Hello, I wanted to give some constructive feedback on changes made to the website in regards to ads and video ads. I certainly understand that given the bandwidth costs/limitations and expenses that some of this unavoidable. However, it is to the point of being excessive at the moment...where every page you go a video ad follows you around whether you scroll up or down the page...close it and pops up later on yet another page...big huge ad banners at the top of every mod page...this is excessive and will start to drive away users if it continues on like this. Suggestions: Make banners smaller No 'scroll and follow' videos on every page...make them fixed to a certain area. While no one likes the idea of mod size limits...something may need to be considered on a per mod or per uploader basis if bandwidth is really getting expensive...especially when multiple older versions of the same mod can also be uploaded and stored. Ultimately, my feedback is only in the interest of improving the nexus mod experience for everyone given the current situation, if anyone has better ideas please feel free to chime in. Thanks for reading.