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Everything posted by Crescent42

  1. Guess who's back? ME! I could cuss this game to an early grave. I downloaded Nuka-World today (its on sale btw). Go to start up Fo4 and it runs the f4se for half a second and then it shuts down. It's acting like a crash but it won't even run from steam. At all. Also, today my computer forced a windows 10 update on me. i didn't think that was possible because I thought I had cut any kind of control microsoft had on forcing updates. I don't know what's causing the issues now and I can't seem to get any normal fix to work. EDIT: I forgot to mention I got the second contraptions dlc and vault-tec dlc before the windows update and nothing was affected at all. EDIT: FIXED: It took a total re-install of all files to fix the issue. I tried using old saves and old ini files but no combination of those worked. Everything brand-new and a re-install of all the mods I had.
  2. Wow, that just sounds like you called FO4 the wrong name during happy time, Maicol. I've been looking around and a lot of the cases that are similar to this one resolve when using F4SE as the main launch option in NMM. I agree, I never had any problems with fo4, NEVER, not even one freeze or stutter or ctd. Nothing! But after the latest update to the vanilla game from steam it went crazy. If you've hit the problem with all 4 possible fixes like you mentioned, and tried the other things that I tried, and have your arguments set right....not sure what else there is to do. There's an option in NMM to uninstall all mods at once. Try that. I know it sucks but really if that's the only option left..... If you Have a bunch of mods that are mixed between being loaded or not save your current mod list as a profile name of your choice, then create a new profile. That will make it so the mods you have installed currently are saved, swap to a clean profile with no mods, and try loading up. If that doesn't do anything you can go back and load your previous profile and all the mods you had before will still be active. I've found that alternate start mods cause a fair few issues. Such as currently I can't start a new game. i have to load from an old save and then visit the surgeon to alter my face and such. Maybe an alternate start mod is messing you up. No idea why or why that bad but they are usually the usual suspects in my experience. I know how you feel. I was pretty let down with fo4 on release too and I let it sit for a long time until the right mods came out for it and I could make it the game I wanted. Keep plugging away at it.
  3. Look at UCO if you don't already have it. It won't fix the clipping fix just the way you want, because I know how you feel about getting it just right lol, but there is an option to make parts of armor or entire clothing sets invisible. Wouldn't have to worry about clipping then.
  4. M'kay. So what's happening to you is- start fo4launcher.exe fo4.exe runs in background start f4se.exe fo4.exe runs in background/doesn't open Correct? Try right click on the f4se.exe and change properties to "Run as Administrator" under the second or third tab. Have you tried validating your game via steam? Keep your task manager open when you run f4se.exe and watch what happens to the fo4 program. Does it disappear, if not what happens? Are you using a mod manager? If you are maybe try linking the f4se.exe to the launch options and letting your mod organizer handle it like Midwestern Courier suggested. What kind of graphics card are you using and I would suggest trying to run the game on the latest drivers as you'll need those for more than just one game.
  5. Well I am tentatively going to stamp this Solved. It took a combination of all your tips to get things working again I believe. Copy and move .ini files to a secondary folder to allow the creation of new onesInstalling F4SE and using NMM to launch fo4 with that onlyUse the Config Tool you linked. (That is massively appreciated for so many reasons, btw)And force steam to re-create the .exe files of fo4 and fo4launcherI did not do these in any particular order or check to see if the game would launch after each one. Looking back I wish I had so I could clarify at what stage it started working, I just wanted the damn game to work again so I hit it with all four at once. Given how the whole problem was behaving I'd have to say that the launcher was somehow involved in mucking things up with the graphical settings; but that isn't based on any one thing. It's more of a gut feeling. Edit*: Before all this started I was getting a load time on my HDD of about 5 seconds. Now, after all the changes and fixes, i'm getting loads to the main menu screen of about 16-19 seconds. Just fyi, if it matters. ma1025, thank you so very much for assisting and for linking that config tool. Being able to play this game again came at just the right time. Thanks again. HeavyArmour13 - Yeah, it is really frustrating. I feel ya. If you're not using F4SE try installing and launching via that .exe file. Also, in the config tool there is an option to save and "lock" your .ini settings once you save your prefs in the config launcher. Go ahead and select that so the fo4 launcher can't change any work you do back to what it thinks it should be. Once you do that open your normal fo4launcher.exe and under options try to open the game (via the config tool or f4se) with 'borderless' in the OPPOSITE checked option of what it is currently. I ran across so many cases where f04 wouldn't run with borderless checked and just as many that needed it unchecked. Either way keep posting and updating here. I'll give what help I can.
  6. I will give all of those a try asap tomorrow. Currently I don't have f4se installed (I had a scarring time with script extender on Skyrim and have been wary of it since). If that does fix my issue I'd be stumped as to why the launcher was fouling up the whole works. Does f4se extend load times at all? Thank you so much for your reply. I can usually work through these things on my own but when I run out of ideas I start to get frustrated. It makes me feel like I'm looking for a metaphorical puzzle piece that I have in my hand. Now I've got a new place to start solving from again. Thanks, I will keep you apprised.
