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Zanderat last won the day on September 10

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Nexus Mods Profile


About Zanderat

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Playing: Baldur's Gate 3. Modding: Skyrim SE, Morrowind, Fallout New Vegas, and Dragon Age: Origins
  • Favourite Game
    Wizardry 8

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Community Answers

  1. Use per file conflict resolution (same function as MO2) One for textures. One for meshes. The screen looks like this:
  2. Something like that happened to me. You most likely have an incompatible mod or mods.
  3. @whuber I have no idea what is going on with your machine........ But I can safely say that Vortex does work with Patch 7. If it were me, I would uninstall BG3 and all mods and start over.
  4. No. You don't need to launch BG3 through Vortex.
  5. Vortex update is in the works. My understanding is that we should see it in the next day or two.
  6. The in game mod manager is for consoles. Not needed and inferior for pc.
  7. The in game mod manager is not good. Exists only for consoles. Stick with BG3MM or Vortex. Both will be or have been updated fo patch 7.
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