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About aegiltheugly

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  1. In response to post #24966929. #24966984, #24967199, #24968504, #24969224, #24988424 are all replies on the same post. I just like the "showed your true self" rhetoric. We are gamers and programmers arguing about paid mods vs free mods; not politicians discussing the economic policy of the EU or the military strategy of a nation.
  2. In response to post #24965229. #24965294, #24965344, #24967219, #24968809 are all replies on the same post. Can I wave my hand at you and say "these are the statistics you're looking for"?
  3. In response to post #24966929. #24966984, #24967199, #24968504 are all replies on the same post. @gastovski: I agree with you about Dark0ne! Before this I had no idea he spoke with a British accent. Learning all sorts of things here.
  4. In response to post #24936654. #24942449, #24958474 are all replies on the same post. I think the plan as outlined would require both the permission and cooperation of Bethesda. The idea could be possibly be sold to them less as a profit center and more as a public relations/marketing tool to keep people interested until they release their next FO/TES title in 2020 (always an optimist).
  5. It's good to see this issue has reached the dissecting every sentence, you said/I said phase of the discussion. Always a sign that something beneficial is about to be accomplished.
  6. In response to post #24941974. #24942164, #24950944, #24954954, #24957374 are all replies on the same post. Oh.....So no child labor then? ;-( Because I have an obnoxious nephew that.....well....never mind.....forget I said anything!
  7. I was surprised to lean it cost half a million dollars a year to run this site. I've always assumed Robin Scott has been building an ever larger pile of money since he was 14 and that three times a week he goes down to his vault and rolls around naked in it while cackling maniacally and making origami D&D figures....Boy was I wrong.
  8. In response to post #24941974. #24942164, #24950944 are all replies on the same post. @RETNAV98 - I think they ran they trial balloon long enough to find out that introducing paid mods into an older game where they were formerly free is a bad idea. I think they ran it long enough to get an idea of what problems not having some of the more respected and essential mods under their control presents. I also think they have Marketing and R&D watching the forums very closely to see what continuing issues they will have to address when introducing paid mods with FO4 or TES6. There will still be some bugs and complaints when it is finally rolled out but they will have addressed most of the major concerns. By the way, its good to see someone that okay with a return to the employer/employee relations of the 1800's. Maybe Valve and Bethesda can get some small children to clean their offices while they are at it. Those child labor laws are just pesky. ;-)
  9. In response to post #24873139. #24874159, #24874314, #24874474, #24874519, #24874634, #24874639, #24874729, #24874774, #24874924, #24874984, #24875019, #24875044, #24875074, #24875124, #24875219, #24875289, #24875334, #24875454, #24875484, #24875669, #24876774, #24876829, #24877709, #24877889, #24877969, #24878254, #24878299, #24878569, #24878604, #24878759, #24879069, #24879579, #24879589, #24882059, #24884249, #24885029, #24885084, #24885349, #24885354, #24885399, #24885969, #24885999, #24887819, #24887979, #24888049, #24888949, #24889684, #24891174, #24938644 are all replies on the same post. Hey! - My self-serving entitled crap is special. I have a sixth grade award somewhere that proves it. Blue ribbon and everything. When I saw the news about mods I figured "oh well, I'll decide which of these are actually worth paying for and which are just nice". When I saw the business arrangement I thought "They're turning these people into contract labor without incurring any associated overhead. I hope some of them are smart enough to run this by their lawyers". If you are running a small business (which is essentially what you will be doing under the paid mods model) always have an accountant and a lawyer on retainer. It's not expensive for what you get. The more I read, with the policies they were putting into place and the vitriol from some users, the more I became of the opinion that modders were getting screwed by both sides without the courtesy of a kiss or reach around. With the exception of a couple that I would happily trip with one of my canes because their egos seem out-sized, I do have sympathy for them. As a user (I can't mod for shite) I understand that I have been getting something that the creators have chosen to share and I thank them for it. I do not however think that negates my opinion because the relationship between the two groups is symbiotic. I see this as a poorly executed trial balloon by Valve and Bethesda. Paid mods will be back with FO4 or TES6 but they will have put a lot more thought into it than they did this time around.
  10. In response to post #24929404. #24929819, #24932289 are all replies on the same post. I assume you and LP1 have lined your walls with mirrors so you can continuously admire yourselves. I don't think users are necessarily more important than modders but Christ! - you two sound like you have been sitting in the closet smelling your own farts too long. I've never tried any of your mods and to be honest at this point I would be afraid to because I might get sucked into the vortex of self aggrandizing narcissism being displayed. It's really simple, if you are unhappy because you are not getting paid or what you feel is your proper recognition for modding then you either need to stop creating mods or stop putting them on a site that allows them to be freely shared. Either way, climb down off your pedestals.
  11. This may be out of line but one of LP1's comments made me think of it. I hope all of the people making the "economic need" argument understand that the Skyrim community's rejection of paid mods doesn't prevent them from modding for money. There are still games like DOTA 2 and CS:GO where they can mod for money. If the argument is "Yeah, but I want to mod for Skyrim" then you are no longer talking about need and have to make a decision about what you want vs what you need.
  12. In response to post #24871339. #24886114, #24887249, #24887719, #24888359, #24889504, #24889659, #24890009, #24890154, #24890484, #24890884, #24891049, #24891434, #24891459, #24892539, #24892854, #24893109, #24893609, #24894184, #24895989 are all replies on the same post. LP1 - I have know idea who you are but PLEASE, let me know what all your mods are so I can be sure I never insult you by downloading one.
  13. In response to post #24852949. #24853204, #24853924 are all replies on the same post. I keep seeing that claim (mostly from the same people) but I haven't seen any data to back it up. How about some verifiable information rather than some generalized claims.
  14. Is there a list of the mods that have been pulled as a result of this little debacle. It would be interesting to see what the real impact has been. I would leave the names of the mod makers off the list, they have received enough grief from the less mature members as it is.
  15. In response to post #24763594. #24763769, #24763984, #24764049 are all replies on the same post. No, and a modders creation staying on someone else's hard drive doesn't change the fact that they created it. False attribution of credit for personal gain is another issue and has always been a problem in any field where creativity is involved or, for that matter; the average office. It is an issue that Valve seems to have failed to consider or adequately address.
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