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Everything posted by Darigaz17

  1. The mods that require SI, usually only do so because they use meshes and textures from that DLC, which means that you do not need it's esp. to be active, you only need it's meshes and textures in the Data folder.
  2. In response to post #9303554. #9382441 is also a reply to the same post. Guess you've never played TESIII: Morrowind then...vanilla still blows away pretty much every other sandbox game that came after it, including GTA V
  3. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368 or http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22787 Patience is a virtue my friend... try not get butthurt the next time you don't get a reply in 24 hours
  4. http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/Crynet_Systems_Nanosuit;106679
  5. http://images.similarminds.com/movie/9.jpg
  6. This kind of topic again!?...really? http://www.clanram.com/forums/attachments/f11/1228d1287291494-rams-chargers-game-aired-la-beat_dead_horse.jpg If you want something done to your tastes, then move your lazy a** and do it (or learn how to do it)... Please lock this thread, it's an over debated never ending vicious circle... nothing good will come from here.
  7. http://www.clanram.com/forums/attachments/f11/1228d1287291494-rams-chargers-game-aired-la-beat_dead_horse.jpg
  8. *Looks at the thread name* This should be interesting... *Grabs some popcorn and reads the whole thread* *smacks some of the people here with a baseball bat* What a funny thread, I especially like this kind of threads... It is true that there are a lot of skimpy outfits, that can't be denied, but it is also true that if you want something done for your tastes you might as well move your lazy ***** and start learning how to do it, if you don't have time for modding, well, too bad my friend. Just remember that people create stuff for themselves and not for you, you should be grateful to have so many cool outfits around here.
  9. Omg! That's a TERA RIP called LuxLucis. People are so corrupted these days... Omg! There's no such thing as a TERA rip called LuxLucis!! You are so corrupted...
  10. Looks heavily photoshopped and/or image from Poser. I don't think it's possible to have that kind of realistic face/hair in Oblivion. Almost looks like a real photograph photoshopped lol. It's a bit photoshopped but still it is possible to have such and even more realistic faces in Oblivion, it depends mostly on the textures. I highly doubt the character is available as a partner but your best bet is to ask the author of the pic, which if I'm not mistaken is this one http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=1778149page=&navtag=images&page=1
  11. That's a recoloured rip oops :biggrin: exact copy of of jill's outfit from RE5. The guns? looks like a G36 and a PSG, should be easy to find and port versions from f03 nexus or NV nexus.. Fixed that one for you...
  12. Actually it is not Blood Elves by BellaGail, it is a custom race made by Goma, look at head, it is a lot diferent from the Blood Elves head, also the pic is older than the race so... xD The outfit is Battle Suit by Goma, inspired by Jill's Battle Suit from Resident Evil, you should try to google for it or ask the author of that pic.
  13. Custom head mesh, custom textures, and Photoshop. Fixed that one for you. The only post-work on thoses faces is a bit of glow and contrast, if you have any doubts, I have the original screeshots to prove that. The girl (Revy) uses the Sulhwa head mesh ( http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22074 ), and the guy (Darius) uses head06 ( found in races like the Moonshadow Elves and Kaleen), so as you can see the only custom part of those characters are their textures.
  14. Name: Darius Galin Gender: Male Race: Nord ( custom) Starsign: The Warrior Class: Warrior Homes: Bravil Favourite Land: Valenwood Best Friend: Revy Risray Worst Enemy: Anyone who threatens Revy's safety Combat Preference: Close range with a 2-handed sword or axe Combat Style: Usually stays on the defensive, blocking most strikes until his enemy makes an error, carries two daggers that are mean't to be used as a last resort, knows a bit of destruction magic but refuses to use it. Greatest Fear: To see Revy die in front of his eyes without being able to do anything. Greatest Want: A peacefull live. Physique: Muscular Level: 51 Joined Guilds/Factions:Fighters' Guild, Blades, there are reports of Darius serving in the Imperial Legion. Enemy Guilds/Factions: None, in fact he couldn't care less about the other guild affairs with exception of the now gone Blackwood Company. Childhood: Unknown Teenage: With the exception that he joined the Imperial Legion at the age of 19 and that he served the Legion for 3 years, nothing else is known Current Age: 43 Prefered Food: Fruits Disliked Food: None Favourite Arrow Type: None. Favourite Blade Type: 2-Handed elven blade he found in an ancient ruin while he was travelling trough Valenwood Spells: knows a huge amount of destruction spells, tough he doesn't use them. Friendly Races: Imperial, Bretons, Nords Neutral Races: Most races Hostile Races: Daedra Favourite City/Town: Bruma Least Favourite City/Town: Imperial City Favourite Daedra: None Least Favourite Daedra: None Favourite Divine: None Least Favourite Divine: None Main Weakness: Revy, his caring for her most of the time is his main strength, but sometimes it turns out to be his main weakness Main Strength: Revy, his caring for her most of the time is his main strength, but sometimes it turns out to be his main weakness Goal in Life: To live a peacefull quiet life... Why he was sent to jail: Was enjailed along with Revy for helping her protect an innocent oldman from false accusation of theft.. He was enjailed in a diferent cell on the other side of the prison...was released after 7 weeks http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/829312-1301569623.jpg
  15. Name: Revy Risray Gender: Female Race: Sulhwa ( custom version) Starsign: Warrior Class: Guardian ( warrior + restoration and alteration magic) Homes: Bravil Favourite Land: Morrowind Best Friend: Darius Galin Worst Enemy: None. Combat Preference: Close range. Combat Style: 2-Hand Longsword combined with speed and agility, uses defensive magic as her last resort. Greatest Fear: Being unable to help someone Greatest Want: Love Physique: Average. Level: 52 Joined Guilds/Factions: Fighters Guild, Arena. Enemy Guilds/Factions: Mages Guild, Blackwood Company ( now gone), Dark Brotherhood. Childhood: Sole survivor of a shipwreck on the shores near Leyawiin, she was found by Darius Galin, who took care of her as a younger sister. Teenage: Under the tutoring of Darius Galin, she was trained in the arts of swordsmanship, it was also at this age that she took interest in the arts of alteration magic. Prefered Food: Cheese Disliked Food: Fish Favourite Arrow Type: None, in fact she hates everything related to archery Favourite Blade Type: Longsword named Requiem, the sword that Darius found in the shipwreck, which seems to have belonged to Revy's ancestors. Spells: Alteration: unlock, shield and feather spells. Restoration: Basic healing and cure disease spells. Friendly Races: Nords, Bretons Neutral Races: Most races Hostile Races: Dremora Favourite City/Town: Bravil. Least Favourite City/Town: Skingrad Favourite Daedra: Sheogorath, Boetiah Least Favourite Daedra: Vaermina Favourite Divine: None, doesn't care about the divines Least Favourite Divine: None, doesn't care about the divines Main Weakness: Hot tempered. Main Strength: Agility and strike precision. Goal in Life: Peace and tranquility. Why she was sent to jail: Trying to stop several Imperial guards fom arresting an old man that was falsely accused of theft. Pic: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/829312-1300506846.jpg
  16. Eyren never released those two outfits publicly... Altough there's a certain someone you know that has the first one :whistling:
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