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    Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series

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  1. I like to use the My Download History page to keep track of mods I'm using. It would be nice if there were a similar "Update Available" notice on this page as there are on others. Otherwise one has to compare the download date and the upload date which isn't as user friend as a simple graphic notice.
  2. OP, I had a similar experience with dead end jobs for the last decade. Last job before Covid I was assistant at a corporate HQ for 6 years. They treated me like crap despite being there 10 hours a day + 3 hour commute, 5 days a week, spending $300/month just on gas for the privilege of working. 0.3% pay increase yearly while constantly having goals set higher and higher. When covid hit it didn't matter that I had worked tirelessly for all that time, just let me go. They will replace you in a heartbeat the moment the numbers don't add up. You're not a human being to these companies. You're a number. It's all a pyramid scheme. The ---- rolls downhill and everyone above you will try to make you feel worse about yourself while everyone above them does the same to them. It's not worth it. You're going to keep bouncing from job to job ran by people that want to simply use you as a tool. Personally, I'm done. I'm not a tool, not a number. I'm a person. I've been spending the last 2 years becoming a dev. Training myself, learning, writing, working on content. We will see where it goes and maybe it won't work out. Maybe I'll eventually loose everything. But I'll die before I go back to letting someone else ruin my life everyday because I misfiled a document or was 120 seconds late clocking in. It is better to be poor and take a chance to live by your own standards then just get by with someone else's boot on your throat. Sorry, realize that is cynical but that's where I'm at now.
  3. You don't mention what game you're modding. Either way, highly recommend Mod Organizer 2. IMO it is far better than Vortex or any other.
  4. Hi, I've been a member of The Nexus and a modder here for a long time. Well I have finally released my very own original PC game called "I Was a Teenage Vampire". It is an 1980s themed adult point and click adventure + virtual novel. Think "Lost Boys" + "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" with gameplay like King's Quest and Gabriel Knight. You can check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/fatalmasterpiece https://fatalmasterpiece.itch.io/i-was-a-teenage-vampire Thank you! (Mods, links are SFW)
  5. More character customization options are always better. I liked in the original BG how you could at least choose your outfit colors so that every piece of +1 chainmail didn't look the same as another.
  6. Alright I'm quite certain I didn't dream this or make it up but for some reason I cannot remember for the life of me WHERE or if it was in FO3 or 4... At some point you can find a skeleton in a hotel or old room and some pre-war information, either in the form of a note, holotape or computer entry which explains how the dead body is that of a person who became aware of Vault-tec's plan to start the war. They knew Vault-tec and the Enclave wanted to then use the information from the vault experiments to plan a space mission. Or at least they knew that Vault-tec wasn't building safe vaults and instead it was all a ruse to experiment on live subjects. This person was either a Vault-tec employee or military personal. Somehow they died before they could send a warning; either the bombs fell first or they were assassinated. Does anyone else remember something like this or am I crazy?
  7. Honestly when I found out the devs went back and changed camera angles and lighting but couldn't be bothered to implement same gender relationships (when the content is already there) it really killed any interest I had in getting the LE right away. Feels similar to the ninja censoring going on at the Diablo 2 Remaster. Totally unasked for and unneeded.
  8. The best PC is the one you build yourself. It is very simple and easy once you learn the basics. These days hardware is all plug and play with very little knowledge needed in the way of compatibility, just a few hours of research. You will also save money. If you really love PC gaming, it is worth investing the time to learn these things. Unfortunately like the previous poster said, there is a shortage on hardware right now which can mean finding some parts can be a little challenging. Intel and Nvidia based machines offer the best performance but at a higher cost. Buy an RTX graphics card since games of the future are going to require it for next gen.
  9. Yep same gender relationships are the very first mods I'm hoping to see for MELE1&2, in fact am holding off playing for now. It just depends on when the modding tools become available since the original unused files are intact. Unfortunately the old mods will not work and have to be remade.
  10. Something like FROST but without removing all the NPCs? Would like to try FROST but am put off by not having any characters to talk to (reminds me of early 76). Would like to make Fallout more like Metro or STALKER. Unfortunately in vanilla FO4 once you get beyond level 20 and can build factories in your settlements, everything just becomes way too easy. Looking for no more bullet sponges, survival elements like cold, radiation and bad storms. Mostly looking for something to make ammo much more scarce and npcs use ammo. Force the player to use different guns. As it is, you get godly legendaries then just never bother using anything else. Welcome to any suggestions.
  11. It's already there, near the top under "Attributes". I don't see it... https://i.imgur.com/hILNRW2.png
  12. Would like to suggest adding "Character Preset" tag to "tags to block" section of preferences. Currently "saved games" doesn't seem to catch all the Mods>Characters>Character Preset mods for Cyberpunk 2077.
  13. Are there any mods like Requiem that are less cumbersome and have less issues with compatibility? I enjoyed the difficulty and everything that it adds but it's frustrating spending so much time finding compatibility patches and seeing cool mods which you simply can't use because you are using Requiem. Mostly looking for something that overhauls scaling and makes the game challenging while not messing with every single facet of the game.
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