OP, I had a similar experience with dead end jobs for the last decade. Last job before Covid I was assistant at a corporate HQ for 6 years. They treated me like crap despite being there 10 hours a day + 3 hour commute, 5 days a week, spending $300/month just on gas for the privilege of working. 0.3% pay increase yearly while constantly having goals set higher and higher. When covid hit it didn't matter that I had worked tirelessly for all that time, just let me go. They will replace you in a heartbeat the moment the numbers don't add up. You're not a human being to these companies. You're a number. It's all a pyramid scheme. The ---- rolls downhill and everyone above you will try to make you feel worse about yourself while everyone above them does the same to them. It's not worth it. You're going to keep bouncing from job to job ran by people that want to simply use you as a tool. Personally, I'm done. I'm not a tool, not a number. I'm a person. I've been spending the last 2 years becoming a dev. Training myself, learning, writing, working on content. We will see where it goes and maybe it won't work out. Maybe I'll eventually loose everything. But I'll die before I go back to letting someone else ruin my life everyday because I misfiled a document or was 120 seconds late clocking in. It is better to be poor and take a chance to live by your own standards then just get by with someone else's boot on your throat. Sorry, realize that is cynical but that's where I'm at now.