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Everything posted by Deleted8346641User

  1. Hello all, I'm new to modding Morrowind and I decided to start with MGSO. I've tried to install this mod several times in the past and have had CTD issues many times before. Tonight I found the issue I seem to be having, I went into MGEXEgui and checked the box for "disable internal MWSE" after launching the game I managed to get in game and create a character, however I was wondering what affect turning the Script Extender off would have. I plan on using other mods besides MGSO and MGE says that some MGE features will be disabled with the internal version of MWSE off. Is there some reason MWSE is having me CTD when I have it on and can I get by without MWSE on? Some information: -Running on Windows 7 -Installed MGSO in compatibility mod XP SP3 -Ran the game in compatibility mode XP SP3 -Ran the game in Windowed Mode -Game folder is not located in Program Files. -Load Order consists of nothing but MGSO -Own the game on GOG Galaxy, overlay is disabled. -User Account Control is ON, having it off ruins a lot of my security software, however when I installed MGSO I had it turned off.
  2. I was getting a loading icon then ctd before completely reinstalling both with and without mods. Also, I should not thay any new saves I create are not present in My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Saves, my game is saving new saves to somewhere else and no longer using My Documents.
  3. I've just finished a completely new reinstall of Fallout 4 and it's DLC and the game is now in its vanilla state. I deleted the folder from Steam/steamapps after the game broke and was unable to load any of my old saves or start a new game without an instant crash (The UI was also the default Fallout Green, rather than the blue I had set it to prior.) The problem occurred suddenly only after I did two things to my computer. The first being uninstalling/reinstalling Nexus Mod Manager so that I could update the Manager to its latest update and reinstalling McAfee because it wasn't working properly. I thought that McAfee could possibly be blocking permissions to the folder, but after reinstalling I can now start a new game without an issue but still no luck reloading any old saves despite being able to see all of them in My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Saves. Nexus Mod Manager updating didn't seem to cause any issues to my Skyrim game and I'm still able to load/start/delete games fine with a fully modded game. Thanks for reading, if anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
  4. So I was looking at the new gear from the Nuka World DLC and the Pack has some really cool helmets/gas masks like the Buffalo, Jaguar, Elephant helms but it's really hard to match them with any existing outfits unless you're trying to look like a post-apocalyptic neon badass furry (which is still pretty cool, but not for me). Any way we could see darker or more natural recolors of these helmets?
  5. In case anyone else is having this issue, I've fixed my problem I uninstalled the mod "Quick Loot" and am now able to save.
  6. Running as Administrator didn't change the save issue, I've read that it could be due to improperly removing mods that involve a lot of scripts but I can't think of any I mightve removes, is there way to reset my scripts without a full uinstall?
  7. Peter I already have my Steam, NMM, etc outside Program Files x86. I made a folder just called "Games" on my C drive where I keep it all. I will go ahead and give running in administrator a shot just in case, though. Thanks for the replies.
  8. Hello and thanks for reading. I'm having an issue I haven't had until my most recent modding of Skyrim and I've searched around the Internet and can't find anything that pertains to my specific situation. I can't save my game manually, autosaves work when entering/exiting a building but when I enter the character menu (Have the option set to save every 5 min.) it will say "Autosaving..." but no save game will appear as a result of that. Most forum posts about it say that if you're attempting to save in dialogue or a menu then you won't have the option, however I'm wandering around in the open world without any enemies or friendly NPCs nearby. I'll post my mods down below in a Spoiler tag, let me know if you see anything that may be causing this. LOOT can't seem to find what is causing the issue. Thanks for any help and replies, I appreciate it!
  9. Hey all. This probably sounds insane but I'm having a hard time looking for a nice red light armor that matches well with this Mask of Blades mod by Seppoko. I'm a big fan of Fable and thought this was amazing, so if anyone can help me find an armor that matches, I'd be very grateful! *EDIT* Looking for armors that can work for both male and female.
  10. The PTSD from Dark Souls is real, but I feel like that chest transformation really fits him. Looks like some curse (or blessing?) Sheogorath would grant.
  11. Thanks for the time, mlee3141. I've said it before and I'll say it again, great job on Aurlyn. I look forward to Vortex of Time.
  12. Yeah, I think I got the acronym confused with another mod. I went and checked out the SSME page and I think it's something I'm going to look into, I'd like to have *no* ENB. *Edit* Used the wrong word. Tired.
  13. Seems Hott Interesting NPCs is causing CTD in Character Creation. Going to keep testing to make sure I get every mod.
  14. Random places in exterior Skyrim. I was seeing some crashes at character creation and when I'd enter the exterior world (Skyrim). Interiors were fine. Also yes, mlee, I'm running SKSE Memory Tweak and SSME as well as ENBoost.
  15. Hey, mlee3141, this happened very recently. Yes I do have a huge load order, I'm actually going through and cleaning it up as we speak because I sort of cringed as I posted it. (A lot of these are ancient mods I never bothered uninstalling or just wanted to try and could certainly live without) I'm just adding mods in waves and keeping track if it works/doesn't work. So far it's all good but I've got some to go. Yeah, this is a recent issue. Last couple of days it just didn't want to run.
  16. I've been trying to figure out what is conflicting for a couple of days now myself. I don't like having to post my horribly long load order but at this point I think I could use some help. I'll post my loard order below, if anyone can tell me what might be conflicting/what's wrong I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
  17. The Author said he does not mind if people share his mod privately. If you find someone who still has the files, you may ask them. I suggest trying alternate forums and asking someone to email the files privately.
  18. That third mount option is absolutely horrifying. Also, I was wondering if you had thought about implementing some glowing orange eyes for Xanthys, if that's possible? I know the default skeletons have the blue glow.
  19. UPDATE! This is for the above post. For all those who may wonder about the mod. After some Batman investigating I managed to find the author of that armor, Cerumen, who now goes by Gechbal (The maker of the amazing Stormlord set) and he told me that he lost everything for the armor in a hard drive crash. It's a damn shame but stunning work.
  20. lol thats funny since the author posted a few pages ago I wouldnt mind, I actually want to collaborate with a bunch of follower authors when miine is almost done, I could picture him purposely pissing her off for fun since Xanthys is a sarcastic ass. I'd like to collaborate with him, balls in your court mlee3141 :wink: Oh, fantastic. I sort of skimmed over the first pages and didn't even realize it was you commenting mlee3141, big fan of Aurlyn, she's my #2 companion of all time.I'm looking forward to Xanthys, PyroToaster. He looks very entertaining, will definitely work with my mage. Keep up the good work, both of you.
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