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  1. Nope, the bug still exists. I have the most recent version and got this bug aswell. However, I don't need any help on this anymore as I started a new game due to savefile corruption (byebye 160 hours).
  2. Well, I know that it doesn't make much sense, but this is what I experienced. When I deleted d3d9.dll and the enbseries.ini suddenly the lag was much smaller. Anyway, it turned out that the main problem was Sounds of Skyrim which (maybe with some interferences) completelly bloated my savefiles, so I've started all over again. Everything's fine right now.
  3. I bet it's Sounds of Skyrim. Most probably your savefiles got corrupted and the only help here is a New Game. I feel your pain bro, lost 160 hours :/ Btw: You should rather post in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/588295-skyrim-freezing-randomly/ Because I think this is generally the same problem.
  4. Did you delete the ENB files or did you just turn it off ingame? Because I had to really delete those files in order to get an improvement. Anyways, it seems that Sounds of Skyrim was the bigger Problem for me. And on another note maybe some Mod or Mod-Combination has already corrupted your savefile thus nothing will help anymore. This way I just lost more than 160 hours of playtime. But I don't care, haven't done more than 10% of the main quest anyway xD
  5. Yes, I am very sure that what Moraevik wrote will help you. In the case that own a gamepad you could also plug it in and get this way to the controls menu.
  6. Are you talking about this antifreeze from 0.0096 or so? The fix is actually implemented in the newer ENB versions. If you still have freezes something else must be the problem.
  7. Do you have ENB enabled? I think for me it begins when I put the ENB files into the skyrim directory (even when I turn it of through shift+f12 ingame). I can play the game completelly fluently, but after some time it suddenly freezes (with the music continuing) and I have to wait 5-20 seconds and then I can play fluenty again until it freezes again after not more than one minute. The strange thing is that those freezes do even occure while beeing in the menues (shops or inventory e.g.) so i dunno....
  8. Wow, my answer comes quiet late, but: No, at that time I didn't have any shout effecting mods - despite one which only slightlöy changed the Sound of fusrohda.
  9. I like the idea of the snowelves being added. Maybe seeing a return of the snow prince would be also great. Already reading about him in one of the books in Skyrim made the whole story sund quiet cool. I wonder why the eyes of the Dovahkiin in the picture of the DLC have this red/orange colour. Maybe we will get the possibility to turn into a dragon?
  10. Yeah, I would also like to see somehow the Dwemer return. However it would be nice to see this related to another continent. I think Akavir might be really suitable for such a new Episode in the TES-Series. But MOST OF ALL I would really love to see a new part beeing setted in Valenwood. But pls give me this not earlier than in 5 years, when PCs (or unfortunatelly the consoles :/) are capable of showing HUUUUUUUUUGE forrests with moving cities.... man.... so awesome....
  11. Hi Dovahkiins, I just got the Frost-Shout twice. However, it still gave me the second word of shout (as i already had the first). But now I end up with having two Frost Shouts in my skill window and both of them can be unlocked to the second level. Strangely they have slightly different cooldowns and one of them has a "you" instead of a "your" (with the "your" beeing the grammatically correct one) in their description. Actually it's not a real problem for me as I still got the second word, but I would like two know what caused this and/or if this might lead to al later problem. Thx in advance
  12. Did you try and test if it depends on the direction you're facing? Pls test this: Turn 30 degrees and take look at the weapon stats, than turn again 30 degrees and repeat this until you turned completelly around once. Might sound ridiculous, but that's what happened to me :/
  13. Hi there Dovahkiins! I have a very strange bug regarding damage (at least in the damage descriptions) and it's already descriped within topic title. Depending on the direction I am facing the displayed damage of all weapons changes. I think this is already happening for some time, because I had on several occasions the feeling that just a few seconds earlier I saw a different damage. But this time I realised it while seeing a hunting bow which almost had as much damage as my improved ebony bow. So I did a few checks and came to the conclusion that it really depends on the direction I am facing. However, the field in which the damage is increased is much lower than the field with the normal (?) damage. It doesn't only change the dmg of weapons lying around but also of those in your inventory and independend of their type. Somehow as a proof I've included two screenshots of the bow which made me realize this. http://s7.directupload.net/images/120502/temp/uvdjrhch.jpg http://s7.directupload.net/images/120502/temp/kpf98ygf.jpg Fun game for Skyrim-Fanatics: If you can guess where the screenshot was taken you get a (digital) cookie. To participate in this game you must answer the problem :P
  14. Just wanted to confirm that disabling the official HD-Pack worked wonders for me. I suddenly couldn't even play it on 1366*780 (or what it is) with low settings without getting MASSIVE lag although my PC is goo enough to run the game on its maximum. After disabling the HD-Pack I play it on 1680*1050 with high settings everywhere and with ENB (bloom and quality even set to 1!!!) and don't get ANY lag at all. Now going to check out if a HD-mod will provide the same problems. Because the low-res textures are really ugly :C
  15. Hi there, yesterday I finally raised my archery skill to 60 and invested the Perk into the second slow-motion-point. The Perk description said that with the second point in it I gain a 50%-SlowMo and that no stamina is needed anymore. Well, the 50% work fine, however, I still lose stamina. Actually it even seems now like I would lose stamina faster while zooming. I posted this here because I suppose this might be a mod-error. Does anyone have a suggestion where this miht come from? EDIT: Sorry, I actually wanted to post this in the "Mod Troubleshooting" Forum :/
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