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Posts posted by Phoenixn

  1. Video updated (Opening Post link). I removed the delay between casting and levitation. This looks better because player emerges in the energy field.


    @leot486: Yes, a grappling hook would be possible based on how projectiles are animated, but I probably won't do too much more with this other than release as mod.

  2. Based on feedback in this thread, I have spent the last two days improving my levitation method with good results.


    Now I have a "lobber" projectile incorporated into a spell (don't need bow and arrow) as the levitation target.


    This overcomes several problems with my arrow + spell technique.


    For one, the "lobber" method prevents levitating into areas where you can fire an arrow, but the game never intended you to be. Additionally, this prevents levitating into doors and walls and getting stuck (something you can do if you levitate to an arrow location).


    Furthermore, the "lobber" limits how far you can "lob" upwards to a reasonable level (limits altitude). You can lob downward, but you will suffer damage as if you fell that distance.


    I've also limited target range to 100 feet. This means you can cross small to medium sized rivers etc. As mentioned, you cannot target 100 feet high because of lobber limits, but you can traverse 100 feet in horizontal direction.


    Last but not least, I've increased speed to overcome the animation "jerking" effect. Now the maximum travel time is approx 5 seconds.


    I'll provide a video once I get all this ready for the mod.



  3. @Korodic: Yea, it is kinda like Batman's Grapple Hook


    @thornhunt: Speed could easily be changed (one setting). For now, I think I'll leave it the way it is and perhaps change depending on additional feedback.

  4. Yesterday I took time to look into the subject of levitation with good success.


    The way I decided to do it, is using special "transport arrows" combined with a "transport spell". Anywhere I can land an arrow, I can levitate to:


    Youtube video here


    I love this new ability. It works very well!


    This will be available in next version of my Dovahkiin Sanctuary - Riverwood mod.

  5. Maybe a stupid question here, but why do you want to convert esp's to esm's?

    I can tell you why I use esm for my Dovahkiin Sanctuary mod.


    1. Fixes the interior Navmesh bug (but not exterior)

    2. Fixes moving Mannequins (although simply providing Navmesh under the mannequin works for esp too).

    3. Fixes new NPC discolored faces (all same dark color). I understand there is a way to achieve this fix with esp as well


    So, primary purpose is Navmesh bug for interiors. Using this method for exterior Navmesh has it's own set of issues to consider.

  6. Not exactly. There are a couple of caveats.


    1. If you want to make changes, you are best opening your esm in CK, make your changes, and then when you save, it'll ask you to specify an esp. This esp will contain only the changes you make. DON"T change your Navmesh because the changes in esp will break your Navmesh, and you'll be back where you started.


    2. Any landscape changes won't be recorded (or won't take affect) in an esm. You may need to open your esp and slightly move those objects that the esm doesn't apply. Move them just enough to record a change and then save your esp.


    With those two considerations, you should enjoy success.

  7. You'll need TESVSnip. I've tried other tools, but that one seems most compatible with Skyrim and allows for easy editing where required.


    - Open your esp in TESVSnip

    - Highlight the second line (TES4).

    - Right-click Edit and change the Flag pull-down to "ESM File".

    - Save your file as Master File (esm)

    - In Skyrim Launcher, select your new esm and deselect your old esp

    - Run the game and verify your followers follow according the the Navmesh you created/edited for your custom location


    For me this works beautifully! It's so nice to finally have a working Navmesh.

  8. I"m no expert on this problem, but I was experiencing the same symptoms as you.


    Then, after converting to esm, everything now works (follower navigation) in all areas inside and outside my house - consistently and persistently.


    There are quite a few posts here and there from people who are using this method, but none of the described procedures worked quite right for me. I'll post the procedure I ended up using later today (when I'm at my main computer).

  9. After struggling with all day, I finally managed to get the esm method working.


    Now I have FUNCTIONING Navmesh inside and out! :biggrin:


    Until Bethesda fixes the Navmesh bug for plugin's, this is probably the best solution going.

  10. Make sure you have the correct version of NifTools plugin for 3DS Max. I don't remember which version it is and the NifTools site isn't very clear on that. I found the version I'm using buried in one of the threads on NifTools forum.


    If you cannot find it after looking further, I will see if I can locate it for you (needle in a haystack).

  11. I posted this in response to a thread on Bethesda forums and it might apply here also for future reference.


    I plan writing a detailed tutorial, but this may be useful for those struggling in the meantime.


    I'm assuming familiarity with NifSkope, NifTools 3ds Max plugin and 3DS Max.


    There are several way to get collision into CK.