  7. So let me start by saying I am at my wits end. Though this is only my..what...3rd? Time posting on this forum I'm not an amateur to modding, games, or troubleshooting in general. I need your help, anyone's help. I've been going at this problem for more than 4 days now and I've exhausted just about everything I can think of and I can't find an instance of this happening to anyone else to try and piggyback off of their fixes. WHAT'S HAPPENING: As always the game was running fine one minute and then then this issue pops up when I restart the game, with 0 changes between play times. (Currently using NMM) *Click launch fo4 from NMM* *Brings up fo4launcher.exe**Click play**Mouse Icon turns to blue loading circle for a few seconds**Nothing**Check to see if fo4.exe is running from task manager**It is ONLY running as a background process* *******Variations********* Occasionally, maybe 1 in 20 tries, fo4 will start in a windowed mode and then freeze immediately. It doesn't even get to start the logo videos. This seems to be random as I have spent 5 hours trying to find a way to make this happen after I have changed certain things so I can at least establish what is going on. I can not get it to happen in any sort of predictable pattern. WHAT I HAVE TRIED: *Restarting steam*Ending steam bootstraper and restarting steam*running from steam library (Results are the same from NMM or Steam)*changing H variable and W variable in fallout4prefs.ini to my screen resolution size*running NMM as administrator*Running fo4.exe as administrator (This causes the launcher loop error)*Running fo4launcher.exe as administrator (This also causes the launcher loop error)*turning on/off borderless from the launcher AND prefs.ini file*changing my audio freqs*enabling high priority on fo4.exe from task manager*updating graphics drivers*updating NMM*updating fo4 from steam*verifying integrity of game cache from steam*enabling windows 8 compatibility *restarting my pcresetting visuals to basics and letting fo4launcher.exe set to recommended *re-naming both fo4.exe and fo4launcher.exe from their correct names to variations of swear words, trying to launch via steam, then changing them back to correct names. *trying all above variations with steam both Online and Offline*resetting fo4prefs.ini H and W variables to 800 and 600 as those were stock when I changed them before*chaning fullscreen in fo4prefs.ini to 0 then 1 then 0 again*Disabling all mods*Turning off antivirus*Turning off firewall*Shouting*Shouting at my pc*shouting at f04*shouting at my reflection in the pc monitor*Inventing new and colorful ways of swearing at my problems*shouting at the old gods and the new for my tribulations*Praying to ceiling cat*making deals with basement cat*beating my head with my fists*facepalming*laying the fatted meat upon the stone alter for the all-father I'm not kidding, I've done everything I know how to do and in just about every possible variation to get this to work. ALTERNATE ISSUES -POSSIBLY CONNECTED when I try to reset my graphics in the launcher it detects that I need very low settings. HOWEVER! I have a nvidia gtx 1080 in my rig. I do not need low settings. Yes, I know its not my gpu because I ran The Witcher 3 on ultra graphics just before writing this post and several times during the last 4 days to double check it wasn't my gpu. WHAT I HAVE NOT DONE Uninstall NMM and re-installUninstall fo4 and re-installWhy? I have satellite internet with a 30gb data cap. I can not afford to uninstall nmm and then re-download all the mods I have for 2 fo4 profiles. I can not afford to re-download fo4 from steam. I would max out my data in one night doing either of those things. It will not be for another week when I can get my pc to a hardline and jack it into high speed internet to do either of those things. Also.....my pc is mondo heavy and I have to climb a total of 6 flights of stairs to get it to that hardline. I do not think it has anything to do with needing to uninstall/reinstall any part of all that. As I said, fo4.exe runs but ONLY as a background process. Some how it is being seen as something that doesn't need to run in the foreground OR/AND it is being blocked by something. The ability to repeatedly put the launcher into the launcher loop error by enabling administration rights on either/both fo4.exe and fo4launcher.exe is clearly something. Not sure what it points to but as a scientist that is a repeatable behavior I can turn on or off which is evidence of unseen phenomena. Please, I need someone's help. Please.
  8. I have the same problem. Exactly the same. I'm not using MO however. I get into the game and get the message about "wrong Papyrus.ini and that SkyUI will stop working at some point". I've literally done everything here (except uninstall my OS, which I won't be doing) and no joy. I get the message every time, the MCM logo is up when I go to it but no mods are accessable. I have about a 5 second delay on any inventory or item I open up before UI opens the window. Only the mods not dependent on SkyUI work. At this point I've stripped all my mods down to SKSE and SkyUI and I still get the same problem. About had it with this game. The whole reason I got it on PC was so I could use Mods. I really need to have this resolved....it's driving me insane because I can usually fix these kinds of problems myself.
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