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Everything posted by Khayduc

  1. I did check the cells that were being affected by this crashing (Weyandir/I just noticed that the Primeval Hollow from Lost Spires is also crashing), and there didn't seem to be any editor IDs that had numbers instead of letters. I did try cleaning dirty edits, but the crashing remains with the same MessageLogger.
  2. BOSS, currently I did not see any conflicts and all the mods have been cleaned. Can you explain the editor ID part?
  3. I've been having a very strange crashing glitch that only happens at certain areas from unrelated mods and I'm not sure how to fix it. I've been having crashing around the UL: Eastern Peaks region (Xindia), crashing around Leyawiin's lighthouse using Open Cities Reborn, crashing when I enter the Weyandir dungeon in AFK_Weye and also crashing around Tathra in UL: Cliffs of Anvil. Interior to exterior crashes happen there but fast travel to those areas also result in crashes. I'm not sure what's happening because all these areas are unrelated and the only correlation I can find is that they are along the borders of the map. Any help would be appreciated as I've been having trouble tracing what's going on. Load order and MessageLog below, the MessageLog displays the same results regardless of where I go (Leyawiin Lighthouse, Weyandir, Lake Canulus area, Tathra)
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