    Export from 3DS Max:


    - Clone your mesh, reduce your clone to approx 8% of main mesh size; Reset XForm

    - Add bhkRigidBodyModfier modify to clone and give it a Convex Shape

    - Add bhkRigidBody Helper and reference the clone; uncheck "Allow Transforms"

    - Export as nif


    - Open (in NifSkope) one of the few Skyrim models having Convex Shape collision mesh (one of them is in meshes\architecture\riften\animated\mausoleum\rtmausoleumdoor01.nif)

    - Open your exported file in another instance of NifSkope

    - You need to copy your exported mesh data over to the vanilla file like this:


    1. Block Copy (not branch) your bhkConvexVerticesShape and Paste at the root level into vanilla

    2. Select vanilla collision bhkRigidBody and in Block Details, change the Shape Ref to your pasted bhkConvexVerticesShape

    3. Delete the old bhkConvexVerticesShape (it will have switched position with your version)

    4. Copy your mesh NiTriShapeData and Paste Over one of the vanilla NiTriShapeData shapes.

    5. Remove any extra nodes that you don't need, or create new ones if required

    6. Make sure your NiTriShapeData shapes have "Has Vertex Colors" = yes

    7. Set your bhkConvexVerticesShape to Radius = 1.0

    8. Save and use


    I probably misssed a few steps, but that's the essence of it. Once you get the hang of it, you become adept at creating, modifying and re-arranging things in NifSkope.


    Different object types require slightly different procedures in NifSkope, but the above applies to Collision Meshes


    Contrary to what I've read elsewhere, there is no exact sizing reduction for the Convex Shape in 3DS. Depending on your object size and shape, the reduction can be anywhere from 5% to 10%. Trial and error is the word here.


    You can do similar procedure for box shapes, by examining existing vanilla box nif's (there are a few of them)


    Create Collision objects in CK:


    This works well for objects that can easily be represented with block shapes. Houses often qualify for Collision Cube construction


    Collision Sphere and Plane can be useful depending on object shape.


    I tend to use a combination of Convex Shape from 3DS and Collision Cube in CK.

  12. Try working in an empty (or sparsely occupied) cell and see if you see the Collision Box after pushing the button there.


    As for copying, you can copy the Collison Boxes along with the other Bookshelf objects and activator from one cell to another.

  13. This information doesn't qualify as a tutorial, but I thought some may be interested in this "tip" on how to create snow textures on custom images like this (crashed escape pod):




    1. Open your custom texture image in Photoshop (or other capable of working with .dds file format)

    2. Paste this image (snow texture 512 x 512) on a new layer

    3. Use an erase tool on the snow layer with a brush that gives you the effect you are looking for

    4. Flatten the image and save

    5. Create a Normal map image and save


    Make sure your images have correct alpha channels. It's a good idea to examine the stock images to see their requirements.


    Anyway, if nothing else, you may find the snow texture useful.

  14. FYI: We've finally solved a major problem plaguing most (if not all) new house mods - ability to move marriage partner into the house (previous version already solved the problem with Followers). Fortunately, mod team member theconqueror was able to sort out the script labyrinth involving custom houses and marriage partner functionality.


    Now this house is very stable and is in beta testing. If all goes well, I expect release on Nexus tomorrow. :biggrin:

  15. Being relatively new to Elder Scrolls modding, I wonder what the best method is to update mod plugins (for mod authors)?


    Several problems can occur if I change the name of the plugin (e.g. from mymod_v1 to mymod_v2):


    1. Player is now running both versions (mymod_v1 and mymod_v2) and object are superimposed (doubled) in the game.

    2. If mymod_v1 is unchecked and mymod_v2 is checked, then Skyrim thinks the old mod is no longer used and the player will loose everything they had in that mod (e.g. house items)


    From what I've experienced, the best way is to:


    - Prior to applying the updated, go into the game and make sure you get all your items out any containers/house and dump it on the ground outside someplace.

    - Save the game.

    - Uncheck the mod and load the game just saved (ignore warnings)

    - Save the game

    - Apply the update and load the game

    - Pick all your stuff off the ground and move it back into the mod containers, house or whatever.


    It seems we have to keep the same mod filename (cannot change to reflect versions) forever. This means there is no way to indicate which mod version the player has on their computer other than readme files all over the place.


    Even if we keep the same plugin filename, the game will still complain if it detects any changes.


    This is compounded on the Steam Workshop, because updates happen automatically and the player is not aware until he looses all his stuff or some other problem arises.


    Please forgive my ignorance, but Is there a cleaner solution I'm missing?



  16. what happened to the mod page?


    i hope it comes back.

    This mod will return probably later today. I took it down so I could sort out the multiple versions floating around and add a couple of features.


    The mod is now very stable, and once re-released, I don't expect any further changes.


    My efforts will be switching to participation in an extended Quest mod involving this house among other things.

  17. looks nice what did u use for doing it??




    I'm using 3DS Max, NifTools plugin and NifSkope.


    The biggest challenge has been lack (almost) of support for collision meshes, but there are a couple of ways to do it.


    I'll be writing a detailed tutorial sometime soon.


    Here are latest images


    I'll be uploading to Steam Workshop in a day or two. I've never uploaded a mod to Nexus, so I might try that too.


    [EDIT] Now available on Workshop as "Riverwood Newhome"

  18. Here is the exterior view of the house I created in 3DS Max and have imported into Skyrim.


    The house will be further improved now that my "proof of concept" worked.


    I have it placed on the piece of land across the little bridge in Riverwood:




    I'll finish connecting (and designing) the interior when the Creation Kit comes out next week. :smile:

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