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  1. I have already tried that, it'll work like a charm for a belt, just remember to put the dismemberment ID with the right Armature and armor Slot ( ID 47 for DragonBody, per example.)
  2. so in other words we might as well use TesVsnip for this kind of work then. At least you should have somewhat more control of the records there. I found from were my problem come, this as nothing to do with SkyEdit, it's due to the slot being not used for what they're intended to. I think you should try to define were is the problem, if it's a problem with the .esp or with the model. To do so, change the ARMA so it load the Psijiic model instead of your own, so you'll instantly see what block the dismemberment.
  3. Did bEnableFileSelection is set to 1 in your SkyrimPrefs.ini? If think that having this one to 0 may still block mod loading, even with NMM. If you can't find it in your SkyrimPrefs.ini, just go down to [Launcher] and add under [Launcher] this line : bEnableFileSelection=1
  4. If think there's some Imperial Javelin in "Weapon of the third era", they can't be throw but they may be good battle spear?
  5. Is the hand set to 33 and the part of the glove covering the arm set to 34? If you do, the problem may be a configuration problem. When I looked at the BSdismembermentskininstance of the psijiic gloves in NifTools I found that there's a difference of "PartFlag" between the two part of the gloves, the hand is flagged PF_Editor_Visible, will the gauntlet as that, and PF_START_NET_BONESET. If it's not that, if think it may be a SkyEdit issue, it seems to not save ARMA record very well, as sometime copy-pasted Armature react correctly the first time but after adding something else to the .esp, they suddenly refuse to work together, let me give you an example : I have Cuirass_1 and Cuirass_2, they respectively go with Leggings_1 and Leggings_2. When I equip Cuirass_1 and Leggings_1 together, everything go well, same if i use Cuirass_1 and Leggings_2. If i use Cuirass_2 with Leggings_1, everything is OK... but Cuirass_2 with Leggings_2 doesn't work. In my example, Cuirass_2 is just Cuirass_1 with a different name, there the same model and Cuirass_2 is a plain copy of Cuirass_1, same case for the two leggings. The only fix I found is to open the .esp, change one of the problematics ARMA and change one things, save then change the value back to it's original states, then save again. It work most of the time, but it may also not work at all... it's just really odd.
  6. Nice list, It's really something i needed. But,you could also add the Dismemberment for part that are not used on the player usually, like the 44, it's only used on the DragonHeadBloodFX models, but can be reused for players too ( I use it on my own mods, to allow the use of leggings apart from the cuirass models. )
  7. I think the game check if he may or may not active a bonus on an armor with a system of keyword, Each item had a set of keyword, what you need to do is adding the "clothing" keyword to the bracer and that may do the trick. You can also try to clone the Bracer item, add the keyword and create a recipe for it. Edit : For easy and simple keyword ( and almost anything else ) editing, you should use SkyEdit if you don't already.
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