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Everything posted by Fallout2AM

  1. If the siringue is an ingestible, the best deal to use a gamemode would be attaching that script on a spell, casted (CIOSed...)by the ingestible. Instead, if you simply are attaching the script to the ingestible, then you should use an onactivate. Whatever approach you take, the script is assuming that rTarget exists, but instead it would be required to check if it exists first. It also assumes that npc is either an actor or a creature. You are creating a zombie, so maybe you want only actors, at that point you should use conditional statement that checks if GetType 42 / 45 is true. Last, but this is personal, since you're using functions like Equip and PlaceAtMe, staging it in more frames wouldn't be bad, so I personally wouldn't use an OnActivate but I would stick with the spell in gamemode, with a duration of at least 1 second, or undefined (dispelled by the script when it has finished)
  2. Did you try to use an OnActivate block on a script attached to the chair? Begin OnActivate ; Boom End
  3. well, the toilet paper on the gun is pure class, you're great :P
  4. If the skin part on the upperbody included in the duster is setted as Shader Skin, I guess tyrnoney's right, it could be solved when you'll flag your ESP as ESM. You can try it on your own: make a backup of your actual ESP then change the header via FNVEdit, then try in game if it solves.
  5. You can check it with a different frequency if you want, but running on default delay time has already an impercetible workload, I believe it is already good as it is. What would worry me is the CTD, I don't see a reason why it could be related to the delay time, nor I can notice anything on the script that could lead to that
  6. Mmmh, I interpreted it in a different way. I interpreted she did a "real" location but the landscape is not oriented in the right way - north is not up, east is not right etc. so that when you go in game the location you should find at north is in reality at east etc.etc. (maybe in another direction, however not the correct one) If it's so, I'm sorry but I personally have never read anything to modify that - not sure if it's even possible :-/
  7. There was a mod like that in FO3, with the optional possibility to track down that feature as if it was part of your "needs". On a side note, these days I'm playing in Skyrim with all realism mods and that's an included feature, I was thinking to introduce it in NV because I find it's too funny
  8. The terrain issue seems caused by the LOD, like if you cutted (lowered) a mountain but you didn't regenerate the LOD. http://www.ictcool.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/lolcat-are-you-serious-bro.jpg
  9. go in console, click on it and check the ref ID on top, it will be YYxxxxxx: YY is the index in your load order of the mod that introduced that reference. i.e. 1A000435 means that the mod which introduced it has an index of 1A.
  10. They'll follow until they're setted as <float_min>. When they'll find an absolute value, they'll scale again. While vanilla usually is setted correctly with the scales, it's hard to tell the same for custom animations - often they are setted to 1 because it's how Blender usually export them - a nice thing to keep in mind in case it's for some public mod
  11. here you go, I'll save you the effort to click on the first post: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2840389-rifle-scale-when-holstered-verses-held/
  12. Or better, nothing that IS SUPPOSED to affect dialogue :P If you still didn't use it, I guess the only one which can really help you is FNVEdit in this case. And this is its manual.
  13. You can't do it in that way, you should invoke an animation. This person's doing the same exact thing, in the only way to go.
  14. That happens because the other vanilla animation files are setted as <float_min> To scale up you should make the contrary on another animation, I'd say to try on 2haequip or something like that
  15. - changing everyone else animations... -_- - making a custom race where the female is actually a male upperbody + head. Not sure how this could work, but I guess not much different than I expect. This would require scripting so that every time you wear a armor it will be switched with a custom one where the female model is the same of the male one, more or less like the script in CotW but actually the armors don't require any mesh work, it's just compiling a looong list via FNVEdit. This of course also means custom armors can't be played correctly and require some alternative solution, probably something like that is already possible with Lutana. And then the dialogues too, they would require to be tweaked, since people will refer to you with the wrong gender, but there's already a mod that would do it. I find both these workarounds absolutely awful
  16. Devin's right. I could think to 3 2 workarounds, which are pretty awful and the only idea makes me shiver. this whole idea makes me shiver, isn't better leaving those anims to some "mojave delight" daughter?
  17. I guess it's a LOD problem. If you cut a piece of mountain, its LOD will remain until you don't regenerate it - which is a complicated work. I suggest to not cut mountains.
  18. It could be she's fleeing from fights, you could check her aggressivity and confidence
  19. No script, condition. The condition of BlackbriarFollowPlayerWAIT is pointing to its variable != 1. This means that package will be evaluated before the other ones like the Follow package. As first thing, you should change that != to a ==. Did you solve the condition issue with Windows 8? can you modify them properly now? I don't have a chance to download the whole package and test it in game, so I can't assure that it's the only mistake that prevents her to follow you (I didn't check everything you did). However changing that condition is the first step I would do.
  20. I only downloaded the update, can't try the whole mod in game. But at first sight I can tell you this: BlackbriarFollowPlayerWAIT is a Guard package, and it is chosen whenever the waiting variable is != by 1. Since when you hire you set waiting to 0, I assume your npc will always remain in guard to her home, no matter what you do. There are few other things to check, i.e. BlackbriarFollowPlayerDefault has 5 times the same condition and in general it seems there's something that upsets GECK PU and FNVEdit
  21. 1 - The team flag is setted to 1 but as you have seen she still has the old package, sandbox or travel or guard. You should make her evaluate the new follow package, to do that it's essential that you manage #2 work correctly. 2 - Could it be the same problem with Windows 8 that hides the columns? http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1515231-geck-problems-in-windows-8-gone-name-of-the-topic/?do=findComment&comment=23914293 If you open a vanilla package which should have a condition and you don't see it, it's probably hidden. Just to double check, take a look at FollowersBooneL38Package, it should have 3 conditions. EDIT: just saw your message in that other thread. Well if you want to definetely solve that, you could take a look at that update of windows, or I guess you'll have to re-size the columns every time.
  22. You can obtain that modifying the 3rd person animations and change the location of the Weapon node To apply this only to certain actors you require a recent version of nvse where you can enable animation hook and a scripted solution that consists in scanning and identifying those actors and swap their skeleton on the fly. It can't be done with the player. Both things are not super easy and require some experience in those subjects.
  23. Then probably if you want to keep the same savegame, you should first to reinstall what you removed, then change your race and then uninstall again. Careful that changing race modifies your abilities
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