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  1. If you're looking for info on visible weapons/weapons as apparel for Fallout 4, please bear in mind I take ages to respond to messages. If you haven't seen it yet, have a look at this thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3870895-how-turn-weapon-into-apparel/?p=35268015
  2. I feel you, man. Mine would be 300+ plugins without merging, which.. can't actually work. This is what I've been using: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/? Just make sure to read and follow the directions of any windows it pops up, and you shouldn't have any issues. Or, few issues at least, and then you can just ask around here.
  3. Yeah, I have no clue what's up with the workshop not appearing, since you seem to have it setup correctly. I'd have to look into it more deeply since I've not yet done anything with workshops and there's probably something we're missing to make it function. EDIT: If you want, I can clear out some more nooks like that other one, since I noticed some more when checking the file you uploaded. I can probably repair the holes in the floor too, where you took out the wood planks, unless you wanted to leave fixing those as something for the player to do. EDIT2: I'm also super interested in seeing this finished now, too. That atrium in the center is too friggin cool.
  4. Alright, here's what I've got. In my game all the containers and chained doors are still around, likely because I was just in there, so they're saved in my save game itself as things I've changed. You will probably have to mark them 'Deleted" for this to not happen. There's also an opening into the Void down near the entrance to the subway: Which looks to have the following debris piles that normally block it: [REFR:00153591] (places ExtRubble_BricksLrg_Sm_ShortHalf01 [sTAT:0003CFA2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BostonPublicLibrary02 "Boston Public Library" [CELL:000EBE93])[REFR:0023DD58] (places ExtRubble_BricksLrg_Tiny_Short02 [sTAT:0003CF9C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BostonPublicLibrary02 "Boston Public Library" [CELL:000EBE93])[REFR:0023DD59] (places ExtRubble_BricksLrg_Tiny_Short02 [sTAT:0003CF9C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BostonPublicLibrary02 "Boston Public Library" [CELL:000EBE93]) I've left those out, since I wasn't sure how you wanted to handle them. Otherwise, I couldn't find any missing walls or anything. I took out the chunk that was blocking this psuedo-hallway, just because it seems like a neat little nook to hide something in, but you can fix that if you want (this is at the top of the stairs that lead down to the subway): Here's the esp: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18468789/Fallout/BostonPublicLibrary02.zip
  5. And then I realized my current character can't test that because he's never been in there, and I removed all my old saves because they get super whiny at 11+ days total playtime. Time to raid the library so I can actually try out the changes I made :facepalm:
  6. Yeah, removeallitems is important. I'm suuuuper lazy and was using Who Are You? for a while, but even just milling around in the same settlement, they sometimes revert their clothing. As you noticed, manually poking it fixes it, so there's something that's just missing from doing it through the console. If I had to guess, the function calls are a teensy bit different between the two (and that perhaps menumode is relevant). This is probably something that will always be handled much more elegantly through xEdit, and the GECK when it comes out. I've since started using Don't Call Me Settler and now I'm wondering if you could just attach uniform issuing to the title issuing script.
  7. You're welcome :) Pay it forward! Trawl around here and help out other people :)
  8. Alright just on initial poke-through I'm seeing a lot of unchanged references you can delete from your esp file. All of the Bld stuff, for instance. Just go through the references list and delete everything that's highlighted with green. You can shift-click large batches of them to delete a bunch all in one go, and ctrl+click then ctlr+shift+click batches while leaving unselected ones in between them. I'm assuming you're meaning for this to be used after you've already gone through the Library for the first time? Because you've edited a bunch of enable markers and event triggers. EDIT: Some of these could be responsible for other things going missing. I can't say for certain without examining them all, though. EDIT2: You've disabled two static collections that could be important. [REFR:00101ADA] (places DN011StaticCollectionForPortaling02 [sCOL:00101AD9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BostonPublicLibrary02 "Boston Public Library" [CELL:000EBE93]) [REFR:00101AE1] (places DN011StaticCollectionForPortaling03 [sCOL:00101AE0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BostonPublicLibrary02 "Boston Public Library" [CELL:000EBE93]) EDIT3: Some of those console bits are part of reference groups with each other, which makes me wonder if there aren't more reference groups in this huge pile of stuff. Uuuuuugghhhh... EDIT4: Oh god, there are. Some more furniture pieces. Haven't seen any walls or anything yet, though.
