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  1. This is a good idea. Tracking thread as well. When it comes to bikes, well I guess the best bet would the "junker" type of motorcycle? Combining both an off road dirt bike with a cruiser style thing, but with rust and scrap and what not. Just my opinion. It would fit well into the setting, I think. Dirt bike tires, suspension and steering with a customized cruiser frame? Something like this maybe: http://alfalfastudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Cover.jpg
  2. Thats fantastic news! :) Thank you for the fast reply. And umm ok. What would you call it? Power armor from fallout tactics/brotherhood of steel? As far as I remember there was no official name for it in the game. It was just "power armor" and "advanced power armor", which was the slightly pale version of the regular "power armor" if I recall correctly.
  3. I wanted to ask whether someone is still working on their Midwest Power Armor? I freaking loved it ever since playing fallout tactics and finding this thread got me excited like crazy!
  4. Its already out :) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/745/?
  5. Not really helpful, but I made the same post a couple days back. We need more layered/moddable outfits. Absolutely.
  6. Fairly simple actually - get yourself the Bethesda Archive Extractor from the nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/78/? Then, download DXTBmp - a tool used to change .dds files Open up the Texture files with the B.A.E., find the clothing/armour you want to recolour, extract it - open up the .dds file with the DXTBmp tool and then double click on the texture in the program. It will be opened in an image editor and just go wild, change it up however youd like. After that, save in the image editor; exit; save in DXTBmp and finally put the changed .dds file in your Fallout 4/Data/Textures/-name of the changed clothing/armour file/ and paste it there.
  7. Moddable/layered riot gear and trench coats - ncr rangers style but with mod slots available
  8. If you use the coc qasmoke command in the console prompt you are ported to a location with every item inbtge game. (Type in coc ufocrashsite to get back). And there isnt anything, you can mod the road and raider leather, vault suits, longjohns, two BOS uniforms and thats it. Its a missed oppprtunity. Oh well, gonna finish the game with the mcready duster which has 5 dmg resistance. Hopefully someone will figure something out :)
  9. yeah, ever since the game release Ive been looking for some layered coat only to later realize - via cheats sadly, that there isnt one. The Spike/Cage/Drifter armor are almost good enough, but they all have some parts that are really not nice to look at. Not to mention that the stats are crap, because you cant improve any of them.
  10. Thats exactly what I thought. Well guess we will have to wait for the new GECK
  11. Hi there I was wondering whether it would be possible to make some of the outfits/armors moddable? I understand that the reason for only a few of the armors to be moddable in the base game is the issues of clipping but there are some mods that would work with different types. For example, you have the drifter outfit - the gray belted trench coat - which would work with shoulders, chest and thigh mods. However, all the slots are locked with that particular outfit. Same thing goes for the travelling leather coat and some others. I believe that this is something that is gonna eventually be made, but maybe there is an easy way to do it already? Enable the modding via cheat engine or the ingame console or to tinker with some of the armor stats? Thanks :)
  12. ok, so its been roughly 4 years since I started this topic and I cant believe that there is no one who would take up arms for taller elves! (indeed, my misspelled higher thingy is just weird, makes you wonder whether theyre high and just need to tell their dealer to man up or hhhwats going on here) - this was a brilliant idea, just sayin
  13. Greetings, I am thinking about modding an existing werewolf model; adding a necklace, some sparse clothing, etc, but I have virtually no experience with modding (yet, eager to learn!). I wanted to ask anyone what tools will I need? I browsed through the tutorials, but none actually mentions how to do this. For example, I already have a mod which changes the werewolf model and textures and I want to edit that one - purely for personal use. Thanks for any assistance :)
  14. Hi, ever since Dragonborn, my whole game seems to be delayed. Everything is just either taking ages or nothing happens (as if the trigger hasnt been met). I had to teleport via console to Solstheim to get there, because all I got in Windhelm was a loading screen, which then turned black. Nothing. I couldnt move, but I could hear the boat creaking noises, water splashes, etc. Game did not freeze nor crash. Since Im on Solstheim, everything is slowed. My werewolf forms stopped working at all. Nothing happens. The quest with the Black Book just immobilizes me in place and takes me nowhere. Basically, anything that requires a script isnt working. Some minor quests still progress, but nothing that is scripted to happen does. I got lots of mods, had no problem with them at all and I uninstalled them, tried playing the game with only official plugins on a clean save and still the same problem. Doesnt matter if I use the mods or dont. No animations mods, some are scripted (tame your beast, tales of lycanthropy), but nothing major. I also have Warzones, but my PC is highend and I never had any trouble with it. Please, help me, anyone. Im desperate. I checked the timescale in game (its 20; normal), deleted cfgs files, reinstalled Skyrim, nothing. New game just crashes (with or without mods).
  15. Hello there, now, basically I just got Dragonborn and whenever I travel to Solstheim, all I get is black screen, boat creaking sounds, water splashing and nothing happens. I cant control my character but when I type in to enable player controls, I get to see the compass, stamina/health bars but still a black screen. Its as though the scripts are late? I deactivated most of my mods, deleted all my save games just for one (was about 3 GB right there) but still nothing. Now, did any encounter this kinda thing before? Just me? Mod conflict or something bad happened? Im running SKSE with latests patches (goes without saying). Only happens when I travel to Solstheim, nowhere else, no crashes, no freezing, nothing. Just this. Im desperate.
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