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Everything posted by Deleted83095543User

  1. I want to play as a vampire, but I hate the stupid face alteration that occurs with the transformation. Seriously, vampires look like they've had too much of Heisenberg's Blue Sky. I would normally just tweak it with RaceMenu, but I'm sick of doing that. All of the face mods that I've tried don't do anything or require me to do some hacker crap to get it to work. Is there a face mod that fixes vampire faces and DOESN'T require me to mess around with files?
  2. Tell me about it. To be completely honest, Voldemort has always come off to me as more of an angsty teenager with more power than he should have ever been allowed to have than a Dark Lord. If my knowledge of Harry Potter serves me, the only reason he caused as much damage as he did was because the Ministry of Magic was so incompetent that they spent more time trying to hide everything from the Muggles than trying to stop Voldemort. Dumbledore had to form his own secret organization, the Order of the Phoenix, to help stop Voldemort, but by that time, Voldemort's influence had grown too great, so they only succeeded in slowing him down. It took Harry's mom, Lily, sacrificing her own life to use an ancient charm of protection for Harry to stop Voldemort. Also, something else I told my friend was that Voldemort was set up to fail with the Elder Wand. When Voldemort got it, its true master at that time was Harry, because he disarmed Malfoy, who disarmed Dumbledore who was its master at the start of the series. The thing about the Elder Wand was that it wouldn't kill the one whom it deemed its true master. So when Voldemort tried to kill Harry in the Forbidden Forest, it didn't kill him because Harry was its master. Instead, the Wand aimed for Voldemort's soul shard that was inside of Harry. In other words, Voldemort is a joke. In my opinion, Grindelwald was a better villain than Voldemort. At least he had a better idea of what he was doing. Sauron, on the other hand, used his power and cunning to bring Middle Earth to its knees on multiple occasions. He could definitely conquer the wizarding-world if he wanted. With the army of Mordor at his command, from the Orcs to the terrifying Nazgul, and the One Ring upon his hand, no Witch nor Wizard could possibly stand in his way.
  3. I was thinking more of a one-on-one battle. But that is true. Not to mention that the forces of Sauron are better equipped for battle.
  4. Well, the only spells they really used to say that Voldemort could beat Sauron were the Unforgivable Curses. However, I pointed out that Sauron could easily counter all of them. Sauron easily has the willpower to resist the Imperius Curse, the Cruciatus Curse probably wouldn't bother him, and even if the Killing Curse does destroy Sauron's body, the One Ring will keep his soul bound to the world. Also, Voldemort is the ideal person for the Ring to corrupt due to his lust for power, so he would likely end up becoming a Ringwraith and a servant to Sauron anyway.
  5. So I was having an argument with a friend because they believed that Voldemort would beat Sauron. I disagreed with them, because Sauron would easily beat Voldemort. I think it is worth mentioning that my friend is a die-hard Harry Potter fan, so they wouldn't admit defeat after a week of arguing about this. Having said that, if someone wouldn't mind explaining how Lord Voldy-boy would beat the true Dark Lord, I would appreciate it, because my friend can't. For the record, I am also a Harry Potter fan, and no, that doesn't mean I like JK Rowling nor does it mean that I agree with her views.
  6. So, this is something that's been happening for a while now, but I tried to just ignore. Every time I want to take a screenshot or whatever, this weird lighting bug happens. Is there some way to fix it, or what?
  7. So, when I first started modding Skyrim SE, I began on the Xbox One, and there was a mod that I really liked called "Where Darkness Dwells". Basically, it was a quest mod about finding this lady's sister whom had been kidnapped by vampires, and you went to go find her. I had been long hoping that it would be converted to PC, but it hasn't happened. At least, not to my knowledge. I know nothing about converting mods, so I was wondering if maybe someone could look into seeing if that would be possible. Here's a video showing the mod. DISCLAIMER: The mod contains material not for the faint of heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBP6S5_Nwrw
  8. I've been having this same problem, but I can't seem to fix it. I've tried doing the Ctrl+F5 thing, but it only fixed it for my Forums page, and not my Nexus Mods page. The pic I'm trying to use is a screenshot, if that's important. As with Zanderat, it's showing correctly for me. The cache for that image should expire eventually and it'll update for you too. Just an update. My profile pic finally updated for my NM page.
