is because its so far too the right currently moving any farther to the right will just alienate more people. ("demographics") 4. 2010 is not 2012 the population of voters has dramatically changed in favor of the democratic party. ("demographics again") It's estimated that white american citizens will decrease to 68% or less of the voting population by 2016. If they don't seriously reform their core beliefs the party will probably die. If you understand why Obama won the election this year is because of demographics. Obama tapped into such a large amount of the voting population so diverse that the average republican conservative voters can't compete anymore. And with the core beliefs the republican party currently stands for the percentage of supporters every year just keeps shrinking. The new large majority of the american voting population doesn't relate to republican conservative core beliefs anymore. You can call it unfair, be mad about it, or even go into denial. It's just the way America is currently. Historically every new generation is diversely more liberal which is why the democratic party is an easy choice for new voters to identify with. One reason why Nate silvers election predictions were so accrate was because he tapped into the census bureau when making his calculations. People in politics can't afford to ignore how fast america and the world has been changing in growth in such a short amount of time. The Democratic party took advantage of this change in population of voters. Republicans have to come to reality that people don't look at the 80's as the greatest age of modern america anymore. Most of the new voting population were not even adults during the regan years. if you think the Republican party will survive I guess its fair to say it's your opinion and I won't try to change it. "The Republican Party includes fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, neoconservatives, moderates, and libertarians." This kind of Ideology as a whole only appeal to The extremely wealthy, White males, and Radical Christian believers. I hardly see how the republican party can diversely expand without major reform. All I have to say is to the current republican establishment is "Goodluck" I personally don't see it lasting long in it's current state with the growing population. That is just my opinion.
  17. lol :psyduck: The Republican party can't afford to move further to the right. The reality of trying to build their base on outdated core beliefs will only shrink their support. If they don't face the pragmatic fact that their ideas need to really change in a huge way to appeal to a diverse growing populus, Their party will die. One thing the republican estblishment has is a bad reputation they direly need to repair. It shocks me they just don't get it. The elitist mentality just won't jive anymore because it's true the country is divided politically but it is unevenly divided and math is against their numbers. They have no room to beleive otherwise when the republican establishment is dramatically smaller and shrinking every year compared to the constantly growing democratic party. The republican party doesn't need new people, they need new ideas. :tongue: I think it's safe to say if their thoughts and strategy to gaining political power is just to get someone better to represent them to push their core beliefs even further to the right, the republican party is probably finished. :laugh:
  18. Here are just 4 things I think the republican party needs to do to survive... 1. The republican party needs to dissociate their personal or religious beliefs when creating policies. 2. The republican party needs to remove the elitist mentality. 3. The republican party can't afford to move any further to the right they need to move more to the center. (The only way the republican party has a future is if they really take a big step to the left now.) 4. The republican party needs to reform their core beliefs. This is probably the main thing that will destroy their party in the next few years if it remains the same. Thier current base voters is just not big enough anymore. I know there could be more but just a few things that would actually need to be done or their party will probably be finished in the next few years.
  19. @dragonslayer2k12 I watch the whole election too but the numbers of popular votes being counted will keep changing over the next week if you look here... http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/results Obama won the popular vote and the votes are still being counted.... regaurdless Obama won the electoral college anyways. Business owners need to learn to stop being so greedy if they wish to empower people in office who wish to take us back to policies that only make sense back in 1950's. Going back to demographics... This is exactly why the republican party is failing.... They just don't understand enough about the majority of american people anymore. :wallbash:
  20. Obama has the upper hand on this. He doesn't need to run for re-election. If nothing gets done about the fiscal cliff problems congress will be blamed and the republican party will most likely loose control on all levels of national government. The republican party can't afford to just obstruct legislation for the next 2 years or the Republican party will be finished. Demographics had a huge part to play in this election because regaurdless the government next year would have to do something about the economy anyways. Womens rights was a huge issue in this election because for most women the issues about women were economic issues too. Example if employers had the right to cover or not birthcontrol pills for their employees the average women would have to pay from her own pocket almost $98,000 a year. Birth control isn't just used as contraception. birthcontrol pills is widely use to manage a womans menstruation cycle. another example about womens issues is pay equity. If Employers are able to get away with paying women in the work field doing the same jobs as men less, that would take womens rights back decades and puts less money in womens pockets at the end of the day. As for your example of employers screwing over their employees only hiring part time work, i don't think you have to worry about. The average buisness owner pockets over 400% more than their average employees. Unless you are working for such a greedy employer the amount of money they make is large enough it would be like chicken feed to them to just provide healthcare for all fulltime employees. edit: Also Romeny didn't win the popular vote or the electoral college. It can be argued the election was close but the way our electoral college system works it was a clear landslide victory for Obama.
  21. Now that there is no doubt Obama has won, one thing i find very interesting is how accurate Nate Silver basically was... http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/ His model accurately predicted the outcome of Obama's win in 2008 with the exception of one state. This year 2012 his model was completely accrurate with the exception of florida because it could be a week before the actual results for the state are confirmed, reguardless Obama has won in a landslide with the electoral college and still a majority of the popular vote. Nate silver's model will probably be used for decades now and not just in US presidential elections but possible around the world. There is no question Nate silver has a very bright future. Despite how badly Romeny's campaign was and how horrible of a chioce he really was as the republican canidate, people from the right or the left could argue for years the actual reason why Romney was defeated so badly. it's my opinion the clear reason why Romney lost was because of Demographics. The republican party has a major internal problem to deal with considering they can not win future presidential races that apeal to their base anymore. The blue collar white citizens in america is becoming less and less as the nation is diversely changing in ethnicity, sex, and religion. The republicans really need to come up with new ideas because their core beliefs automatically alienate too much of the population to be ignored now. By 2016 it is possible the white male voters will decrease from this year of 72% to under 68%. There is something i can actually agree with Rush Limbaugh on. Rush Limbaugh Predicted the "End Of Republican Party" If Obama Wins Re-Election. Seeing how demographics play in an election The republican party will be forced to completely change hence the "End Of Republican Party". The republican party as it is today will have to end for it to compete with the future. The republican party needs new ideas that fit the 21st century instead of ideas that seem so outdated they could be mistaken for ideas from the 1950's. I can only hope that by 2016 people like donald trump, birthers, and the radical Tea party movement will become a thing of the past for the Republican party. When you have a oppositional political party in america that automatically alienates over a majority of the growing populus, the other oppositional political party doesn't really need to try that hard to gain power. Reguardless I am very happy to see Obama win again.
  22. Finally after two hours of waiting Romney called Obama to concede.... :sweat: Yay Obama!!! :dance: Edit: Btw Mitt Romney had a very nice concession speech.
  23. For anyone interested in seeing how the election is doing in real time tonight here is a link... http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/results Edit: So far it's looking almost exactly like Nate silver's map, yet things can still change over the night... Everyone will be looking 1st at who takes Virginia. Virginia should be the 1st sign to see how the election will unfold. Also Ohio will tell a lot too. florida is very important yet it will probably be one of the last states to be announced before the end of the night. too much early votes and absentee ballot in that state so it might be one of the last states to be anounced. update: Things are not looking too good for Mitt Romney now that pennsylvania has been taken by Obama. If Ohio is taken by Obama, Romney's chances of winning will be almost impossible... update: New Hampshire for Obama!
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