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Posts posted by Jeir

  1. CBBE comes with a standard vanilla (and CC!) outfit replacer; just the vanilla meshes, reshaped with more polys, and many outfits (although not all; metal and bone should not bounce, after all) have physics versions if you use BodySlide to build them. Some can be made skimpier if desired, while some go the other way and have non-boobplate options.


    And if you're looking for standalone outfits, you could check out Docteure's uploads. Generally those mods are turned less skimpy/revealing compared to the originals.

  2. In Skyrim and Fallout 4 you can marry/have a romantic relationship with male or female NPCs (or both) regardless of player gender. LGBTQ+ relationships are already in the vanilla games. Does this mean Skyrim and Fallout 4 should be banned on XBox?

    How about the Dragon Age and Mass Effect games, both of which are on XBox, and both of which have very intimate scenes with LGBTQ+ characters?

    How about Cyberpunk 2077, which has the above, is on XBox, and also lets you play as a trans character?


    So...yeah. It's not against any 'Code of Conduct'. If you want to ban LGBTQ+ mods, then might as well ban all the straight ones too, along with every game that allows any kind of romantic relationship.

  3. XPMSSE is required if you use physics-enabled outfits, even if you don't install any of the actual physics mods (CBPC/HDT SMP).

    Seems like when you're BatchBuilding, you're building physics-enabled meshes instead of the default static ones. When you click BatchBuild, you get one or two pop-ups, depending on if you have conflicts or not. The first lists all the meshes to be built. The next one has all the conflicts for you to select from, which is where you should be selecting the non-physics meshes. Conversely, before BatchBuilding, you can use the GroupFilter at the top to only select the non-physics outfits. You can also use the GroupFilter when you install a new mod to only select the files from that mod, so you don't have to build everything all over again.

  4. You'll find a lot of modders don't own an Xbox or don't own the game on Xbox. Makes porting their mods almost impossible.

    It is possible, but as someone who has ported a couple of mods to XB1 while only having PC...the whole process is awful. Instead of just, y'know, packaging your mod and uploading the file, nice and simple, you have to package it up through that awful CK, manually hunting down the files one-by-one, so that it can be packaged into their own archive format. Then you have to hope that the upload doesn't fail or corrupt the archive (happened twice for me!), in which case you have to do the whole thing all over again. It is really just the most unpleasant way to upload files, and has put me off ever uploading another mod there.


    Well known issues are that there's no script extenders for consoles, as far as I'm aware (...might've changed, I dunno), and consoles have limited modding space (... might've changed, also dunno). There's also the, perhaps ancient history of, bad blood between mod authors and people uploading mods to Bethesda.net without permission.


    A newer issue is that they've nuked the forums and...apparently also the comments now, limiting feedback mod authors can get. Of course, XB users can go to the Nexus mod page (or Discord, if applicable), but that may just confuse things for everyone. There are also many people who, like me, don't have an XB, so can't test the mods they upload for XB and can't do much about any bugs reported.


    I salute any mod author willing to put up with all this stuff, but I don't blame a single one who refuses.

  5. The free update includes Fishing (new items, including new clothes; fish, jewellery and weapons you can fish up, and new quests), Rare Curios (lots of new ingredients, arrows/bolts), Saints and Seducers (quests, weapons, armour, ingredients, books, etc), and Survival Mode (requires that you eat, sleep, stay warm etc. while also making gameplay generally harder). So, not quite horse armour.


    The AE upgrade includes a ton of other CC things listed on this UESP page. Also, this one does include horse armour. :laugh:

  6. Not quite. The CK would just be used to get the outfit in-game, just like any other new thing you want in your game that isn't just replacing something. To make something appear in BodySlide, you'd have to use it's companion utility, Outfit Studio.


    BodySlide is for mod users, primarily. Open it up, select the body/outfit, select a preset (or use the sliders to create your own) and then click the Build or BatchBuild button and BodySlide will automagically create and install the reshaped meshes into your game.

    Outfit Studio is for mod makers. It is the tool that allows you to make outfits/bodies BodySlide-compatible, or edit many other kinds of meshes, but in an easier way than with 3DS/Blender (although lacking certain features) as you can just inflate/deflate meshes as required.

  7. Other than things like RaceMenu (to load a preset that doesn't just use vanilla face sliders), or a high-poly head (for, obviously, high-poly presets, which wont work with the vanilla/low-poly head meshes), then pretty much all the requirements are optional. They're just about getting the exact same appearance as in the screenshots, but generally you can still load a preset that requires a certain hair/tattoo/eye mod, and just turn off/change whatever you don't have to something else.

