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About Darigaz17

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  1. The old Nexus...just a blurry good memory...
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Luminiari


      Darigaz, I agree. Sure, the gratuitous nudity of the past was hard to avoid, and I'm personally glad it's been mediated, but what's going on now, with greedy little children attempting to get people banned because they want what they can't have is just stupid. THIS is why people are turning to personal Gallery software and deviantART. And it's sad. It shouldn't be like this.
    3. kayinv


      Should make a group at deviantart. I post stuff there, but the general community isn't that interested in screenshots.


      Anyway, glad I never saw the nudity, I've always been strongly against anything that wasn't done in a tasteful manner. I still think the imageshare should be based on views instead of endorsements. Endorsements are too easily traded or bought. You almost have to be a politician and pander for votes. A screenshooter of the month type of thing would ...

    4. BareFootScholar


      I personally love the new Nexus. I don't see how the old Nexus was any better.
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