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About brainrazer

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  1. I remember reading in the books in the game about the akaviri, and some sort of powerful dragon king. Maybe when you become Emperor This dragon king could attack Cyrodiil opening up gates to allow the invasion of the Akaviri armies. Thus allowing you to pit the armies of Cyrodiil in an all out war. Eventually I guess you would have to make your way to the storming of the Akaviri Dragon kings castle, and eventually make your way to killing him in an epic battle( like Morrowind). Hell you might be able to tie the Dragon king in with the or as the final piece to the Crystal shard quest maybe as a final goal. You could easily incorporate the Akaviri into the story as a backdoor surprise as if he had made his way into Cyrodiil during the final times of the Oblivion crysis, sealing his stay with the shattering of the gem stone and collection of it's pieces. Maybe you could incorporate him with the Mankar Cameron storyline... Just one of those spur of the moment thoughts. The idea of your mod sounds great, and I can't wait to see your final product. I always thought the end to the main storyline was weak. The whole ordeal about the suit of armor 2 weeks after you beat the main storyline reminded me of " The Money Pit".quote"yeah, it'll be done in two weeks!" Seriously what was the point, especially if you saved the main quest for last. Well, anyways good luck with your modding, I honestly hope for the best. :thumbsup:
  2. I'm 27 as of Jan/11 2009, and Oblivion IS THE BEST( or at least closest) game in creation to date( unless I had the knowledge to make my game I have wanted since the age of 12((many have come and gone with a single element I have proposed, nothing in full though!!!)). The sad part is; I know what to do, just not how to do it, and community college won't give me the hands on direct knowledge I need and want. I'm sure you guys know enough to help me(to learn),otherwise IF YOUR BORED, by all means please do the work for me... At least then YOU get the GLORY for making my idea become reality...(as damn near everything in life, it seems too much work for not enough payout.)
  3. 1) Just because it's on an alien planet, doesn't mean that the alien creatures inhabiting the planet are technologically super advanced with flying saucers etc. I am looking to somewhat humanize the alien element kinda like what Anne Rice was going for with Interview with a Vampire back in the day. The technology would be more midievil /rennaisance style period( along the lines of the type of technologies seen in warcraft 2..kinda sorta.) 2) ALchemy takes place of magic, as in the form of grenade like weapons. For long distant throw the bottle, for melee smash the bottle on your victim. Depending on the concoction inside you would get your electrical,flame, ice attacks etc.
  4. I have been writing alot of my past ideas on pc lately in various word pad documents, and posted a minute portion on here of random nutshell aspects I would possibly like to see, and go with in my own thoughts. My main goal I believe is to try and create an RPG in a Scifi, more realistic type setting. I am curious to know if anyone has any thoughts about an RPG without magic(exception of alchemy, as that is psuedo real world science)! Do you think the idea could fly? In short, I am thinking of an action fantasy style game, but in a scifi type setting without any knowledge of, or sort of space travel.
  5. rpg: Chrono Trigger; multiple endings good replay value Oblivion, Morrowind, Secret of Mana ??: Zelda's # 1, L2TP, Ocarina, Twilight princess FPS: Half Life 2, Doom, Rise of the Triad, Turok1 RTS: Warcraft series, AOE2, Dawn of War, C&C, Fantasy Empires Horror: Splatter House, Parasite Eve, Resident evil series( the original and new) Action: Tomb Raider series( mostly #1),Thief series(but mostly #1) Racing: GT1&2, Mario Kart( fun multiplayer action)
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