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About portowulf

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  1. replace Game.GetPlayer().Additem(caps001, 150) with Game.GivePlayerCaps(150)
  2. I don't know what's wrong with me. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice, and it doesn't fix anything. I thought maybe my CK was messed up, but idk.
  3. I'm trying with a new save; it even gives the warning, upon loading, that achievements will be disabled since I had no mods before. If I use console commands, it says the quest is stage 10, but nothing shows up. It's driving me crazy, 'cuz everything looks like it's right, but it still doesn't work. :(
  4. The first Alias, (POI) was a location reference that went unused. I deleted it to no effect on the issue. The second Alias (A2Opening) is a custom reference of a custom trigger I placed in the world. I did the 'Allow Reserved" and still no fix.
  5. I'm having trouble with getting custom quests to work: TLDR: Either the stage never changes, or the stage does change, but the script fragment doesn't run. (full description to follow) Attached, Quest Data tab I have it set to Start Game Enabled Attached, Quest Stages tab I have stage 10 set to Run On Start I have fragment as SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) Attached, Quest Objectives tab I have Display text, and the matching index of 10 (see papyrus fragment above) Attached, Quest Aliases I have aliases set to 'optional' Note: I'm using a fresh save with NO mods. Each time I load in, it mentions that achievements will be disabled, so I know there's no mods conflicting, and there's no old quest data on this save. So I have a quest that starts when your game starts. It should start at stage 10, and display the objective; but it doesn't. If I use console commands to get the stage, it says it's stage 10, but still nothing displays. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Hello, I've been having the same issue now. Craziest part? When I sent the .esp and .BA files to a friend to look at on their CK, it worked for them. But yeah, I'm equally in hundreds of hours of work, with a huge worldspace, and I'm worried about losing it all if I can't get quests to work properly. I've had quests just never change stage, even with console commands; and I've had quests change stages, but not run their scripts I've tried uninstalling the CK and FO4, reinstalling both; twice. Still having the same issues.
  7. If you want to use a skill like Lady Killer to dialogue in FO3, add a condition, on the dialogue, of "HasSkill" that is set to "Target", not the standard "Subject". Then where it says INVALID, find the skill. If you want to use a SPECIAL stat, add a condition of "GetActorValue" set to "Target" and put the stat where INVALID is. Then, you can put in the value [1-10]. You should use a >= or <= instead of ==, unless they need an exact match, because == 7 will not show up on someone with 8, 9, or 10; despite being higher than the requirement.
  8. Update: If I undo the parent world space, it shows the map markers in the smaller world, but no longer can see the main map and its markers, I still don't know how to get them both to overlay.
  9. I'm working on a mod with a custom location. I created a parent world, in which you can travel to, and has map markers that work. A smaller, second custom world (Think DCworld01, etc) is within the map. Your location shows on the parent world map when checking your pip-boy in game, but the map markers within the small world do not appear on the pip-boy. They show up as ticks on the compass, and upon discovery, it notifies you that you have discovered the new location(s), but when you look up world map on the pip-boy, they are not visible, and thus not able to fast travel to. I tried comparing the world space to the DCworld spaces and the map markers to other map markers, but I cannot find where I made a mistake. It's probably something simple I overlooked, or maybe it's something more complicated I didn't expect. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? You can see the menu for the world space and the map marker here: http://imgur.com/a/QyzcA
  10. There's a check box to make lines of dialogue only available once. it's called "say once"
  11. I know I'm a year late, but how's the mod coming along? I'm working on one myself, but was wondering if you needed assistance with anything.
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