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  1. I have used Paint Shop Pro X since Morrowind with never a problem. I recently decided to install an ENB and I think it was at that time that PSP stopped working. It shows in Task Manager running as a process, but not as an application. Is there something the enb tool disables that might effect the working of Paint Shop. A 30 day trial version of Paint Shop Pro X5 works perfectly. I just don't need to buy it if I can get my older copy to work again. I would appreciate any help and in desperation will attempt almost any solution.
  2. Congratulations Dark0ne, Happy New Year and many joyous returns of the season to you and yours.
  3. When one makes a mod one necessarily modifies skyrim.esm, therefore skyrim.esm is a necessary dependency. However if I do not use any of the material provided by update.esm in my mod, why should I have a dependency on it? I have several mods I have worked on extensively and have not garnered a dependency on update.esm. One of my more recent mods did end up with such a dependency. I removed it with no ill effect...and some time ago, even before this latest update.
  4. Skyrim has been updated several times. My most recent update was this past week. You are saying that any mod posted must have a dependency on both skyrim.esm and update.esm or that modder is guilty of breaking games. Update.esm and its attendant bsa are simply additions to everyone's game and are used regardless of whether someones mod contains a dependency to it. The game still uses it's resources. If I wish a mod dependent on any .esm, I tick it when I load the CK and start my mod with it active. I will wait till the new material is available and see if my game is broken. I'll let you know.
  5. No well behaved .esm is going to show up as a dependency in one's mod. I have about 6 .esm files active, including Apachiihair.esm. I enjoy the benefit of that mod by keeping it active in my load order and without fear it will intrude a dependency on a mod I am working on. I keep update.esm active in my load order and thus derive whatever benefit it also provides. I do not need to make my mods dependent on it to derive that benefit. Neither am I required to allow it to make my mod dependent any more than I would allow any other .esm file to create an unexpected dependency. It is not required by any of my mods.
  6. I should have added that one should never make major changes to a mod without first having secured the original copy to the desktop. Then you can snip, edit, or tear up a mod...and if it doesn't work simply drag the original back in and over-write. Nothing lost. Personally, I have at least a dozen mods that originally had a dependency on update.esm. When I discover that, I snip it, and have never experienced an ill effect or a loss of anything. I have played the game through three times. I might also add, do not remove the update.esm from your load order. It still needs to be activated.
  7. I did say use this advice at your own discretion, but I didn't just start modding. In addition I don't allow multiple dependencies in mods and particularly update.esm. I have absolutely no problems with any of the mods I have loaded because of that removed dependency. My game runs like a charm and never had a CTD.
  8. Some of us modders have found mods we are working on unable to load in the CK since the latest Skyrim update from Steam. This is apparently because of a version mismatch with update.esm. The mod still loads in the game, but not in the CK. The following is a method for removing that dependency and continuing work on your mod. Open the mod in TesVSnip. Click the plus sign to open it out. Just beneath the mod title is a line TES4, click it. That will bring up a listing with HEDR, CNAM, SNAM, MAST, DATA and INTV. Beneath that will be a second entry for a MAST, if you click it, it will show that it is update.esm. Click and hit the delete button, do that for the two entries that follow it. Save the mod. Now your mod is cleared of the dependency on update.esm, and will load into the CK. I have done that with three mods I am working on with no ill effect, but use this information at your own discretion.
  9. Thanks for the Information My Friend, I have been getting the urge to play some Fallout 3 myself, but I am still enjoying Fallout New Vegas so that may be awhile yet... lol
  10. I recommend you wait till Skyrim becomes a bit more playable. It gets tiresome real fast. I probably wont mod it, the CK is a mess.

    I still have both Fallouts up and will probably return to them as well.

    Hope you get that new computer, I did about a year ago.


  11. Nope not playing yet, I am still saving yup for my new computer, so I can play it the right way, still playing Fallout New Vegas, and thinking about giving Fallout 3 another run though maybe since it has been a long time now sine I played it. Other than that I am doing ok, I guess, Good To Hear From You Too. :)
  12. Doing fine, thanks Ogra. Good to hear from you.

    I'm back playing Oblivion till Skyrim settles down a bit. Are you playing Skyrim?


  13. Hey Pal, How you been. :)
  14. mgbeach, Thanks for the pointer. A kudo to you friend. I see you have a very nice mod posted. Great!!!
  15. This will probably sound pretty stupid from someone who has more than 70 successful mods, but how does one find room bounds and delete them. I don't think I'm seeing them and nothing that I can see that can be toggled to show them? I want to thank everyone for their responses to this thread.
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