  9. I've been having this same problem, but I can't seem to fix it. I've tried doing the Ctrl+F5 thing, but it only fixed it for my Forums page, and not my Nexus Mods page. The pic I'm trying to use is a screenshot, if that's important. As with Zanderat, it's showing correctly for me. The cache for that image should expire eventually and it'll update for you too. OK.
  10. Look, Look, I get that I made a mistake, OK? Like I said, I was exhausted and irritated, and I know that doesn't justify me lashing out. I already feel like a total b&@*$ for acting the way I did. I do appreciate you pointing out the post of someone else asking what I did, and I am sorry for being rude. Again, thank you for your help, and I do hope that the stupid image on my NM page gets updated.
  11. I'm sorry. I just woke up, and I didn't get much sleep. My neighbors were friggin loud last night, and for some reason, when you had the word "literally" at the beginning, it came off as insulting. I don't know why, but I do sincerely apologize.
  12. I've been having this same problem, but I can't seem to fix it. I've tried doing the Ctrl+F5 thing, but it only fixed it for my Forums page, and not my Nexus Mods page. The pic I'm trying to use is a screenshot, if that's important.
  13. That one wasn't there when I was searching. It may not have updated for me yet, so please don't be a jerk.
  14. So I'm trying to change my profile picture, and though it changes on the Forums page, it doesn't change on the Nexus Mods page. I've tried backing out of the site, clearing my browser history, and using Ctrl+F5 to refresh the browser. I don't know what else to do.
  15. I just want to make sure that I'm understanding this correctly. I need to go into the "Overwrite" tab at the very bottom of my LO in MO2, take the outfit meshes, and transfer them to the "Mods" folder for my game?
  16. I use MO2. It doesn't show nor say that anything is overwriting BS. Then again, I'm no expert in computer files. However, like I said, MO2 isn't showing anything saying that indicates my outfit mods are overwriting BS, if that's what you were referring to. Having said that, I do have BS higher in my load order than my outfit mods. Would it help if I were to place it lower than my outfits?
  17. Well, that's the weird part. I build the outfit using my preset, and I check the preview in BS, and there is no clipping. But then I go into the game, and then there's clipping. So I have no idea what the problem is.
  18. This is a problem I've been having for a while. I find an outfit that I really like on Nexus, or somewhere. I install it, build it in Bodyslide, go into the game, and there is clipping in the leg, butt, under the arm, or somewhere else on my character's body. Or all of the above. How do I fix this? I've tried using Outfit Studio, but I can't figure it out. I've tried asking people in the "Posts" tab for BS and OS, I've tried videos on YouTube, but either the videos are out of date, or they don't tell me what I need to know. So could someone please just tell me how to fix this problem?
  19. I know I'm VERY late replying, but I was new to using forums at the time. My apologies.
  20. Ok. I'll give that a try. I just hope that this issue doesn't persist. I hardly deal with the Minutemen anyway, but I'm just concerned that this problem may spread to other settlements or something. It hasn't yet (at least, not that I've noticed), but I'm just hoping it doesn't, and that I can get this problem resolved.
  21. Ok. I'll try that. How do I get their reference ID instead of Object ID?
  22. I'm having this weird problem. When I go to Sanctuary, Preston and co. are gone. Codsworth, Dogmeat, and any settlers I send there remain, however. Also, this happens after becoming the General of the Minutemen. The only mod I have installed relating to the Minutemen is Who's The General, which stops Preston from harassing the player with side quests. Also, when I try using console commands to bring them back (because waiting and going and doing something else doesn't work), their IDs don't come up. It's like they've been just deleted from the game. Can someone please tell me what the f-ck is going on?
  23. Does anybody know if there are mods for sleeping with your spouse in Skyrim SE? Also, to be clear, I mean just sleep. Nothing sexual. I can't seem to find any on Nexus, or maybe I'm blind and didn't see them. Either way, can someone help me?
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