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Everything posted by grail666

  1. Hey guys, I just got back into Skyrim and I'm looking to mod the faces. I found the Coverwoman mod (sorry don't know who made it) but I'm really not sure how to install it. The comments section didn't shed any light on this either. Which file do I download? More importantly what is each file and do I need to download all of them? Do I need to download NoMoreBlockyFace and install that first or just don't bother with it at all? I appreciate you guys taking the time to answer my questions. Thanks, Andrew :)
  2. I have tried everything suggested in this and other forums and I still get the following problems: - Crash to Desktop (no black screen) - Missing textures (and that aweful lilac colour instead) - See through floors I am running: Intel Core i7 930 3.6Ghz Windows 7 64bit 6 GB RAM ATI Radeon HD 5800 1000 watts I still haven't figured out how to fix this. Andrew
  3. I had posted a request for dragon weapons a while ago. It would be nice to do, but I have absolutely no idea how to mod. As for the dragon armour, I think it's fine just as it is in terms of stats. I just wih bethesda has included an option to play around with the colour scheme of armour and clothing instead of having to realy on downloading textures and hoping that someone miraculously makes the type of texture you want.
  4. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks mate.
  5. I am amazed that Bethesda got it absolutely wrong AGAIN when it comes to player owned homes. Unless of course they are planning to release a DLC of one. But anyway, I just wanted to know what the hold up is with fan made house mods? I am certainly not complaining, I am just curious as I know absolutely nothing about modding and I could really use a castle that has everything including 100 mannaquins to diplay all the cool armour I accumulate over the course of the game. Andrew
  6. Oh forget it!!!!! I'm sick of it all!
  7. Before I start I'd just like to say that I did take the time to look for an answer, but I couldn't find one. So I get into the Pelagius Wing, go up stairs and run down the corridor with the red carpet. Then the game freezes. I know that is the point where I'm meant to teleport to some other location in order to ontinue the quest, but it freezes every time. I have the hip bone in my inventory. I uninstalled all mods (which are only textures anyway) and I'm not using any cheats. Has anyone else encountered this and found a fix for it? Any and all assitance is much appreciated, Andrew :)
  8. I'd like to see a Dragonplate and Dragonscale retexture so that the boney parts are bleached and the scales to be crimson. I think others would like other colours too. What would really be cool is being able to forge weapons out of the dragon bones. I mean if you can go into battle with glass swords (WTF???) you should be able to craft a wicked looking sword out of ebony and dragon bone.
  9. There are also two mannequins in the basement of Proudspire in Solitude.
  10. I have the recommended maximum requirements for Oblivion and yes I've installed it several times, but I am having trouble unistalling it too. It says something like the disc can't find the uninstall program... I will try the .ini file thing and see. Thx guys.
  11. Hey guys, Just tried installing and playing a completely vanilla copy of Oblivion, no patches, no DLCs and no mods or expansions; just the original disk. The Bethesta logo plays and then it goes to the load bar before the title menu and cuts out with this error message: Error Signiture AppName: Oblivion.exe AppVer: MonName: Oblivion.exe ModVer: Offset: 00168bc6 I have no idea what this means. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, patching, modding etc...nothing seems to be working. Any and all help is much appreciated.
  12. did you not know that Beth make all there games on windows ME lmao thats why they always crash and have memory leaks :biggrin: heh Windows ME? That's like a 10 year old OS...WTF? Oh well....
  13. Yeah I have to admit I'm really disappointed with Bethesta's execution this time round, I never had these kind of problems with Oblivion - still F3 is a great game. I tried the turning on and off and it didn't seem to work, but I'll have to do it again. Thanks
  14. Yes I have 35 videos. I have two files called BrokenSteel - Main and BrokenSteel - Sounds in my Data folder, should they be somewhere else? I didn't need to move these files for The Pitt or Anchorage. I'd rather not have to uninstall and then reinstall the vanilla version just to go through it all over again, but I'm starting to think that I don't have much choice. Anything else anyone can see? I really appreciate your help evilneko. Grail666 :)
  15. Okay, so I got rid of the Fake Patch and now it doesn't crash when the credits play, but it still doesn't load Broken Steel. I am leveling up over 20 (I think I'm a few hundred XP off of Lv22). I can't tell if it is a mod or not because I have tried every kind of deactivation/reactivation imaginable, but nothing seems to work. Do I reinstall and try again?
  16. Thanks evilneko. I hadn't seen that. Appreciate your help. Can anyone else see anything that I might be doing wrong?
  17. I'm sorry to say that this is yet again another Broken Steel problem. I get to the end, activate the purifier, have the whole ending play out and then credits start but then...crash! I have scoured the forum (and the net) looking for answers and nothing has worked. I've posted before but to no avail. I'm totally stuck and have no clue as to what I'm doing wrong or what I am missing. This is what I am running: 1.6 Patch G4WL Disabler FOSE 1.1 beta8 FOMM Load order: Fallout3.esm FakePatch_v1.5.0.22.ESM Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm HairPack.esm JHB Immortal Trade Caravans.esp VATS - MCE.esp Accurate Sniper Rifles.esp NoTheftComments.esp Increased Holstered speed.esp SniperRange.esp MiniVaultNoScav.esp SniperRange2.esp Colossus Armor (stealth).esp ChineseStealthArmorFixed.esp stealtharmorimproved.esp WeaponModKits.esp Fancy Harmonica 1.0.esp Caravan Tracking.esp AmmoSorter - Start.esp hair_add_npc.esp JHB Improved Gauss Rifle & T-51b.esp tribeamriflerepairfix.esp MPammo.esp Accurate Assault Rifles 1.2.esp ImportedRifle.esp ValhallaRifle.esp VashDeagleV5.esp Armored Robes.esp Durable Encalve Officer Attire.esp TalonCombatHelmetOnly.esp AmplifiedCrippledEffectsV1-3.esp super_jump_perk.esp p90.esp Military Base.esp 14mmPistolMod.esp Echo_UseBothGloves.esp Nitem4re_M4A1.esp PKPulsePistol.esp nightvisiongogglesft.esp Improved Covert Ops Perk.esp Accessorized Helmets.esp RRPowerArmor.esp Camo Uniforms Remix.esp Accessorized Helmets and Mask.esp Infiltrator Improved.esp Ultra pip-boy light.esp ArynnsSexyLeatherdress_EV.esp gasmaskhelmet.esp HelpfulNames.esp Colossus Hvy Armor.esp UnBloodyMess.esp AbandonedShelter.esp Total active plugins: 54 Total plugins: 54 Please help!!!! Oh and I am getting my hands on Point Lookout as well. Thanks in advanced, Grail666
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