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Everything posted by Aenyalu

  1. I see the unofficial patches for Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn and the High Resolution Patch, but not the DLCs themselves, so it's no wonder the game doesn't run. The BOSS log even says so...
  2. That would be the normal dark face bug, i.e. the whole face is darker than usual. In this case it is more likely that some mod changed the color of the forehead to red or blue or brown. In my case ApachiiSkyHair does that a lot.
  3. This should help http://www.creationkit.com/Dark_Face_Bug I usually edit each NPC in the mod that changed the look of said NPC by going to Character Gen Parts and adjusting the Male/FemaleUpperEyeSocket (directly under skin color) to the same numbers as the skin, then safe it and then export the face data. Maybe make a list of the NPCs affected and then go on an editing spree. It's a bit of a huge pain, but the only fix I know of.
  4. I wonder if Steam is keeping track of such things. If so, someone will have a good laugh...
  5. Heya! You might want to change the poll somewhat by adding a 'None' option to the sencond question. Currently the vote only counts if you answer all three questions, which is not possible (at least not correctly) if one doesn't own a DLC :wink:
  6. As far as i know this is correct. Also keep in mind that those 4 gigs means total system memory including your graphic card memory, your hard disk cache and whatnot, so it probably uses more about 3 gigs of RAM, asuming you have a 1 gig graphic card.
  7. With the abundance of mods out there, this is simply not possible to make a compatibility patch for every single setup. A mod should run nicely with the vanilla version; if the modder decides to make it compatible with a popular mod that is great, but making something like this mandatory would just cause people not to mod anymore, since they are doing it in their free time. If people ruin their game by just blindly installing anything they think is cool, they will have to decide which mod they prefer and get rid of the conflicting one. Or they could always learn to mod themselves and create such a patch on their own.
  8. That's Eir Stegalkin from Guild Wars 2 http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eir_Stegalkin But you are correct, it woukld fit Aela quite well ;)
  9. Stealth Overhaul does that for example
  10. @sacrelege Sounds like Stealth Overhaul
  11. That would be a Guar from Morrowind. And yes, I'm pretty sure those are added by OOO.
  12. Sorry, can't really help you, though maybe you can make any sense of this post ... if not I guess someone in the Nehrim forum might be able to help you.
  13. Thanks for the quick reply... I have OOO and MMM besides the RBP, but I doubt they are to blame as the same NPC is normal when I play a different character. Fatigue was a good hint though, as getav revealed that strangely the affected NPC has the exact negative amount of fatigue she should have (-262 instead of 262). Might be a strange glitch? For now I fixed it with the console... Aen
  14. Heya I'm not sure if this is actually mod related or not, but I guess it is somehow...anyway, I got a bit of a problem with sort of 'dead' NPCs: Their bodies lie on the floor as if they were dead, yet they seem to be still alive as I can talk to them. Also, if I hover with my crosshairs over the air above them, their names are shown and I can talk to them as if they were standing there...once I do that though my FOV turns downward to their body on the floor. It is like just the animated body is dead while the NPC itself is still there, though of course they can't move or something. Now both NPCs I have encountered this are quest NPCs and set to essential, one is set to respawn as well. Funny enough console commands don't have much of an effect on them, 'kill' or 'disable' doesn't do anything, while 'resurrect' just lets them drop dead on the spot again. One of the NPCs (the archmage) I couldn't care less about, as long as I can still talk to him, but the other is a rather important quest NPC for Integration – The Stranded Light that needs to move around quite a bit...plus talking to a dead body isn't all that much fun. Does any of you know of a way to revive/reset those NPCs or do I have to start over again in order to actually play that quest? Thanks in advance Aen
  15. I have it installed and it runs like a charm... I didn't do anything special though, just followed the instructions. I first put the ressources for RBP, LAME and Integration from the downloaded files into the data folder: BSAs, meshes, textures and sounds, and then all the ESPs and additional stuff. From what I gathered in the readme, it seems to be incompatible with other mods that alter races in any way, the looks the hair or whatever... ETA: Not having sound is normal, there is no voice acting in this mod apart from some standard greetings and such... especially Karashivuel is funny
  16. You would think so, yes...though, if you play on and find your father, she asks him what has happened and why he is bleeding. I was like: "Erm...you do remember what is going on outside, yes? Fighting? Us killing a bunch of attackers just a few seconds ago and such?"
  17. I don't know about a "time travel mod" so to say, but there is one that gives you some items to fix such things. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13
  18. Leliana: I saw what you were doing back there. Sten: Oh? Leliana: Don't play innocent with me. Sten: What are you talking about? Leliana: You. Playing with that kitten. Sten: ...There was no kitten. Leliana: Sten, I saw you. You dangling a piece of twine for it. Sten: I was helping it train. Leliana: You're a big softie! Sten: We will never speak of this again. Leliana: Softie! Alternative: Leliana: I saw what you were doing back there. Sten: Oh? Leliana: Don't play innocent with me. Sten: What are you talking about? Leliana: Outside, you were picking flowers! Sten: ...No, I wasn't. Leliana: You were! Sten: ...They were medicinal. Leliana: You're a big softie! Sten: We will never speak of this again. Leliana: Softie! Sten: Stop that. Leliana: (Giggles) Stop what? Sten: That. Looking at me and giggling. Leliana: I can't help it! You are so big and stoic! Who would have thought you'd be a big softie? Sten: Stop saying that. I am a soldier of the Beresaad. I am not a "softie." Leliana: (Giggles) Softie. Sten: ...I hate humans. :biggrin:
  19. I second that, it was summed up quite nicely IMHO. I also like the human noble origin best, mostly due to the impact it has on the ongoing story and the choices it offers you at the end. I was rather disappointed when playing as an elf, especially when I was in the Dalish camp to recruit them...I really expected a bit more there. Given the comment Fergus makes when you tell him you have someone waiting for you, she might be used to finding naked people in your bedroom :biggrin:
  20. IMHO you can only make a real decision if you know exactly what is in for you beforehand and if you actually have a real choice. "You can die here and now or become a Grey Warden" is not a real choice IMO, as it leaves you in the same position as Loghain was, when he was to be recruited. Jory obviously didn't know about the consequences, and my PC wasn't told either. Alistair even admitted at some point, that the Grey Wardens basically lure people into membership by betraying them or at least not telling them the truth. I for one had the strong urge to just kill Duncan when the Joining took place...and even more so, after I was told the consequences of being a Grey Warden by Alistair. Basically you are voluntered to be canonfodder, and I have a hard time to see that as an honor.
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