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Posts posted by lyubohar

  1. In response to post #34270165. #34326030 is also a reply to the same post.

    rodiercz wrote: Hi
    please can you make mod that will turn off rounds limitations?
    dwhite25 wrote: Why? It's an important tactical point in the game. It forces aggressive play. Keep in mind that:

    1) Soldiers are supposed to get hurt, so you're encouraged to have a pool of soldiers to rotate through
    2) Not all missions have limitations on the number of rounds
    3) The missions that do have limited rounds do so not only for strategic purposes, but also thematic ones. There isn't much point in disarming a bomb that will never go off anyway, for instance.

    That being said, the SDK is available for download to anyone who wants it, so you can always read through the notes and make this mod yourself.

    Adding time limits to almost every mission in a game, which is supposed to be about trying different tactical approaches to a mission, is ridiculous. It actually limits aggressiveness in terms of trying new tactics; it rather forces you to play each level in exactly the same way - the one that proved to be the most successful in the previous level. It's just too risky trying new things. It was fun in the previous two games where it wasn't overused; this time around it is present in like 50% of the missions, and these are not all bomb missions. The in-game rationale of using time limit in many of these missions is also lame.
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