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About Room207

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  1. Ear morphs for Khajiit are stored in their .tri file. You should be able to open and edit it with my Blender portable. Theoretically you could make other races' ears move too according to their emotions. I saw this done only once though, for lop ear elves.
  2. HEEEY, how's it going my friend?! ;D
  3. Thank you! Happy Christmas to you too my dearest! :3
  4. Happy xmas! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Lol, I should have added you long ago but somehow I'm very awkward with "friends management". :)
  6. A guy who made awesome orc head added me as friend? I'm honored XD
  7. Doing alright. Up and down :S
  8. How are you? *huggles* <3
  9. *Huggles* Just checking in <3
  10. I've amended the credits and description of the mod. A million thanks for being so generous about creating and uploading those OMOD versions. You are a champion :) *Huggles*
  11. Hi there! Thank you for your comment! Too many compliments maybe, I'm not that good as a modder... but I'm glad that you enjoy my mods!
  12. Thank you for the add! Your mods are so well done and your description pages are even awesome to view. I just want to say thank you for the work you have put into helping others enjoy their games that much more.
  13. *Knocks on the door*
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