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Posts posted by hdhd

  1. @iggy17

    Every DLC that doesn't requires authorization is free so you don't need always to buy them (http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/DLC) and I never needed windows live or to complete some quests to get DLCs working.



    Best you follow the guide on http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=19. If it still doesn't work you could provide some more informations for example which mod did you try to install, in which format it was (*.dazip, *.uti etc.) etc.

  2. The command to add spells is: AddAbility(oPC,spellid); the remove command: RemoveAbility(oPC,spellid); look at the script I proposed (IDs can be found on dragonagewiki) Maybe try this (I just added the add and remove spell command):

    #include "log_h" //you need this only for debugging (PrintToLog) so you could remove it
    #include "utility_h"
    #include "wrappers_h" 
    #include "events_h"
    void main()
       event ev = GetCurrentEvent();
       int nEventType = GetEventType(ev);
       string sDebug;     
       object oPC = GetHero();
       object oParty = GetParty(oPC);   
       int nEventHandled = FALSE; 
           // Sent by: Engine
           // When: The current creature has equipped an item
           case EVENT_TYPE_EQUIP:
               object oItem = GetEventCreator(ev); // the item being equipped
           // Sent by: Engine
           // When: The current creature has unequipped an item
           case EVENT_TYPE_UNEQUIP:
               object oItem = GetEventCreator(ev); // the item being unequipped
       if (!nEventHandled)
           HandleEvent(ev, RESOURCE_SCRIPT_CREATURE_CORE);

    The problem is that this script will always give the spell to the player (oPC) and not to the creature that equipped the item so you have to find out who wears your item (perhaps again with GetEventCreator) or restrict the item that only a specific person can wear it.

  3. You could make a script, override event_type_unequip and equip, if equipped item is "..." then AddAbility(oPC,3023); if unequipped then RemoveAbility(oPC,3023); or alternatively you have to edit the itemsets code. I didn't try it but maybe it also will work if you just add the script to the item:

    void main()  
       object oPC = GetHero();
       if (GetTag(GetItemInEquipSlot(YOUR_SLOT, oPC)) == "YOUR_ITEM_TAG") 



    I think the removeability line won't work but test it if it doesn't work you still can do it with event_type_equip

  4. I thought you wanted to edit an creature name, you don't need the talktables for that. To make Zevran a human female you have to open gen00fl_zevran and set gender to female, race to human, appeareance to human and Head Morph to e.g hf_arl150cr_bella.
  5. I don't understand why you are using two events instead of one why don't you just put all code into EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_LOAD. Also the specs below EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_LOAD are twice there so you can remove the ones that already are there. And now to the original question it means that the variable doesn't exist, that Bioware has named the spec other than SPEC_ROGUE_LEGIONNAIRE_SCOUT (or it doesn't work because the toolset can't access awakening files). You could look in the awakening files how the spec is really called or make script and add yourself the specs via the manuals (see code).


    Try this code, it will add all spec books to your inventory on module load (just think on either setting the script as core resource, changing in the addins.xml the extendedmodule or putting the script in the override folder.)


    #include "utility_h"
    #include "wrappers_h"
    void main()
     event ev = GetCurrentEvent();
     int nEventType = GetEventType(ev);
     switch (nEventType)
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_battlemage.uti", 1);
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_bloodmage.uti", 1);
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_guardian.uti", 1);      
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_keeper.uti", 1);
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_legionnaire.uti", 1);
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_reaver.uti", 1);
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_shadow.uti", 1);
         UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gxa_im_manual_spiritwarrior.uti", 1);

  6. I don't how you can get out of an item tag the actual name of the item for instance out of the amulet Apprentice's Amulet the itemtag gen_im_acc_amu_am17. Maybe if you override the event of a specific merchant (something like DarkeWolf suggested) then you could get the item tag with GetEventObject but as far as I know there isn't such a event (perhaps try something with EVENT_TYPE_USE, EVENT_TYPE_CLICK, EVENT_TYPE_UNEQUIP?). I think it is possible but I have know idea how to actually script this. Maybe the simplest solution would be to just look the item name in the toolset up and then add it with the console command:

    runscript createitem <creature> <item>

    <creature> - the tag of the creature to create the item on.

    <item> - the tag of the item to create


    P.S.: Another idea: maybe look at the code from http://social.bioware.com/project/463/ (Example package: Camp storage chest).

