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Everything posted by usernamesux

  1. Yep, PC + mods = infinante gameplay and loads of fun (whether it be gory violance, funny spells or stareing at hot naked people!).
  2. Sheogorath, because he is mad! That and the entire thieves guild, good times were had with them.
  3. coc testinghall, look for the room that has the 3 gravesotes & the 'victim', and click on the appropiate gravestone. Then follow the instructions. This is cheating though :whistling:
  4. Madgod Powers also have some nice spells, Doorway to Madness and other teleport/portal spells in this mod can have some quite amusing ways to kill the adoring fan (or anyone else).
  5. Better Cities Blood and Mud Frostcrag Reborn to name a few
  6. The dark elf (forgot his name) in the cell opposite you in the starting prison cell. Heh, he like how you meet him again though later.
  7. Isn't it easier to just alter the Oblivion.ini file in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion? Just change bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 to bBorderRegionsEnabled=0.
  8. Stats and skills for any race (endurance, intelligence, destruction, illusion etc) will always end at 100. This is the same for any race, and is your gaol and cap. In other words, by end game all characters will have identical skills and all, regardless of race. The only things that alter gameplay for races are the racial powers, the ones to keep an eye on are ones that give bonuses to magicka (bretons, high elves), and ones that give weaknesses (high elf, they have a few). So, a high elf and breton may have 100 intelligence (end game), the high elf will have more magicka, but the breton will not suffer the penalteis the high elf does. Birth signs can also boost magicka, but are you willing to trade the bonus magicka with penalties for maximum magikca, or will you settle for a lesser magikca and no penalties. Certain race/birth sign combos will always have more magicka, thus be able to cast better spells that require more magicka. Any and all races though, by end game will have mastered all aspects from weilding a sword to casting a spell. The difference is how you choose to get there, the race/character is just a means of getting there. So, all things being equal (mostly), just choose a race your happy with.
  9. Hmm, that IS bizare. I am sure that phrase does come from the loading screens mod (I am sure I seen it), but what you said should not have happened. My only guess would be some sort of mod conflict, you may want to either change the load order of the loading screens mod (there are plenty of posts/topics to help with this), or reinstall the loading screens mod (which could take a while because it's huge). Or ignore it :whistling: he he
  10. 1)Thieves Arsenal mod: Ok, when in the IC market place (the best place to start trouble) go to the area with ramps that lead into the the water. Sneak nearby and fire a grease arrow at the top of the ramp. Now fire a noisemaker at the same spot (or slightly beyond for better results). Now laugh as guards and NPC's come running & yelling, hit the grease, get knocked out and drown in the water. 2)Theives Arsenal plus Assassins Creed mod: Knock them out with the black jack, and finish them off with the hidden blade for a silent kill. On the bandits in the IC market sewers, I fired the grease at the top of the stairs, then noisemaker. 4 or 5 slid off the top and were knocked out, and I finished them off with the hidden blade. Also noisemaker + gas arrow is great for crowds! 3) Deadly Reflex: Whether its doing an airiel attack from behind, kneeling over someone asleep and giving multiple thrust down stabs, or cutting off heads or limbs, this mod had me lol lots! Provides truly lol moments. 4) Madgod Powers: This has lots of spells to recomend (and you can become Sheogorath), but Doorway to Madness is an exception. Cast a ranged portal, where it lands it stays. Now cast the second (only 2 can exist at any time). Anything that touches the portal, comes out the second one. Hehe Fire fireballs or arrows through one, hit guards around the corner. Have them opposite each other and get a fireball to loop through (or NPC's). Cast 1 portal near the IC market entrance (yes, the place place for dirty deeds) near the ramps, and the other saaayyy.... high on the wall over the water ;D Will they splat, drown or walk away? Or try the second portal high above one of the guard towers and watch NPC rematerialise and go bouncing down. Portal use limited to your imagination, a Staff of Portals mod also exists which is similiar. 5) Frostcrag Reborn: It was awesome activating the machine way below in the ground, and then using the manawell. Eyecandy plus! And the sound is nice and basey too. (Anyone else find that big glowing creature in the water with a full set of ebony?) 6) The dark brotherhood quest where you kill all the other guests (reference to the 7th guest). Very well done and great fun indeed! So was the one in Bruma, dropping the mooses head on him was nasty fun. Go to the pub after and watching the Nord bodyguard crying his eyes out is iceing on the cake! Hehe
  11. Was this on your loading screen? It may be from a loading screen mod.
  12. usernamesux: coming soon to a forum near you!
  13. Thanks, it was a good birthday. Theatre resturants are great. I also got birthday money! Sweet!
  14. Your new site rocks! I see TesEyecandy has been hacked :(
  15. BOO!!

    Scared you lol!

  16. Thanks for the hair! :) I will try and take a screen shot with my character wearing it, and post it.
  17. Haha I'm messing up your comments section lol
  18. oh that stupid egg didn't show up :(
  19. Raagh! I'm in your comments section, leaving stupid comments! lol
  20. Buddah, Dark0ne & Dezdimona get my votes! There were some great choices there, but these are my favourites. :)
  21. Thx for that, I sent StrangeAngel a funny pic email, will pm her soon
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