  8. Clarification: A preset is the shape defined by the sliders. You can use the exact same preset for any compatible mesh (i.e. CBBE presets work with all CBBE outfits/bodies).

    When you save a preset, make sure you always save it to the 'CBBE' group. The walkthrough on the BodySlide page goes through making and using presets.

    If you only want to change the unclothed/unarmoured body, you just have to select the body you want (nude or NeverNude/Underwear, standard or physics) with your preset, and click the Build button. No need to build hundreds of outfits when you only want the body replaced.

    If you meant you want to change between unskimpy and skimpy outfit replacers, use the Group Filter to select what outfit sets you want. This will limit the meshes BodySlide will generate down from 'everything' to 'what's in the selected groups'.

  9. Special Edition, naturally. Most people have moved on to it, with only those who either have their 'perfect set up' or weak systems stopping them from quitting LE. Pretty much all mods of note have been ported to (or recreated, or are exclusive to) SE by now as well.

  10. The CBBE FacePack is made to work with the default CBBE skin texture. If you're using Bjinn Skin, you need to use all of it, including the face texture.


    TexBlend is LE only and needs a total re-write before it can be used in any other game. This is unlikely to happen as most of the time body texture replacers also have matching head texture replacers.

  11. You use the version of the mod for the body you are using. You cannot use two different/conflicting body mods at the same time (without issues/annoyances, anyway).

    So, if you're getting rid of BHUNP, you need to remove all BHUNP-related mods (outfits, skin textures) and replace them with their CBBE-compatible counterparts, if available.

  12. Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. I asked the Bodyslide folks about using UNP-family textures in the application and they gave me the impression that "no, you can't do that"


    Cool. So when I work on a BHUNP character, I can move my own textures (CBBE-3BBB) out of the .../female folder and put the BHUNP textures into it (temporarily) for a proper preview in Bodyslide. Good to know.


    thank you.


    There are several other old UNP follower mods I'd like to update to BHUNP but was tired of battling Bodyslide and just left them to idle in my archives for "future reference"


    PS> to the OP, my apologies for my misinformation.


    I am one of the 'BodySlide folks'. What you asked was changing the texture directory of the mesh with BodySlide, and it looks like Ousnius misunderstood you, perhaps thinking you wanted a UV-editor in BodySlide (or it wasn't clear that you were using both BHUNP and CBBE with CBBE textures in your initial post, and thus the textures on the BHUNP mesh were misaligned).


    BodySlide is purely a mesh-altering utility. You'd have to install the textures elsewhere, use NifSkope or Outfit Studio to change the texture directory of the mesh, and then you'd have to go through the hassle of changing it back once done. Much simpler to just make sure you have the right textures in the right place, and only one body mod - or at least not completely conflicting body mods (So you could have CBBE and TBD, or BHUNP and...RUNP? Whatever it was. But you can't have CBBE and BHUNP, because the textures don't work between them). Otherwise you'd have to do as you have been, and put up with misaligned textures, or constantly un/installing textures when you swap between bodies.

  13. Those are the vanilla textures on CBBE meshes. Make sure you've installed correctly according to your mod manager, and have read the documentation for both BodySlide and CBBE.




    Bodyslide uses CBBE-family textures for its preview window.


    Incorrect. BodySlide only shows the texture the mesh looks for, which in this case are the textures in textures/actors/character/female. You have two conflicting and incompatible body mods installed, apparently with CBBE, or any CBBE-compatible retextures you may have installed, taking priority (installed/loaded last), so CBBE's textures are what's in the textures/actors/character/female folder. If you load BHUNP last/let it take priority, you'll find that it's then the CBBE textures are the ones messed up. It is always best to stick to just one body mod, and replacer follower bodies to match everything else.


    Also, CBBE and BHUNP presets are completely separate. You can't load a CBBE preset with BHUNP meshes, just as you can't load a BHUNP preset with CBBE meshes.

  14. If you hold CTRL when clicking batchbuild/build, you can select where the meshes go. You could do this, package the folder up as 'Preset A', do the same for 'Preset B', stick both in your mod manager, and just swap which one is active when you want.

    I think Vortex and MO have 'profiles' you can use which can sort of auto-do this, but I have no experience with either program.

  15. CBBE seems to be more geared towards the legacy Skyrim, not so much "Skyrim SE".


    A correction: UNP was made in 2012 for LE. The SE version is just a port of the LE version, although the most popular of the 60+ variations of it were compiled into one archive for ease-of-use/installation. SE CBBE was made, from scratch, for SE, should be considered a completely different body mod to LE CBBE, and nothing made for LE CBBE will work with SE CBBE without conversion.

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