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  1. EDIT, so for future adventurers trying to do the same, I mimic'd Malenia's personal effect. She heals on hit but its different than our Bloodborne-esque Malenia effect. What I did was make the healing effect. Make it 0 seconds and 0 interval so it procs once. Tick "Delete in Wait Mode" so it only procs on this moment and all at once. Make it a unique new StateInfo ID, obviously I am a man of culture so I went with "7777", and put it in the second slot, below "State Info", you actually want this to invoke the effect so it needs to be "Trigger On State Info". Whatever slot in that category works. This ensures the the effect only procs when you have that stateinfo active. This was all on the effect itself, the healing effect. Make sure it is tagged as "Trigger for Self" and target the usual targets, basically everything. Now to "unlock" the effect so it procs, you will need to get the talisman you want it on, or the armor, or whatever way you want the effect to be active on you, and simply put this new effect on it that we will make. Make or copy the new effect, have it too ticked for self trigger, basically have it blank, have the effect itself have a duration of -1 as well as the interval. Have the State Info ID itself be 7777 this time rather than the trigger on stateinfo. This way the talisman gives the state info, which allows the effect to trigger. Not much to do on this effect, its more just a key to unlock the heal effect. You can put health regen or something on it if you want, but bare in mind the stateinfo is already taken and it has an infinite duration so. Do not tick "Delete in Wait Mode" for this one. Now the somewhat dangerous part, I'd advise only mass editing actual projectiles you can guarantee are the player's, like arrows and stuff like that, else you'll end up with weirdness or potentially replacing important effects. Go to Bullet in the param editor and highlight all the bullets you want to heal (yes I know, it sucks) and just mass edit the 4th target effect slot to the healing effect that triggers when you have the talisman or whatever on. If you have the talisman which gives the effect which gives the stateinfo, these projectiles will heal you, if you don't have the effect, nothing will happen.
  2. I'm working on an overhaul that I might end up uploading here later down the line and for the life of me can't figure arrows and stuff out. Let's say the accumulator effect state, build up to that accumulator amount and you get the effect, which could be a heal, for example the Godskin Swaddling Cloth, poke a dude a few times and poof, heals. This effect does NOT work, however, for arrows and bolts or thrown items since they don't "accumulate" on hit, and I can't figure out how to make them do so. I also can't get the effect of Blasphemous Blade to work either since this isn't a spawning projectile like from the ash of war, this is an effect that would let you get the effect of the Blasphemous Blade hitting, not a projectile hitting and healing the caster. I have also looked into the Deathbed Dress to try to simulate that on hits, like getting another special effect in the cycle that lets me put the effect on the target then bounce a projectile back to me that heals me. I just can't figure that out, it won't work for me. It has been one whole week today that I have been trying to simply get an effect that gives me healing arrows/kukri/smithscript weapons. Anyone got any insight? The modding discord also won't even give me a single reply.
  3. I never saw SG so idk what you are talking about exactly, but if you mean just a portal from one location to another or multiple that would be easy as hell.
  4. It's called the creation kit lol. And yes I can't even currently make perks without the game crashing or them not working so we are a ways away.
  5. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7557/ Apologies it took so long, forgot about it, then was busy with other mods.
  6. In it increases your detection light function which makes you less stealthy yes, learned that the hard way in fallout 3 via deathclaw
  7. Needs scripting, also would give away the player position with the light. I don't think there is a flashlight EP
  8. Yeah good luck with this one. You obviously aren't a modder yourself else you'd know how hard it would be to correctly implement this.
  9. That would 100% take some decent scripting right there. You could make a mod that adds thrust via mods on your armor very easily, but THIS is heavy.
  10. This would be easy, my question is are you SURE you really want this? It would be kinda annoying in my opinion. I'll make and upload it for you cause it'd only take like 20 mins but like... are you sure?
  11. I have been working on this mod for about 3 weeks now but am running into some problems, so I'm going to redo the mod from the ground up and build around knowing the problems rather than experiencing them. If you were expecting the sister mod to Reblanced Weapon Legendaries then that's where it's at. Gonna be a second.
  12. Would need a function or trigger to play the animation, which would need to be added as well, of you getting in and out of the PA, would need a separate system for durability of the PA parts, which is an engine level system not easily "added" in, would need a system of protection from the PA, in previous games you have the PA frame which gives the fall damage, 40% DR, radiation resist, then 6 pieces on top of it, which in starfield there is only like 3, suit helmet and pack. So it's not "impossible" to do, just as I said I doubt it'll happen, at least over the next year or 2.
  13. Takes a whole lot more than a keyword and some actorvalues to make functional power armors. I'm not gonna say "I doubt" it'll happen, but I doubt it'll happen. Especially any time soon. Also yes. Bethesda has ALWAYS done this, they just build upon existing structure. You'll still find stuff left over from skyrim, and hidden references to oblivion and fallout 3 as well.
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