  9. Would this work? hidemenu containermenu hidemenu console Here's a list of the strings valid for hidemenu if containermenu doesn't work: http://www.creationkit.com/UI_Script#Valid_Menu_Names EDIT: I know that's for Skyrim, but it shouldn't be too different. I have no idea how many of those types SKSE added though, but I'd imagine they'd be present in F4SE, though I have no clue if those are accessible in the console. EDIT2: The last time I touched scripting (which making complicated bat files counts if you ask me) was in FO3 :facepalm:
  10. I can give you the instructions now, then I'll look at the esp when I get back (got some business out of town this morning) to see if I can figure out wtf. Hopefully I type this all correctly because I wont be checking it for accuracy for a while :ermm: After you drop the object, open the console and click on it. It'll show its temporary FormID at the top of the screen. Commands to use: prid <FORMID> Selects object that has the FormID <FORMID>. Write down your object's FormID (or after selecting it the first time, you can then type this command for the FormID listed at the top, so it'll be in your command history when you up-arrow), so you can get back to it if you accidentally click away from it and have no idea where it went. moveto player Relocates the object to your current position (at a jaunty angle). Use this if you lose the object by typing in some weird positioning. You'll need to use setangle from below to fix the tilt. Just enter 0's for the degrees on each axis. getpos <AXIS> Reports the position along the <AXIS> axis, where <AXIS> is "X", "Y", or "Z" getangle <AXIS> Same as above, but reports the rotation instead. setpos <AXIS> <DECIMAL> Sets the position as <DECIMAL> along the <AXIS> axis. setangle <AXIS> <DEGREES> Sets the rotation along <AXIS> to <DEGREES>. modpos <AXIS> <DECIMAL> Modifies the position along <AXIS> by <DECIMAL>. modangle <AXIS> <DEGREES> Modifies the rotation along <AXIS> by <DEGREES>. (EDIT: That format coloring is very festive!) The easiest way to position it how you want is using modpos. For example, "modpos z 10" will move it up by ten units, and "modpos z -10" will move it down by 10. X and Y move it horizontally. For rotating it, you really just want to use modangle z, so "modangle z 10" rotates it 10 degrees, "modangle z -10" goes negative ten degrees. Changing the rotation along X and Y is how you can tilt it to rest it against something, but this is Havok, so you do that at your own risk. As shown above, you can use decimals to fine-tune the exact positioning. You really don't want to exit out of the console during this process until you've got it fully on/above the surface it'll be sitting on or it'll flop back onto the floor (or do something stupid if it's inside another object :ermm: ). Once you have it where you want, use getpos and getangle along all three axis, then take a screenshot with all the results to consult. That's what you'll need when entering its position data in fo4edit. Which to do this, you'll want to go to your cell and expand it all the way, then right-click on Temporary and select Add->REFR In your new placed object record, enter the following: NAME: The FormID of the magazine. This will be set to Null originally. The easiest way to set this, is go hunt down the magazine in Fallout4.esm and select it, then select its FormID entry in the Record Header and hit Ctrl+C to copy it, then go back to the placed object reference, right-click on that Null entry for NAME and select Edit, then Ctrl+V to paste the ID you just copied. DATA: Position/Rotation, down at the bottom of the record. This is where you enter all the information you got from getpos and getangle above. Save and close fo4edit. Now when you load your mod and go into that cell, it should be sitting there waiting for you.
  11. Going to likely say something horribly stupid, but I'm guessing you already tried adding glowmaps to the referenced impact TXST entries? (For an example, check that glowing blood decal TXST entry, or any of the ones associated with plasma or fire hits). Also have a good, hearty chuckle at the random Skyrim decals still in there.
  12. Ohhhh, okay. I see what you mean. Honestly, you could just set it on the workbench, so when people run up to it for the first time, they can't miss it. Just go in there in game and drop that magazine, or any magazine really, then use console commands to position it on the workbench how you'll want it in the mod. Then you can just screenshot the positioning and enter it in fo4edit. (I can give you a list of commands to use if you need). Also, I totally get what you mean. Taking a break also lets you get calmed down, because I know that can be an issue for me sometimes :ermm: Yeah, go ahead and toss me that esp and I can have a peek.
  13. The machines you can get back the same way, just delete the references from your mod. This is the issue I've still got with xEdit. Work on something for three hours only to toss the esp in the recycle bin in frustration. Give it another try later and get a fully working version done in half an hour due to things I learned during the first try. Just remember that even though it's super frustrating right now, you're not 'wasting time', even if you give up on that esp and start from scratch. You're still learning stuff as you go and getting practice using the program. It's just annoying while you're doing it :P Though what you're working on is way easier with the GECK (since you can just load the cell in the render window and select the crap that way), so it could be worth waiting for that if you get tired of beating your face against it.
  14. If you find ones that don't belong (like that missing wall reference), you can just delete them from your esp file, then they'll behave how they should in the vanilla game. EDIT: Have it sort them by Name. It'll make it easier to find the BldBlahBlah ones that snuck in.
  15. I'm fairly sure using the NULL reference is kind of frowned upon. I remember reading that somewhere... The wall may have been a child of something else you disabled.. which would be really weird, but hey.
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