  7. These are the mods I'm using:

    Advanced Party

    Advanced Tactics

    Alistair Dialog Patch

    Auto Highlight

    Combat Tweaks

    Detailed Tooltips

    Dialogue Tweaks

    Dragon Age Mutator

    Dragon Age Redesigned Version

    Far Song for Owen

    Gift Guide - Awakening

    Improved Atmosphere

    Interesting Boss Drops

    Item Set Descriptions - Codex Entry

    Less Barking Dog

    Madd Gift Guide

    New Morrigan Face (Based on Concept Art)

    No Starting Abilities

    Skip the Fade

    Tactics Table Fixes


    White Teeth


    Adonnay's Weaponry

  8. There are better tutorials than the ones from Bioware. I recommend instead following the guide from SilentCid: http://social.bioware.com/project/527/#discussions


    Are you trying to create a standalone module (own campaign) or do you just want to add to the existing world map a new point where you can travel to? For a standalone campaign you probably need this script:

    #include "events_h"
    #include "global_objects_h"
    void main()
       event ev = GetCurrentEvent();
       int nEventType = GetEventType(ev); //extract event type from current event
       int nEventHandled = FALSE; //keep track of whether the event has been handled
            case EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_START:
               PreloadCharGen(); //preloads resources needed for character generation
               StartCharGen(GetHero(),0); //initiates character generation
       if (!nEventHandled) //If this event wasn't handled by this script, let the core script try
           HandleEvent(ev, RESOURCE_SCRIPT_MODULE_CORE);


    This script will start the character generation when you load the module.

  9. You also can use an already existing one I for instance exported sandal and renamed him to camp_sandaltwo. The extended module is awakening so you need to export the npc from origins otherwise awakening won't find any file called camp_sandal. But this will only spawn the npc, creating a merchant is a bit more difficult.


    http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/18/creating-a-custom-merchant-for-the-player%E2%80%99s-camp-%E2%80%93-part-3/ describes how to add to your dialog script a merchant.




    How did you make it work in Awakening and Origins? I know only of the method creating in the addins.xml a new AddInItem with ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1".

  10. It is no problem to create such a mod (I'm referring to the first post). I looked again at some Awakening files and made a new area in the first mission.






    So just look at some tutorials and then you should be able to spawn Alistair.



    Look at this thread http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=190666. I posted some links there that might help you.

  11. No, he shouldn't have all the items you sold to him on him. When you want some more items added to him just modify the .utm files. The script I posted above will only spawn the npc, you still have to bring him to speak (dialog) and make him a merchant (dummy area).

    My point had been anyway that it is possible to modify the Awakening campaign more than most think so many mods that had been labelled as impossible (without a new version of the toolset) are actually possible. I haven't yet tested adding new cutscenes or areas to existing maps but I will try to make them work.

  12. To your third question everything you put in the My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override folder will override any files including add-ins from Bioware so you don't need to repack everything. In the C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\tools\Source\2DA\ are mostly the numbers defined for instance itemprps.xls has the IDs for item bonuses. You probably need to find the right numbers out so you can't replace an integer with a string. The display names (e.g for Awakening) are stored in the talktables so if you open e.g an item mostly you will find "TBD" this means you have to look in the talk tables. Just override the TBD with your display name then you don't have to change the whole talktable.


    But I don't get what you really want to do HM_UHM_BASa_0 is the base of a morph file (Human - Male). Do you want to replace the race of another utc (I think you mean utc, uti is a item file) with your one e.g dwarf?

  13. It is also no problem to create merchant in Awakening without using an already existing one. Open "C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\addins\dao_prc_ep_1\module\data\designerareas.erf", look for the area where you want to spawn him, get the location (use the first script from http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/15/creating-a-custom-merchant-for-the-players-camp-part-1/), make a new script and spawn him (using the second script on dragonagemodding).

    So basically there are a lot more things possible without an updated toolset than many think.


    An example spawning Sandal in the first mission of Awakening:

    #include "wrappers_h"
    void main()
       object oPlayer = GetMainControlled();
       object oMerchant = UT_GetNearestObjectByTag(oPlayer, "camp_sandal");
       if (!IsObjectValid(oMerchant))
           object oArea = GetObjectByTag("vgk100ar_exterior");
           location lMerchantLocation = Location(oArea, Vector(77.675064, 61.997501, -1.807399), 140.000106812);
           CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, R"camp_sandaltwo.utc", lMerchantLocation);





  14. I know that it is possible to change the creature speed (C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\tools\Source\2DA\APR_base.xls) but I think without using a spell there isn't any way of changing the hero's speed. Maybe try something with the effect of Cone of Cold:

    eEffect = EffectModifyMovementSpeed(CONE_OF_COLD_SPEED_PENALTY, TRUE);

    ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eEffect, oTarget, fDuration, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);


    Or open the spell_constants_h, change the const float CONE_OF_COLD_DURATION = 3.0f; to infinite and cast the spell on your party members. This is the best solution I can think of but perhaps somebody else has a better idea.

  15. For instance to teleport the player to the level 4 of the mage tower use: UT_DoAreaTransition(CIR_AR_TOWER_FOURTH_FLOOR,CIR_WP_PC_RETURNS_FROM_FADE);


    The command is:

    UT_DoAreaTransition("starting_area", "starting_point");

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